v3 Chapter 64: Bloodthirsty killing (seventh, please ...

Wu Yang was shocked by the strong flames of the corpse dragon's body, and his clothes were burned by the flames instantly, and the surface skin was directly melted by the flames. heihei 66.

"Ah," Wu Yang made a roaring sound. Both hands could only see the pale red deformed metacarpal, the flesh was gone, and it was melted away.

Wu Yang rushed into the sea suddenly, "Ah" made a heartbreaking cry, and the feeling of being melted made him extremely painful.

Wu Yang's face was also pitted with flames. All he could say was that his appearance was a bit miserable, terrifying, and his bones were seen.

"Stupid dragon, labor and capital will make you smash tens of thousands of dead bodies." Wu Yang said in pain.

The pale red deformed element particles were slowly repaired on Wu Yang's body, which was not as fast as before. It can be said that a flame outbreak of the corpse dragon caused Wu Yang's vitality to be greatly injured.

The kind of flame that could burn everything, almost melted Wu Yang.

"Abominable." Wu Yang looked up, and now he had only anger in his heart, which was made by this animal.

The huge evil eyes of the corpse dragon looked at Wu Yang in the sea, and with a roar, this human was not burned to death by its **** fire.

"Hou" corpse dragon's mouth, a pillar of flame sprayed directly, this time is no longer a fireball.

Wu Yang dived helplessly into the sea water, and his body has not been repaired. For a moment, he will not be reconciled.

Zla, zla

The sea water touched by the flame column made a "Zila" sound, which was directly evaporated by the thick flame column, and a large area of ​​evaporated water vapor rose up and blurred the surroundings.

"Roaring" the corpse dragon stopped the flame spray, and dived towards the sea from a high altitude.


The huge body of the corpse dragon rushed into the sea water and directly splashed a big wave of nearly 100 meters. The impact was too great, and the sea water was constantly shaking.

The rolling seawater had a huge impact on Wu Yang. The process of repairing the body by deformed element particles was interrupted, and a wave of seawater hit his seriously injured body, making him feel that his body was about to fall apart.

The corpse dragon floated on the sea water, and its huge evil eyes closely watched the movement of the sea water. It must tear the human to pieces and eat it.

The "Scream" corpse dragon saw Wu Yang who was unable to control his body due to the impact of the sea water, and immediately swam towards Wu Yang, driving a huge wave of waves, and the speed was amazing.

Wu Yang struggled to control his body in the rolling waves. Before he could do anything, a roar came, and then a huge sharp claw slashed at him with cold light. Makes him unable to escape at all.

"Fuck." Wu Yang yelled, using a momentary movement to bear the pain.

However, the speed of the instant movement was much slower, only one fifth of the normal level.

"Yeah!" Wu Yang snorted, appeared in the sea thirty meters away, and had a huge scratch on his shoulder, which was left by the claws of the corpse dragon.

The corpse dragon roared and was once again avoided by this human.

auzw.com "Stupid dragon, wait a moment, labor and capital will let you understand what it means to survive or not to die." Wu Yang's eyes flashed a cruel killing, never like it is now , Crazy want to kill.

Wu Yang got into the sea and temporarily had to be a tortoise. He shrank for a while, shame, great shame!

Watching Wu Yang dive into the sea, the corpse dragon roared, and the huge body dived into the sea, and no one could escape from it.

Wu Yang was moving fast in the sea water, and the deformed element particles were slowly repairing his body again. The range of the damage was too large, and the speed of repair was slow, which can only be said to be a kind of suffering.

After the corpse dragon had penetrated into the sea water, two huge eyes began searching for Wu Yang's traces. In the water, its vision was completely unaffected and it was found.

The corpse dragon swam quickly towards Wu Yang's location. The huge body carried layers of bubbles and swam toward Wu Yang. The huge body did not affect its speed at all.

Wu Yang's hands quickly slipped and moved, and swam deeper until he reached the bottom of the sea a few hundred meters deep.

The corpse dragon followed, all the way to the human being, and the claws split towards Wu Yang.

"Ah" Wu Yang roared, and once again used the instant movement, appearing above the corpse dragon.


The claws of the corpse dragon split on the rocks on the sea floor, leaving a huge claw mark on the rocks.

Wu Yang didn't stop at all, and swam quickly towards the top. All he had to do now was to delay time.

The corpse dragon roared in the seawater, and the powerful sound wave shook the seawater around it, and it made the human run away again, angry.

The corpse dragon chased towards Wu Yang, killing this human, the bloodthirsty killing intention appeared in the corpse dragon's eyes. And Wu Yang is the same, crazy killing intentions, never before.

Wu Yang rushed out of the sea quickly and flew towards the air.


The seawater rose nearly 100 meters, the corpse dragon's huge body broke out of the sea, two large wings waving strongly, and soon caught up with Wu Yang, who was not fast.

Wu Yang stopped flying and looked at his hands. He had recovered as before. He touched his face with his hands and recovered. There were still some small scars on his body, but these were no longer affected.

"Stupid dragon, ready to die?" Wu Yang said coldly.

"Roar" The corpse dragon roared, and a large fireball blasted towards Wu Yang's back.

"Ah," Wu Yang shouted from the sky, and seven light red deformed element particles emanated from Wu Yang's body, surrounding Wu Yang, flying towards the sky.

"Transformers are heavy." A ten-meter black Transformer appeared above the corpse dragon.

"Transformers dual state." The blue light flashed, and a storm of particles as high as 100 meters surrounded the black diamond.

Procrastination is not bad, in fact, it is not a procrastination. Shahe is updated every day, and I feel like typing, and in the end, I ca n’t type when I look at the computer. But if you say something, you have to say that 7 is more, it is 7 more, and tomorrow is still 7.

Brothers, the shameless five begging, begging for customization, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, hahahaha. .