v4 Chapter 93: Hulk flesh (first more ...

On the street, a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and large trucks came over, and many American soldiers quickly stepped down from the large truck and fired at each other with the Chitari infantry on the street.

In the sky, the fighters roared, and hundreds of US Air Force fighters flew over, launching missile bombardment on the aircraft of the Zetaru Army.

The entire scene has lost control, and the melee is endless. There are only endless bombardments, blasts, panic screams, and the collapse of the building.

"Roaring" King Shura roared, fluttered up and down in the air, flames sprayed, the building collapsed, and everything that passed was turned into a ruin.

King Shura is attacking indiscriminately. Whether it is the army of Kitari or Yankee, there is no difference in his eyes. They are the objects of destruction, destruction, and crazy destruction. Fight and destroy.

Wu Yang looked at all this and smiled. "It's still not spectacular enough. Let me add some more."

The blue light flashed in the sky, and fifty particles of deformed element particles were flying in the air, falling towards the ground, and turning into artificial diamonds.

"Artificial King Kong, it's time for you to be active. There are only enemies here. Let's make the most of your destructive nature. Attack!" Wu Yang roared.

"Roar, roar, roar" All the man-made diamonds roared to the sky, firing guns and bombing on the street.

Chitari infantry attacks people