v3 Chapter 12: Discover Angela (second)

"Are you afraid?" Wu Yang said to Terry.

Terry shook her head. "I'm not afraid of you."

Wu Yang put Terry down. "Stand behind me. I'm going to kill all these things. I want to hurt Terry." When did it become yours?

Terry's face turned red, and she was both happy and shy.

Wu Yang walked towards the bear child paper zombies, "Bear child paper, your parents call you in heaven."

"Wu Yang, be careful," Terry called.

"Rest assured." Wu Yang held the head of a rushing bear child paper zombie, twisted it suddenly, and his neck was broken.

"Ah, ah"

Wu Yang put his hands and feet together. In order to reduce unnecessary time, he directly attacked the head and neck.

In just ten seconds, all the bear children's paper zombies fell to the ground.

"Okay, terrific," Terry Ai said. She couldn't see how Wu Yang shot. She saw the zombies fall to the ground one by one.

The light shone over, Terry looked at it, and it was Jill.

"What happened here?" Jill came over and asked.

Terry swallowed, "Look!"

Jill looked over and saw that the ground was full of zombies. Where did Wu Yang stand, "Did you fix them all?"

"This is obvious," Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's hurry up and find Angela," Jill said.

"No need to find it, it's hidden here, I already feel it." Wu Yang walked to a corner and took away some chairs.

A girl curled up and looked at Wu Yang. "You are the one my dad sent to save me, right?"

"Of course, we can leave here." Wu Yang pulled the girl up.

"You're Angela?" Gil asked.

"Yes, but my friends call me Anjie." Angela said.

"Anjie? I like the name." Jill smiled.

"Let's go, leave this ghost place." Terry didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Let's go." Wu Yang walked forward.

The four pushed the door open, and some of the teachers were wandering here.

"They are here," Angela said.

"It doesn't matter, they are slow and we can rush through." Jill said.

Angela shook her head. "I'm not talking about them, it is it." Angela pointed at a dog on the ground. This was not an ordinary dog, but a zombie dog infected with the virus.

The zombie dog saw Wu Yang and made a sound of fangs, and walked slowly towards Wu Yang.

"Back up." Jill aimed his gun at the zombie dog.

"Wow," the zombie dog jumped up and pounced on Wu Yang.


Bang bang

There was a sound of gunfire, only to see the zombie dog smashed into a sieve, fell from the air to the ground, and hung up.

Jill looked over and was an armed man with a machine gun in his hand.

Bang, bang, bang

The armed men continued to fire machine guns, killed several teachers' zombies, and walked in front of several Wu Yang people. "I think you may need help."

Jill looked at the costume that the visitors were wearing. "You work for an umbrella?"

"It used to be, but they left me here to die, so I think I'm a freelancer now, Sergeant Nicholas, for you." Nicholas laughed.

"Ah" I don't know where a zombie dog came out, and fell on Nicholas.

"Hurry up." Angela ran outside.

Nicholas was lying on the ground struggling vigorously. "Go and chase that girl. I'll deal with this bitch."

"Good luck." Wu Yang took Teri's hand and walked quickly. Whatever Nicolas was about his fart, it was originally a running suit.

"Wu Yang" Gil chased up helplessly.

Nicholas held his dog's head firmly with both hands, and the sound of dog teeth came from one side. Nicholas looked over and another zombie dog came over.

"Ji." Nicholas had only had the time to issue the word, and was bitten. "Ah"

Jill shook his head when he heard the scream and looked at Wu Yang. "You can save him."

"He asked us to go first. He said so confidently that I thought he was great." Wu Yang's innocent face.

Jill took a deep breath. "Forget it."

The four walked into a kitchen and walked through the kitchen to the lobby.

The voice of the "roar" dog came, and two zombie dogs chased up.

"Go out and leave it to me," Wu Yang said immediately.

"Wu Yang" Terry worried.

"Rest assured, just two animals, go out." Wu Yang yelled.

Gil pulled Angela and Teri quickly toward the front.

Wu Yang ran a quick circle in the kitchen, turning on all the gas, "I haven't felt an explosion for a long time."

"Hou" the zombie dog flew towards Wu Yang.

"Go while playing with eggs." Wu Yang smashed the zombie dog with a punch.

Wu Yang took out his gun and walked toward the front. He shot back without hitting his head, and hit the gas tank accurately.


The flames instantly filled the kitchen and exploded violently.

"Wu Yang." Terry shouted.

"This guy." Jill's fist clenched.

"I seem to be late." A voice came over.