v3 Chapter 13: ADHD (third more)

Jill and Terry followed his voice, and it was Alice.

Alice looked at Angela, her eyes changed, "You"


A man flew out and hit the ground. "Specially, I almost let the labor and capital hang up. It's so dangerous."

"Wu Yang" Terry looked at Wu Yang with a gray face in surprise and ran towards Wu Yang. He hugged Wu Yang in surprise. "You are all right, all right, it's really good."

"This guy knows to pretend to be dead." Jill smiled.

Alice smiled. "It seems that everyone is happy."

"You are Angela. It seems that the two of us are similar." Alice laughed. From Angela's body, she had a similar feeling.

"You two know each other?" Gil asked.

"She is infected," Alice said lightly. "And she was deeply infected."

Jill looked at Angela, not being bitten anywhere, with a hint of doubt. "How did you know?"

"Because she is also infected," Angela said.

"What? You are infected, when are you going to tell us?" Jill looked at Alice with dissatisfaction.

Alice sat down and said to Angela: "Let me see."

"No." Angela shook her head.

Alice smiled. "You know I won't hurt you, let me see."

Angela slowly extended her arms out, Alice pushed the sleeves on Angela's arm upwards, and there were round pin marks on Angela's arm.

Alice took out a tin box from the backpack that Angela had with her, opened the tin box, and contained an iron needle tube and some glass tubes filled with green liquid.

"This is antiviral serum, the antidote for t virus," Alice whispered.

Jill said with surprise: "Is there an antidote to that? It's incredible."

"Antiviral serum can only be effective for a certain period of time. It is useless for people who have been infected for a long time but have not been zombified or zombified." Wu Yang said, walking over.

Alice asked, "Where did you get this?"

"Dad, my dad made it for me. He is sick. One day, I will get sick too. He just wants to stop that. When I was young, I had to walk on crutches. They said I My condition will not get better, it will only get worse. Dad found a way to make me stronger. "Angela seemed to be remembering.

"This method is t virus." Wu Yang smiled.

Angela nodded. "Yes, someone came later and snatched my dad's invention."

"Umbrella company, is that so?" Jill said.

Angela said sadly: "My dad isn't a bad guy, and he didn't expect it to happen."

"I can't blame you, it's the umbrella company's fault." Terry comforted.



Alice glanced at her voice and pointed her at the man with a gun, an armed man.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's all your own." Lj ran over and said in a hurry, "he, like you, did a deal with that doctor and came to his daughter."

"My name is Carlos. It seems we are now associates," said the armed man, Carlos.

"You are also stars, and one came just now," Gil said lightly.

"Is it Nicholas? Others," Carlos asked.

"Dead, eaten by a dog." Wu Yang spread his hands.

Carlos shook his head. "Nicholas, cough" coughed violently.

"You've been bitten. I have to say that the protagonists are lucky." Wu Yang looked at Carlos.

lj immediately hid to one side, "You got bitten? Why didn't you say earlier that I still stood so close to you?"

"What do you mean?" Carlos asked.

Alice smiled and said, "Today is your lucky day. It's that simple."

"Go out." Wu Yang walked towards the door.

Next to a phone next to the school, Alice answered the phone. "We have found your daughter."

"I know, let me talk to my daughter."

"No, first tell us how we can get out."

"There is a helicopter, all ready to take off after 47 minutes. That will be the last plane leaving Raccoon City before the explosion."

"I guess this plane is not for us." Alice was no fool.

"No, it's for other purposes, but the guards will not be strict."

"Where is the plane parked?" Alice asked.

"Can I speak to my daughter now?"

Alice knew that Dr. Asifford wouldn't say anything more, and passed the phone to Angela.

After Angela and Asifford talked for a while, Angela called Alice.

"Helicopter parked at City Hall. I suggest you leave immediately."

On a car, Wu Yang and Jill were crowded into a seat due to a small number of people. For Wu Yang, this is a happy picture.

"I said you can't shake." Gil said coldly, even if squeezed together, Wu Yang's legs were shaking like motors.

Wu Yang said innocently: "I have had ADHD since I was a child. Please forgive me."

"Believe it or not I chopped your leg."

"Don't believe it, because Jill is so kind in my heart, definitely not a cruel person." Wu Yang shook his head, shaking his head a little, and an "accidental" kiss on Jill's face .

Jill's body immediately stiffened up and down, "Wu Yang, do you know how to write dead words?"