v5 Chapter 18: Make friends (second more)

"They're back, they're back." The students under the forest all cried, and this time they were standing apart, otherwise they would be worth the money.

"Ah ..." Hermione yelled.

The wings of the eagle horse slowly waved, fell towards the ground, landed on the ground steadily, and trot toward the front.

"Wu Yang." Hagrid called and ran towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang jumped off the back of the eagle, and then held Hermione off the back of the eagle.

"Don't hug me." Hermione pushed Wu Yang away and ran towards a tree.

"Wu Yang, do you know how dangerous this is? It's too chaotic. What if something happens? It's so smart to take Hermione with him?" Hagrid pointed at Wu Yangyi Scolded.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Hager, the eagle horse is really a good horse. It is a very good creature. I think it is very meaningful for you to bring us to this class."

"It's no use for your kid to make a badass," Hagrid said, and then he laughed. "If your kid knows the goods, it's fine today. Nothing has happened. Next time, I won't let you go."

"There will be no next time." Wu Yang walked to the side.

Hagrid shouted, "Then next, who else wants to try it, Harry, just come."

Harry Potter froze. "Me?"

"It's you, come here, bow to the eagle horse first, and wait for it to give you a gift." Hagrid said.

Harry Potter walked over and bowed ten meters before the Eagle Horse.

"You have to slowly, step by step, you can't learn Wu Yang." Hagrid reminded.

Ron came to Hermione. "Hermione, isn't it nice to fly in the sky? He even flew on the back of a hawk."

"You don't know anything, just say" chaos ", Wu Yang, I'm sure I won't let him go," Xerang ", lunatic," Hermione called.

Ron froze. "What did he do to you?"

"You don't need to know this." Hermione hurried away.

Ron "touched" and "touched" his hair with his hands. "It started to be abnormal again."

"Ron." Wu Yang came over.

"Wu Yang." Ron looked at Wu Yang with a hint of worship in his eyes.

"Arguing with Hermione." Wu Yang laughed.

Ron said in an unpleasant tone, "She is often abnormal, and just now called you" Sir "Lang, lunatic, how could you be that kind of person and don't know well."

"I'm used to it. I'm often misunderstood by me. What others say about me, I don't care." Wu Yang looked at Hongchen.

Ron immediately said: "That's because they don't understand you. I think you are very good at Wu Yang."

"Thank you." Wu Yang laughed. "Ron, I heard you have a sister?"

"Yeah? Her name is Ginny. What's wrong with her?" Ron said, confused.

Wu Yang sighed. "I envy you. I have brothers and sisters. I have always been alone."

"I can be your friend," Ron said with excitement.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, "That's great, I'm glad to be your friend."

Ron looked at Wu Yang ’s hand, swallowed a sip of water, and choked his hand **** his clothes. He held it with Wu Yang ’s hand. “That, that, I ’m also very happy. , Willing to be friends with me. "

auzw.com "Of course I do, because Ron is also very good at you." Wu Yang laughed.

"Hahaha, isn't it?" Ron couldn't help laughing.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Ron, don't worry, no one will mess with you in the future. Whoever messes with you will mess with me."

"Thank you, thank you ..." Ron couldn't speak happily.

"Ron, when did you call Ginny out and let me know, it is your sister after all, and I want to see what it looks like." Wu Yangxie smiled, Sima Zhao's heart was completely violent * "Lu" came out.

Ron agreed without thinking, "Okay, Ginny will be happy."

"Then Ron, I'm going to educate Malfoy and make him a good polite kid. I will never dare to stand up in front of you." Wu Yangxie went away with a smile.

Ron looked at Wu Yang's back. "I didn't expect that I would become friends with Wu Yang."

Wu Yang walked towards Malfoy. Looking at Wu Yang approaching, Malfoy and Crabbe's bodies couldn't stop trembling, "Wu Yang ..."

"The two of you are good. I didn't call me together in class. It really disappointed me." Wu Yang shook his head.

Malfoy said nervously, "That, that we are afraid of disturbing you to sleep."


"Yes, it is true." Malfoy and Crabbe just felt a chill in their hearts.

Wu Yang slaps a hand on Malfoy. "Looking at you guys, it's just a joke. Of course I know you are afraid of disturbing me to sleep. What are you so nervous about?"

"Haha, haha ​​..." Malfoy and Crabbe laughed, this demon.

Harry Potter returned from riding the eagle, with a look of excitement.

Hagrid praised: "Harry, you are doing very well, very well."

Malfoy snorted. "What's so great."

"You are not convinced?" Wu Yang asked.

"No, no." Malfoy's cold sweat slipped out, forgetting that the demon Wu Yang was still there.

Wu Yang patted Malfoy on the shoulder. "Go ahead, it's time for Malfoy to prove that you are better than Harry Potter."


Hagrid shouted, "Who else wants to try?"

"Malfo." Wu Yang called out.

"Okay, Malfoy is here." Hagrid waved at Malfoy.

Wu Yang pushed a hand on Malfoy, "Malfoy, go on, behave well, don't" chaos ", I'm watching here."

Malfoy walked stubbornly, followed Hagrid's instructions step by step, and finally successfully walked to the side of the hawk.

Malfoy smiled proudly at Harry Potter and then said to Hagrid: "Can I ride now?"

"Of course, as long as you are ready," Hagrid said.

Wu Yang turned around and walked towards the front, his eyes flickered a little.

The eagle and horse suddenly made a loud hissing noise, his front legs vacated, and Malfoy, who had just sat up, was lifted down.

"Ah, ah ..." Malfoy howled on the ground.

This sudden situation shocked everyone, all screaming. ..