v2 Chapter 36: Glory of death (second)

"Optimus Prime, your choice." Wu Yang looked at Optimus Prime.

"I fight only for freedom, and I will not submit to anyone, Wu Yang. If you trample on freedom, you will be my enemy." Optimus said loudly.

"No one can stop what I want to do. Optimus Prime is not going to kill you now, you go." Wu Yang said lightly, of course, let Optimus Prime go, not Wu Yang kind, but Fighting against Optimus Prime outweighs the gains, Wu Yang intends to use Optimus Prime to consume the group of artificial diamonds.

Optimus looked at Wu Yang and turned his body. "Wu Yang, if your existence is a threat to freedom, I will not let you go."

"Really?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"From now on, I am no longer a member of Autobots," said Guilin.

"Guideline, then." Wu Yang threw the sword of judgment to the guideline.

"Uh?" The guideline froze.

"This kind of weapon is of no use to me. I'll send it to you. You're on standby now, waiting for my order." Wu Yang said.

"Aren't we going to fight?"

Wu Yang shook his head. "Before the time has come, we can't consume our limited power, let Optimus Prime and Amazing Sky fight for them."

The line nodded, "I see."

"I'm going to see now, get the seeds," Wu Yang shouted, the huge body broke down into layers of pale red deformed element particles, gathered and shrunk, and became Wu Yang's human posture.

The four robotic dinosaurs of the steel cable made a strange noise, and they really did not expect that this mighty black Transformer turned into a human.

"It's amazing. It can transform between humans and Transformers." Guiding line was surprised.

"Darts come over." Wu Yang jumped from the back of the steel cable.

Two-headed pterosaurs hissed and flew to the ground. Wu Yang jumped on the back of the dartboard and beckoned to Tessa and Su Yueming. "What are you still standing for?

Su Yueming and Tessa ran over and carefully put on the back of the dart.

"The guideline is here waiting for my order." Wu Yang said the last sentence, the dart hissed and flew into the sky.

In the sky, Su Yueming and Tessa both looked at Wu Yang with strange eyes.

"I know I'm handsome, but don't look at me like this." Wu Yang shook her hair.

"Wu Yang, are you a human or a Transformer now?" Su Yueming asked.

"I have fused elements and possessed the ability to transform into Transformers. Let's put it this way, Transformers are equivalent to my form, and human beings are my essence." Wu Yang explained.

"Oh." Su Yueming nodded. "I didn't understand."

"Sister Su, these are not important at all, he is Wu Yang." Taisha looked at Wu Yang's eyes and said.

"You little girl, being cheated, is still helping the people."

In the city center, the sound of bombardment and explosion continued, Optimus Prime, Hornet, Inspector, and Drift were fighting fiercely with the fifty people who created the King Kong.

The number of people who broke the sky was dominant, but the quality could not keep up. Fifty people had a bit of skill in making stingers. Others were not far behind the Hornet and stinger.

The dart flew in the sky, Wu Yang's eyes looked at the roof of a building, "I found it, we go down." Wu Yang grabbed the two women and jumped off the back of the dart.


"What? Ah" Su Yueming and Tessa screamed together.

On the top of the building, Harold stared at Joyce gloomily. "Joyce, the seeds have always been what you want, and we took all the hard work to get them for you, but now you turn your face and don't recognize anyone. "

"It wasn't for me, it was for the shocking sky, Harold, if you still have a little conscience, let it go," before Joyce's words were finished, he was taken from The three men who had fallen from the sky stepped on them.

"Well, why is there nothing?" Su Yueming didn't feel the slightest pain, but felt soft on the ground.

"Because you step on others." Wu Yang smiled.

"It's true." Tessa stared down at the ground.

"Joyce?" Su Yueming hurried back a few steps.

Joyce lay on the ground, a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and "Su" slowly lost his voice.

Wu Yang spread his hand, "Well, you died as a human cushion. You died well, and you died great, Joyce. You are glorious."

Su Yueming glared at Wu Yang, "It's all you."

Tessa's eyes were looking forward, with deep hatred, "If you didn't hunt you then, my dad would not die."

Harold and James glanced at each other. "Your dad is dead, this is what he deserves."

"Damn." Tessa's fist clenched.

"Tessa, do you want to kill them?" Wu Yang asked.

"Um." Tessa nodded and experienced so much that Tessa was no longer the 17-year-old girl.

"Okay, I let you kill them with your own hands." Wu Yang walked towards Harold and James.

Harold and James fired at Wu Yang together, Wu Yang quickly avoided, one speeded up and rushed to the two.

"Ah" Harold and James flew upside down.

Wu Yang walked towards the two and picked up the gun that had fallen to the ground. James and Harold stood up, trying to escape.


With two shots, James and Harold fell to the ground in pain, and both were shot in the legs.

"Tessa is here, and the rest is left to you." Wu Yang said to Tessa and threw the gun at Tessa.

Tessa walked in front of James and Harrow, "You didn't expect you to have today, too, die, ah, ah"

Bang bang

"You will all die, and he will come in confinement," Harold finished the last sentence of his life.

"Confinement? I'm looking forward to his arrival." Wu Yang smiled wickedly.

Su Yueming dragged the black cloth bag over and said, "This is the seed. It's already obtained. What are you going to do next?"

"The next step is to play big."

Brothers, it's still five more. There are wood and wood, wood and wood. Please ask for flowers and evaluation votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.