v4 Chapter 181: Don't meet me before Wu Yang (second)

The display screen quickly scanned, confirming Wu Yang's identity, and issued an electronic tone, "Captain Rogers has no permission to enter the Insight Program."

"Leapfrog authorization, Director Nicholas J. Fury." Fury said.

"Authorization succeeded."

The elevator started to move down quickly. Fury told a story about his grandfather, and Wu Yang put it together without a word.

After Fury's story was finished, the elevator also stopped, and Fury and Wu Yang stepped out of the elevator.

Wu Yang looked at the three huge spacecraft carriers that had been completed ahead. The lights were bright here, and a large fighter jet was transferred to the spacecraft carrier.

"Is this the Insight Plan?" Wu Yang asked.

Freey said lightly: "They are the tools of the Insight Program. They surpass the previous three generations of spacecraft carriers. Once they fly into the sky, they can be used for continuous sub-orbital flight."

"The satellite that" fired "the ship and" fired "should have something to do with it."

Fury looked at Wu Yang. "Yes, rely on it to locate any target on the ground. Terrorists do not need to show up. Satellites can read their DNA directly. The spacecraft carrier strikes and it can be destroyed in one minute. 1000 people "

Wu Yang said indifferently, "It is really insightful to be able to destroy the ants on the ground, but who do we have? Do we have the qualification to destroy others? Even if he has not done any bad things, shall we destroy him?"

"We can't wait until disaster strikes before we act. We have to kill all the threats in the cradle. New York has disappeared forever in history. Do you think the entire United States has disappeared. The insights program succeeded, and we can reduce a lot of disaster."

"The disaster will not disappear. As long as Wu Yang still exists, and your behavior is no different from Wu Yang, you are pointing a gun at everyone on the ground. This is not protection, this is intimidation." Wu Yangyi Face justice.

"What Wu Yang did will definitely pay the price he deserves. This doesn't require the captain to come to" teach "."

"You don't need me to" **** "your mind, is there any way for you?" Wu Yang asked.

"There is definitely a way. Now let's not talk about Wu Yang. Captain, I have read the documents of the Academy of Strategic Sciences. You and your team have seen many unforeseen things in order to win." Fury said lightly.

Wu Yang froze for a moment, what is the document of the Academy of Strategic Sciences of Lauchzi, forget it, "It's true that we have done a lot, but we did not do it for victory, but for everyone's freedom. But now you do this, Is it for freedom? "

"Captain, the world has changed, not the world you know. We at SHIELD accept the present world, not change him."

Wu Yang nodded. "Well, have a good day, Captain Fury."

Wu Yang walked towards the front after speaking, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. Occasionally, he was a person with a sense of justice. The contrast was very interesting.

Wu Yang took the elevator, returned to the original floor, and walked into the hall.

When they saw Wuyang's SHIELD staff, they said hello, "Hi, Captain."

Wu Yang smiled and responded non-stop. This respectable feeling is not exciting. Wu Yang prefers the feeling that others are afraid of him and fear him.

"Yo, Captain." A voice came over.

Wu Yang looked at it. It was Natasha. "Natasha."

"Did Fury say something to you?" Natasha came over with a smile on her face.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

auzw.com "It doesn't matter. Agents don't need to know what they shouldn't know. Are you ready to go home? I think you should talk to your beautiful neighbors." Natasha smiled. Road.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and he raised a brow, "I don't know her name yet."

"Captain, you are a failure." Natasha shook her head.

"Well, you go with me to explore the wind?"

"It's rare that you should ask me to go with you." Natasha was surprised.

"Why not?"

"Of course it is, how can such a rare thing not go?" Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang walked towards the front, "Then have it."

In the external lane of the SHIELD headquarters, a heavy motorcycle was galloping fast. Wu Yang was riding a motorcycle, and Natasha was sitting on the back seat, supporting the back seat shelf with both hands.

"Can you do this? If it is fast, it will fall easily." Wu Yang cared.

"You want me to pinch your waist? Sorry, I'm disgusted now when I meet a man's body, which will make me crazy." Natasha frowned slightly.

Wu Yang snarled a smile, "Is it because of Wu Yang?"

"Why talk about him?" Natasha's voice chilled.

"You were captured by Wu Yang with Agent Hill on the space carrier before. I heard many rumors that Wu Yang did a lot of things to you."

"I didn't expect the captain to be interested in those gossip rumors." Natasha with a hint of irony.

"Just heard about it, nothing to talk about."

"What Wu Yang did to me, I was only bitten by a dog, I didn't care." At the same time, Natasha's teeth almost bit her mouth * lips, and her fist was also pinched Blush.

"Really don't care?" Wu Yang laughed.

"I don't care, as long as I kill him, nothing happens." Natasha said coldly.

"Good idea. There are too many people who want to kill him, but he is still alive and well. When can he be killed?"

Natasha's eyes flickered with a fascination. When will she kill Wu Yang? Can only be said coldly: "I will kill him."

"I have ambition, I hope you can succeed, so the whole world will thank you." Wu Yang smiled lightly.

There was a hint of complexity in Natasha's eyes, "Do not presume Wu Yang in my presence in the future."

"Reminds you of bad things? Don't you care?"

"Don't ask why?" Natasha said coldly.

"Ok, my home is here." Wu Yang stopped the motorcycle in front of a loft.

Wu Yang and Natasha got off the motorcycle and went up to the second floor together. Natasha looked around. "This is where the American hero lives."

"Okay, okay, I hung up the phone." A woman holding a basket of clothes hung up and looked at Wu Yang and Natasha. ..