v3 Chapter 63: Corpse Dragon (sixth, please customize)

Wu Yang and others quickly came to the captain's room, their eyes widened. : Hei66.co

A giant dinosaur-like monster stood on the deck, with dark iron-like rough skin, a pair of huge black wings on his back, and extremely sharp claws, looking amazing.

"What's this?" Kmart said in a trembling tone.

"Huge monsters that have never been seen must have been created by mutation." Chris said.

"Corpse Dragon, this is Corpse Dragon." Wu Yang 's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Dead Dragon? How do you know?" Claire asked.

"Its name is Corpse Dragon. It should be used as a place to settle down. It looks like we haven't found us." Wu Yang said lightly.

Baili Xiaolioli said: "According to calculations, 80% of it may be settled, and there is no intention to destroy it. As long as we do not attack him, it should be safe."

"That's fine, we won't go out, just wait for it to go." Kmart breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Yang smiled, "As a man, how can an animal be born here without being indifferent."

"You're not going to kill it." Alice, Kmart, and Claire have seen Wu Yang's madness, and in Las Vegas, killed the terrible mutant crow king.

"Kill it?" Luther smiled disdainfully. "How to kill this behemoth?"

"Wu Yang is OK, but he has killed a mutant crow more than sixty meters high." Kmart watched Wu Yang's eyes with a touch of worship.

"More than sixty meters? You're dazzled, little girl." Chris apparently didn't believe it.

"I don't have a dazzle. This is true. Don't call me a little girl." K Mart said a little bit angrily, but he didn't believe her.

"Brother, this is true," Claire said.

"I can also testify, this is true." Alice followed.

Chris and Luther look at Wu Yang's eyes changed. "Even if he is strong, there is no way to kill such a huge mutant creature."

"He can do it, because he is also huge." Alice said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Wu Yang spoke, "You do your thing, the survivors in the boat are waiting for you to release, and this corpse dragon is given to me."

Wu Yang went out, flew into the air, and looked down at the dead dragon.

"This guy." Alice's fist clenched and said, just go, don't you have any worries that he will be in trouble?

Claire glanced at Alice, "Isn't he fighting the corpse dragon the most to your heart? You always wanted to kill him."

Alice asked, "Don't it suit your mind? He lied to you that way and did that kind of thing with you." Alice's tone was weak, after all, she had done that kind of thing with Wu Yang Just do it and do it.

"It doesn't fit my mind, I want him alive." Claire smiled.

Alice's eyes changed slightly, remembering what Wu Yang had said to her before: because she was my woman. Isn't it possible between Claire and Wu Yang, absolutely not between them.

Despite her thoughts, Alice said lightly: "Why?"

auzw.com "Alice, why do you think?" Claire smiled.

Looking at Claire's smile, Alice's fist clenched unconsciously. This kind of sweet smile was awful, why? Alice was suddenly reconciled.

"Roar" a roar.

The harsh sounds caused Claire and Kmart to painfully close their ears, and the ears seemed to be stuck with needles.

The two huge blood-red eyes of the corpse dragon looked angrily at Wu Yang, a human being, even dare to challenge it.

Wu Yang shouted, "Stupid dragon, let you paralyze, eat Lao Tzu."

Wu Yang's pupils changed, and a huge air stream swept over the dead dragon.

The corpse dragon roared, the huge black wings waved, and quickly flew up into the sky, avoiding the attack of the air flow.

The roar of the corpse dragon opened its mouth wide, and a large fireball shot towards it.

"Fire? Very good." Wu Yang's eyes flashed a little greed * greedy, a figure flashed, dodging the fireball attack.

"Here, here." Wu Yang waved at the dead dragon and flew forward.

"Roaring" the corpse dragon watched Wu Yang flying away, roared, and chased it up, it wanted this human who provoked it to shred.

Wu Yang looked back at the huge corpse dragon that was chasing it. He had to lead the corpse dragon farther, otherwise the battle would spread to the ship, and he would lose more than anything. After all, there were women on the ship, Alice and Claire.

Without Alice, Wu Yang wouldn't bother to care so much, and he would fight the dead dragon directly.

When Wu Yang's vision could not see the ship, Wu Yang stopped.

"Screaming" The corpse dragon roared loudly, with one mouth open, and a blast of flames blasted at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang didn't dodge, her eyes widened suddenly, and a pulse wave went away against the fireball.


There was a trembling sound, and the flames burst into the sea, making a stabbing sound.

The force of the shock caused Wu Yang's body to shake. "Interesting, it seems you will also be a tough guy. You must have labor and capital on you."

"Roar." The corpse dragon yelled, and its fireball was blocked by humans.

The corpse dragon's wings waved violently, and a strong gale blew towards Wu Yang.

"Your wind is far worse than the mutant crow king. Take out your ability, otherwise you will die." Wu Yang leapt, then fell suddenly, and hurled towards the corpse dragon at a very fast speed.


With a muffled sound, the corpse dragon's huge body trembled and gave out a roar, it was angry, completely angry, a little human, the food in its mouth, even caused it pain.


A fiery flame erupted from the body of the corpse dragon, bursting out suddenly, and the billowing fire waves burned around.

The brothers are embarrassed, and the procrastination has been committed again. It was said that it was sent at 9 o'clock, and it was 10 o'clock. Afterwards, the brothers listened to me at 9 o'clock. It seems that I really need to take good care of my procrastination.

There is also a final chapter. It was originally planned to be half past ten, but now it seems to be half past eleven, hey! .