v2 Chapter 37: The Awakened King Shura (Third)

Fighting continues frantically. Explosions, flames, and death are essential elements.

Optimus Prime and Amazing Sky are inextricably linked. The Chief Inspector, Hornet, Drift, and fifty man-made King Kong fight together, causing great loss of strength on both sides.

In the sky, on the back of the dart, Wu Yang looked at the battle below, "It's almost time for the knife."

"Guide the robot dinosaurs over."

"Boss, receive, robot dinosaurs, the boss is calling us."

"Wu Yang, Optimus Prime and Amazing Sky, their vitality was badly hurt, but they took advantage of you." Su Yueming shook his head.

"I am such a powerful and intelligent person. You are holding seeds on the back of the darts. You do n’t want to participate in the battle and stay in the air."

"Are you going down now?" Tessa asked.

Wu Yang nodded. "It's time to harvest the fruits."

On the hillside in the distance, the three robotic dinosaurs rushed down the mountain like a storm and headed towards the urban area. Wherever they passed, they destroyed everything.

"Quick, quick." Riding on the back of Iron Slag, waving the judgment sword in his hand, "kill them."

The "roar" steel cable roared, and a fiery flame burst from its mouth, bursting three artificial diamonds.

"Roar." The three large steel horns of the iron **** hit everything like a bulldozer.

The howling huge body rolled on the ground, and the long steel thorns on its back strung several artificial diamonds on the ground into candied gourds.

The "roar" steel cable jumped up and tore a rushed synthetic diamond.

Optimus Prime and Jing Tian looked at the rushing robot dinosaurs together, Optimus Prime sighed, "I knew it would be like this."

"Look, that's the guideline, he even rode on the dinosaur." The Hornet cried.

The Inspector fell to the ground, and he had lost his fighting power. "Really, this kid, come now."

"The guideline is no longer part of our Autobots," Optimus said.


Two missiles were launched in the sky and bombarded the overwhelming Optimus Prime and Shock Sky.

Optimus Prime and Jingtian flew upside down at the same time, crashing into a building respectively, unable to climb for a long time.

Balls of pale red Transformer particles fell from the air, and after landing, they turned into a black Transformer.

Wu Yang's mouth opened, and two missiles struck out of it, again bombarding them in the direction of Optimus Prime and Shaotian.


"Ah" Shattering Sky's arm was smashed, and Optimus Prime was not much better.


Drifting and rushing towards Wu Yang, the two knives in his hand chopped towards Wu Yang.

"Take it for you." Wu Yang grabbed the drifting samurai sword, crushed it suddenly, and kicked it on the drifting abdomen.

"Ah," Drift roared, and flew out.

The two man-mades rushed towards Wu Yang from both sides, and the machine gun in their hands blasted at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang jumped up, his body flipped in the air, and one hand was pressed against the head of an artificial diamond. "Ha" twisted the head of the artificial diamond directly.

After landing, Wu Yang didn't stop at all, rushed towards another man-made diamond, grabbed his hands, and tore into two.

"Awful." The particle cannon in the hands of the Hornet aimed at Wu Yang.


The steel cable had rushed over, and the huge steel tail swept across the hornet. The hornet screamed and smashed a small building.

Wu Yang walked towards Shocking Sky, "Shocking Sky, I wonder if your appearance will surprise you."

"You actually pitted me." Shocking sky roared angrily, but was unable to stand up and give Wu Yang a blow. The fierce battle with Optimus Prime before, plus Wu Yang's two missiles, made him basically unable to fight again , And Optimus Prime is similar.

"No no no, how could this seat pit you? You are not so simple." Wu Yang laughed. "Once you get the seeds, this seat will be the object of your eradication. Unfortunately, you do not have this opportunity. "

Optimus looked at the steel cables, iron slag, howling, and said loudly, "Millions of years ago, the **** of war, the great king of Shura, have you fallen into the hands of a human being? Fast Wake up. "

"King Shura? It is a legendary mad warrior. There is no justice or evil. The only goal is to conquer everything. No warrior can challenge this ultimate power. Optimus Prime, you have to awaken King Shura. Hahaha "Bao Tiantian laughed loudly," He will destroy everything. "

The steel wire's body trembled constantly, shaking its huge head, making a painful low roar, iron **** and howling, including the darts in the sky, became manic.

"What's going on? What's wrong with it?" Su Yueming and Tessa gripped the back of the dart tightly in the sky, and the dart was spinning wildly.

"Ah," Tessa and Su Yueming fell from the air.

Wu Yang jumped up, grabbed Tessa and Su Yueming, and after landing, set Su Yueming and Tessa down.

"Hou" the steel cable shouted to the sky, "I am the core conscious steel cable of King Shura. King Shura will be born again and conquer everything."

"Roaring" Iron slag, howling, and darts roared in unison.

Wu Yang said coldly, "Steel cable, are you going to rebel?"

"You will be torn to pieces by me, and it is time for King Shura to wake up." Gang Suo growled.

Iron slag, howling, and darts all rushed towards the steel cables. After hitting each other, the bodies of each robotic dinosaur were changing and combining, and the roaring sound continued.

Finally, the change combination stopped, everyone took a breath, and a huge gray-red intersect transformer appeared almost a hundred meters away, holding a red sword with a burning flame in his right hand, left hand, no longer no The hand is a huge fusion ion cannon with steel wings on its back.

"I am the king of Shura," the roaring voice, and the layers of airflow spread out toward the surroundings.

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