v2 Chapter 38: Power of King Shura (fourth)

Wu Yang looked at the huge King Shura in front of him. In front of his huge body, Wu Yang really didn't look enough.

"King Shura, I did not expect that the fusion of robot dinosaurs would become such a thing, it is beyond the imagination of labor and capital." This is beyond the plot of Transformers 4. In the original plot, there is no King Shura.

"Roar" The flaming sword in King Shura's hand waved violently, and a huge blade-shaped flame bombarded

Swipe out.


The surrounding high-rise buildings were all destroyed under this blow, leaving a huge sword mark over 500 meters long on the ground, and the land around the sword mark was melted.

"Slump." A crosshair called out, "This guy is too scary."

"Especially, it's been blown up." Wu Yang ran quickly towards the front. Fortunately, he ran fast. The blow that almost hit him just now.

Those Transformers who did not escape were directly crushed by this blow, such as those remaining artificial diamonds, as well as the Inspector and Drift, were directly hung up by this blow.

Wu Yang grabbed Su Yueming and Tessa, and Tessa cried, "Wu Yang, what should we do now?"

"Specially, the dog is gone. This King JB Shura is so strong that what he has to do now is to escape." Wu Yang rushed forward, and there is nothing more important than his own life.

Optimus looked at the tragic surroundings. "Wake him up, is it wrong or right?"

"Of course it is correct, Optimus Prime, what you have done is so good. This time we are all losers. Let us see you next time." Shocked by nature, he stood up and ran towards the sea ahead.

"Shocking sky, you don't want to leave." Optimus struggling to stand up and followed Shocking Sky.

"Conquer!" King Shura growled loudly, and the huge ion cannon formed by his left arm ran toward Wu Yang.


The ground trembled violently, the billowing smoke and dust were blown up and splashed, and the powerful shock wave spread toward the surroundings, giving people a feeling of upside down.

After everything calmed down, a crater of 100 meters in diameter was left on the ground, and many places in the pit were still smoking.

Ten meters away from the edge of the pit, Wu Yang stood up hard, and some of the parts on his back fell down thinly. Although not dead, he also peeled off the skin. The sightline not far away was worse, one arm was missing, and the head was missing by a quarter.

"Grass mud mud horse." Wu Yang roared, turned around and looked at King Shura who came.

"Wu Yang" Su Yueming helped Tessa stand up from the ground, her hair was disheveled and her clothes were torn.

Guiding line slowly walked over holding the sword of judgment with the remaining hand, "Boss, how do you get it now?"

"Guideline, you take them both, this King of Rausch, labor and capital to deal with it." Wu Yang said loudly.

"Boss, I won't go, we fight with him together," shouted the line.

"Wu Yang, I won't go," Tessa cried.

"You bastard, hijacked me, now you want to send me away, it's so easy." Su Yueming called.

Wu Yang glanced at the second daughter, "It's all the time for blind jb to make trouble. What are you doing here to stay and be an ant step on King Shura?"

"And you, it's all this kind of thing. If you stay to fight for an egg, you can only drag your money back. All you have to do is take your two mistresses away." Wu Yang was a bear in front of the line. .

"But" Su Yueming still wanted to say something.


"But a woolen yarn, you think that labor and management don't want to go together. There will be no **** when he walks together. Specially, labor and management are rare for a great time, you two stupid women. No one can guarantee your safety, is labor and capital still a leader? "Wu Yang said loudly.

Looking at Wu Yang on the line, he threw the sword of judgment to Wu Yang, "Boss, I'm gone, you must come back alive."

The line ran to Su Yueming and Tessa, and held the second daughter with the remaining hand. "The mothers and mothers are gone. Don't disappoint the mind of the boss."

"Wu Yang" Tessa cried with tears.

"Abominable, you bastard, if you come back alive, I will let you take all the food." Su Yueming shouted, she felt a little moist eyes, even tears, how awful, how could you cry?

Wu Yang pointed to the Shura King with the sword of judgment, "Foolish King Shura, labor and capital are here." All of them need to look up at this force, it is too high, and Buboman is only half its height.

"Conquer!" King Shura roared.

"Conquering your mother, Laozite must let you idiot kneel down and hug his head to sing conquest." Wu Yang rushed towards Shura King. There was a feeling that the strong man was determined to die.

"Conquer!" Del Blaze sword in the hands of King Shura slashed towards Wu Yang.

"Ah" Wu Yang yelled, kicked vigorously on the ground, escaped King Shura's sword, and leaped towards King Shura.

"Yeah!" Wu Yang, who jumped to the waist of King Shura, suddenly slashed away.


The Sword of Judgment crossed the body of King Shura, but in the end, no trace was left.

"Sun!" Wu Yang couldn't believe what he saw, "What kind of armor is this?" In fact, it was simple. King Shura combined the strongest armor of all robot dinosaurs, and conventional weapons were not effective against it!

"Conquer!" King Shura roared, and the ion cannon in his left arm waved toward Wu Yang.

"Grass mud horse." A shield appeared on Wu Yang's fingers. Compared to Wu Yang in Transformers form, the shield is now small and pathetic, but its effect is not small. The shield can absorb various impact forces, energy, and light bullets.

Therefore, as long as the shield has a point of contact with the waved ion gun barrel, it can absorb a lot of impact force.


The gun barrel hit Wu Yang's right half. Wu Yang only said three words, "grass mud horse!" Then he was hit by a huge baseball like a baseball.

Bang bang

After smashing countless buildings along the way, Wu Yang finally fell to the ground and stopped rolling after rolling more than ten times in a row.


Wu Yang's right arm was shattered into pieces, and the entire right half was in a state of fragmentation.

"If it weren't for the shield, the labor and capital would have died directly." Wu Yang laughed bitterly, with a hint of helplessness.

"Conquer!" Shura stepped towards Wu Yang step by step.

"Abominable!" Wu Yang's left fist clenched. "Are labor and capital going to die in this place, absolutely not, I, I, my enemies haven't been reported yet, what a joke," A strong will supported Wu Yang stood up.

"Strength, give me strength" Wu Yang shouted in the sky. In the roar, the wreckage of fifty man-made King Kong dead on the street was trembling.

"Conquer!" King Shura came to step on Wu Yang with a huge foot.

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