v4 Chapter 92: Indifference attack (sixth more, ...

The blue light flashed in the sky, and a crazy storm of particle particles appeared. "Roar, my lord, King Shura is coming!"

The particle storm was rapidly and freely fusing, and the steel giant King Shura, who was more than a hundred meters long, waved the wings of steel and shouted in the air.

"King Shura, this seat orders you to attack, whoever blocks, tears him up." Wu Yang shouted standing in the middle of the king's head.

"Roar" King Shura issued a roar and flew towards the front.

The appearance of such a behemoth naturally attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Oh my God, what is this, exactly? Is it about to destroy us?" The ordinary people hiding were frightened.

"God bless, **** bless, let these **** things disappear."

auzw.com "Mom, I'm afraid."

"Who will save me, this is hell."

"It must be Wu Yang. All this is done by Wu Yang. He is going to exterminate human beings. We are all dead."

"Yes, it must be Wu Yang. That guy is the devil's reincarnation. Now he is going to turn the world into hell. What should we do? God come to save us."

Luo base station looked at the Shura King who was flying on the aircraft and froze. "What kind of ghost is this? It didn't come out of the wormhole."

Steve frowned, "Is Rocky's reinforcements?"

"It doesn't look like it's not coming out of the wormhole. It's not possible to judge whether the enemy is a friend or not." Iron Man's voice came.

Thor floated in the air, looking at King Shura's head, his face changed, "Wu Yang, it's Wu Yang, Wu Yang is there."