v4 Chapter 72: Restraint Avengers (first ...

A pale green light appeared on Wu Yang's face, and the light flashed, Wu Yang changed back to his original appearance, "Are you very excited to see me? Look at your expression, how surprised and excited, after all, It ’s not long to look as handsome as I am, I understand your mood .: hei "

"Wu Yang" shouted angrily, Natasha, Thor, Tony, Banner, Steve all looked at Wu Yang with indignant eyes, but did not expect, really did not expect this guy Right in front of them.

Fury looked at Wu Yang, "It is indeed a public enemy of mankind, and he was able to sneak into our SHIELD silently."

"This is not difficult to do. I like to surprise others." Wu Yang smiled lightly.

"You have succeeded, we are all surprised now, Wu Yang, we must let you die today." Natasha said coldly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I still have such a big temper, but I like that if you can't let me die, what punishment will I give you, I believe I should be able to guess."

"Wu Yang" Natasha said angrily. She felt that her fart had already hurt. This shameless scum, the so-called punishment must be to hit her.

"Natasha, calm down," Fury said lightly.

"I know." Natasha took a deep breath.

"Wu Yang, the damage you caused to Asgard, I must pay you back ten times today," Thor said loudly.

Wu Yang spread his hand. "If you can do it."

"Wu Yang, do you remember me?" Steve looked at Wu Yang coldly.

"Of course remember, isn't this my good comrade-in-arms Steve? Being able to meet again in 70 years is really our fate, but this is the second time we have met." Wu Yang smiled.

"the second time?"

"Of course, have you forgotten it? It's sad, I remember you are still looking forward to the next meeting. I didn't expect to meet, but you have such an attitude." Wu Yang shook his head, his face green. In a flash, Yi Rong became another person.

Steve's face changed dramatically. "You, it's you, you're the man I met next to the artificial lake in New York. Damn it."

"It's me, Captain, why did you ignite such a big fire, I remember you weren't very happy talking with me at that time?" Wu Yang restored his original appearance again.

Steve's fist has turned pale, "Wu Yang, how dare you lie to you."

"You lied, what do you want? Kill me?" Wu Yang said indifferently.

"Captain, calm down. This is the space carrier." Fury reminded.

"I know." Steve nodded.

Wu Yang laughed. "Hahaha, what about the spacecraft carrier? I know, you are afraid to fight and crash this Big Mac from the air."

"Wu Yang, I just want to know, what did you do to Little Pepper?" Tony now had only anger and hatred.

auzw.com "What did you do to her? I let her go, she didn't go to you? Or did you go to her, she didn't follow you? Look at your expression, these two This kind of thing seems to have happened, I will silence you for three minutes. "Wu Yang smiled happily.

"Sure, it must be what you did to her." Tony yelled.

"Tony, calm down," Fury whispered.

"I can't calm down, I want to kill him." Tony shouted.

Banner was already panting, and seemed to be suppressing himself, his voice trembling, "Wu Yang, why do you do that? I have no resentment against you."

"Your shoes are also innocent and innocent with ants, but when you walk, you will step on a lot. Did the ants say nothing to you, but did you trample on me?" Wu Yangdai With a slight disdain.

"You say I'm an ant?" Banner laughed. "Today I'm going to see who is the ant, Wu Yang. I want you to step on the **** to make up for your crime."

"Dr. Banner, calm down, you can't transform here, this place is still in the sky," Ferry called.

"Then what do you say? Look at this guy and be mad in front of us so that I would rather die." Thor shouted and took out the hammer.

Tony said coldly, "I think so too. Rarely we have the same idea and do nothing? I can't do this."

Natasha each of them is trying to suppress their anger and resentment, because this is a spacecraft carrier. Once it is really started, the battle will cause this huge air giant to crash. There are thousands of people in the aircraft carrier. Crashing from the air will undoubtedly die.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha" Wu Yang smiled cheerfully, ". Your life is really boring, worry about this, worry about that, I am the most hateful person in your eyes, these enemies are standing in front of your eyes, but you You have to suppress yourself. If I were you, there would be nothing to do with so much, just fight. "

"Don't talk, listen to me. I know that this aircraft carrier has too many people. Once they fight, they are very likely to die. But there is no way to do it. The weak cannot decide whether to live or die. You Don't be hypocritical, full of hypocrisy and righteousness, come on, come and kill me. "Wu Yang hooked in front of him.

"I can't bear it anymore." Banner yelled.

"Dr. Banner is calm down. He is trying to provoke you and make you transform. Don't be fooled." Exclaimed Fury.

"I know, but I can't stand it, this person, I want to tear him up." Banner was desperately suppressing his anger. In this case, he would stimulate it again, or he might transform.

Only Fury, Natasha, and Steve can keep calm. The eyes of Tony, Thor, and Banner have all been bleeding, and they are ready to attack at any time, and the three of them are unbearable.

"Thunder Thor, give me a little restraint. What's the difference between you and Wu Yang who destroyed your home? Do you want to ignore us humans?" Fury called.

"Then what do you say?" Thor shouted.

Wu Yang spread his hands, found a chair and sat down. "I give you time, but I'm afraid you don't have much time. Someone will come soon."

"What do you mean?" Fury asked.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "It means that this aircraft carrier is sinking."


The entire aircraft carrier was shaking, a huge explosion came, and a strong flame rushed into the laboratory, destroying everything here. .