v4 Chapter 182: Sharon Carter (third)

The woman holding the basket greeted Wu Yang and Natasha, "Hi, how are you."

"Is this your beautiful neighbor? Captain, your response is really too slow." Natasha shook her head. "Hello, I'm Natasha."

"My name is Kate."

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. Kate, whose real name is Sharon Carter, Agent 13 of the SHIELD Special Agent Team, was sent by SHIELD to protect Captain America in secret. Of course, there is also a surveillance component in it.

These are not important, only one point is important. Sharon Carter is Paget Carter's niece. During World War II, Wu Yang brought Paget to the villain space. Sharon Carter was not born.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. Looking at Sharon Carter, it said that there was a relationship between Peggy and Sharon. She was also his niece. It was all evil to think about it, hahaha.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Kate, holding so many clothes is very troublesome to wash. I have a washing machine in my room. If you don't mind, you can use my washing machine."

Natasha smiled and said, "Good way to talk."

"This, I'm not bothering you." Sharonka nodded characteristically, declined politely.

Natasha said, "What's the trouble, just use the washing machine, don't be shy."

"I'm not shy," Sharon immediately said.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "If not, then come in and use my washing machine."

"Okay." Sharon nodded.

"Leave it to me." Wu Yang stepped in front of Sharon, ready to pick up the basket in Sharon's hands.

Sharon shook her head. "This is not necessary, I can hold it by myself."

"Kate, if you reject others like this, he will hurt your self-esteem. You don't even give him a chance to show, how can you do that?" Natasha smiled.

"Okay, okay." Sharon handed the basket to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's "dew" showed a hint of evil. There were a lot of clothes in the basket.

Sharon's face was "red" a little red. "Well, let me do it myself. This, this one is really embarrassed."

Wu Yang seemed to laugh and laugh, and acting was good. As an agent, how could he blush because of a few pieces of clothing? If the blush was this degree, the agent would not have to do it.

"I didn't see anything," Wu Yang said solemnly.

"That is, Kate, you have to believe him, he is an extremely upright person." Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang opened the door of the room, the three went in, and Wu Yang went to the washing machine.

"I'll do it myself." Sharon immediately walked over and took the basket in Wu Yang's hands.

"Okay." Wu Yang nodded.

Wu Yang came to Natasha, "Want something to drink?"

"No, don't be so polite, I'm just here for fun." Natasha sat down in her chair.

After Sharon had put her clothes on, she came over, "That doesn't bother you, I'll take the clothes back when I'm done washing it. Thank you so much."

"Kate, you are really kind. We are all neighbors. This is the right thing. I was too busy before. I did n’t ask you to come over for a cup of coffee. Sit down. It's not too late to leave, "Wu Yang said with a smile.

auzw.com Natasha gave a thumbs up. "It seems I'm extra worried. Do you talk to girls?"

"That, that ..." Sharon looked indifferently.

Natasha smiled and said, "Kate, gentlemen like this, you don't want to embarrass him."

"Well, bother." Sharon nodded slightly to Wu Yang.

"No, not at all, you guys talk, I'll get you some coffee." Wu Yang walked towards the kitchen.

Natasha looked at Sharon and whispered, "How do you feel here, Agent 13 Sharon Carter?"

"It feels good, Agent Romanov." Sharon smiled.

"That's good. Actually, I think you and Steve are a good match. Would you like to try it together? It will also make your work easier."

Sharon shook her head. "My task is to protect and monitor. I don't consider anything else."

"It's really a shame. I heard that during World War II, your aunt Peggy Carter and Steve seemed to have a good relationship. If it weren't for Wu Yang, Steve might be your uncle." Natasha With a smile.

Sharon frowned when she heard the words "Wu Yang", "Wu Yang is still alive, is my aunt still alive now? Actually, I have no trace of my aunt. After all, I was forty years after her disappearance. Just born. "

Wu Yang came over with two cups of coffee. "You look so happy talking."

"Just talk about it and help you" touch "and" touch "the bottom, don't thank me." Natasha took the coffee that Wu Yang handed over.

"Thank you." Sharon said thank you.

Wu Yang sat down. "It's a rare person here today."

"Really? Then thank you so much." Natasha took a sip of coffee, and then her expression changed.

Wu Yang asked, "It's hard to drink?"

"It's really special." Natasha's face was uncomfortable.

Sharon also took a sip, her expression stiffened. "It's really special."

"It seems difficult to drink, I'm really sorry." Wu Yang smiled without apology.

"Steve, it seems you really need to find someone to accompany you," Natasha said.

Wu Yang spread his hands. "Who should I look for?"

"Far in the sky and close in front of my eyes." Natasha put the coffee on the table. "It doesn't seem to be my business here, go on, Steve, seize the opportunity."

Wu Yang shook his head slightly. "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"If you don't understand, just leave." Natasha went out.

Now only Wu Yang and Sharon are left, Wu Yang smiled and said, "Did you watch TV?" Without waiting for Sharon to answer, Wu Yang has turned on the TV.

There is a fierce kiss of a man and a woman on the TV, and kisses and kisses on chuang, the gasping voice keeps on.

"Can you change stations?" Sharon asked.

"Isn't this good-looking?" Wu Yang smiled a little.

Sharon stood up. "My clothes are washed, so I won't disturb you." Sharon walked towards the washing machine. ..