v4 Chapter 71: I am Wu Yang (fourth more, ...

Wu Yang's joke did not stimulate the atmosphere. Everyone's face was serious, and it was just like a meeting of national leaders. hei.

Banner looked at Natasha. "Do you know that second stage?"

"Do you want to leave here? You can't leave, Rocky wants to control you," Natasha said immediately.

"Don't you want to?" Banner sarcastically said, "Explain why SHIELD uses the Rubik's Cube to develop weapons of mass destruction?"

"Because of him." Fury pointed at Thor.

"What's the matter with me?" Thor said depressed.

"More than eight months ago. An alien visitor came to Earth and he showed great power. Not only did we learn about the existence of other life in the universe, but we also found that our force was far behind them." Fury said.

"My people just want to live in peace with the planet," Thor immediately said.

"But you are not the only alien life. There are other creatures that pose a threat to us. The 21 universe is unmatched and powerful, and no one can control them." Fury walked back and forth.

"But you want to control them like you would a Rubik's cube," Steve said.

"It is precisely because you use the Rubik's Cube to make weapons that Rocky and his companions have been recruited. You are sending a signal to other civilizations to declare that the earth is ready for a high-level war." Thor said with some anger.

"You haven't forced it yet, we have to find a way," Fury called.

"So I thought of nuclear deterrence, which would always solve the problem," Tony said sarcastically.

"Stark, don't forget your history." Fury looked at Tony. The history of the Stark family was developed during the Second World War.

"It would have been long since the Stark family was still making arms," ​​Steve was interrupted without saying anything.

"Hey, wait, how come this is for me," Tony said unhappyly.

"Don't you always focus?"

"I didn't expect you to be as brutal as humans." Thor looked at Fury.

"What happened to humans? We ran to bomb your house."

Fury's remark stabbed Thor's heart. His family was indeed bombed. It wasn't the whole family but the entire fairy palace. "Talk to me," Thor cried.

"Why are you so naive, SHIELD watches over all potential threats," Natasha called.

"Threat? I am a threat, and Captain America is also a threat. Everyone is a threat and should be monitored?" Banner complained.

A bunch of people quarreled, and you wouldn't let me, I wouldn't let your tit-for-tat.

Wu Yang found a chair and sat down, looked at it with a smile, and continued to tear, and continued to tear, so it was interesting.

"It seems that the eagle eye is coming." Wu Yang looked at the scepter placed on the table. The jewels of the heart were emitting a faint light, which was transmitting a signal.

"You are talking about control, but lest the world be chaotic." Thor looked ironic.

"Is that what he is? Isn't that the team we counted and brought us together, it would only create chaos. We didn't wait for the enemy to come over, we killed ourselves." Banner said.

Fury looked at Banner. "Doctor, don't make a joke."

"Why not let him get angry and discouraged?" Tony put a hand on Steve's shoulder.


Steve took away his caress. "You knowingly ask, don't make trouble."

"I want to see if you have the ability to force me." Tony's face was somber.

"You're terrific, brave the armor, take off the armor, what are you left with?" Steve looked at Tony.

"Genius, big money, flowers, sweethearts, philanthropists," Tony replied.

"I know a lot of ordinary people, but ten times better than you. I have read your information, you only care about yourself, you are not the kind of person who will sacrifice. You are not a threat, but please do n’t play a hero anymore. "Steve said coldly.

"Heroes like you? You are the product of an experiment, gaining strength from a few bottles of serum." Tony took a step towards Steve, and the two looked at each other desperately.

"Go and put on your iron skin, we will fight a few rounds," Steve called.

"Hahaha, haha, you humans are so small, this is what happened." Thor's laughter was full of irony.

"Detective Romanov, escorting Dr. Banner to his room." Fury said to Natasha.

"Room? Back to that special room?" Exclaimed Banner.

"Dr. Banner, that room is just"

"Just in case you can kill me just in case. But you are wrong, you can't kill me, I tried it once. I was frustrated and felt that this kind of day was endless, so I swallowed it Suicide, but the guy spit out the bullet. "The guy in Banner's mouth naturally refers to the Hulk.

"There is no way. I can only live. I practice medical treatment to save people. Everything is fine. You went to me, and Wu Yang went and ruined everything. Agent Romanov, didn't you ask me what? Keep calm? "Banner said angrily, holding a scepter with one hand.

Both Natasha and Fury's hands were on the gun, and as long as Banner made any further moves, they would shoot, although it was not useful.

"Doctor, put down the scepter. 000" Steve said to Banner.

Banner looked at the scepter in his hand, and suddenly the computer made a "didi" sound.

"I've found the Rubik's Cube." Banner lowered the scepter. "It seems that you can't see how bright I am."

"I can fly as fast as possible, the Rubik's cube is from Asgard, you humans can't stand it," Thor said.

"You can't go?" Steve stopped Tony ready to go.

"Stop me if you can."

"Go and put on your iron skin."

"I beat the elderly, I have no pressure."

Tony and Steve both looked at each other with harsh words in their mouths.

Wu Yang stood up from his chair. "It doesn't mean anything to see you tearing it. It hasn't even hit you yet. If you don't believe it, just do it."

"Tom, what do you mean?" Ferry looked at Wu Yang.

"Hahaha, haha" Wu Yang laughed, covering her stomach, "Do you really think I'm Tom?"

Everyone's face changed, "Did you"

"Yes, I'm Wu Yang." Wu Yang shouted.

Today's Tanabata is about to pass, and tomorrow is another day. Brothers ask for support, monthly tickets, flowers, and customization! .