v5 Chapter 19: Not pleasing (third more)

Many students are studying here in the study room at Hogwarts.

Wu Yang, Malfoy, Crabbe, and several Malfoy's younger brothers are here. Malfoy put a bandage on his arm.

"Malford, don't worry about your arms," ​​a female student asked.

"Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't, but I think I'm lucky enough," said Madam Pomfrey. If I was a few minutes late, my arm might not be able to hold it, "Malfoy said. Homework. "

Wu Yang shook his head. "That is really unfortunate, Malfoy, you have suffered."

Ron, sitting not far away, said dismissively, "Listen, listen, he really pretends, doesn't he just fall off right away."

"At least Hagrid wasn't fired," Harry Potter said lightly.

"I heard Malfoy's father was furious, and then I don't know what happened," Hermione said.

"Hope, don't get involved with Hagrid," Harry Potter worried.

Hermione looked at Wu Yang, who was sitting with Malfoy. "That guy who is so embarrassed."

"Do you say Wu Yang? Wu Yang and Malfoy are different." Ron countered.

Hermione resentfully said, "What do you know?"

"I knew that Wu Yang was different from Malfoy. Didn't you see that Malfoy didn't dare to be arrogant when Wu Yang was here? The recent anger was small," Ron called.

"That's because Wu Yang is worse than Malfoy." Hermione snorted.

Ron shook his head. "I think you are biased against Wu Yang, Harry, what do you say?"

"Well, I don't know Wu Yang, so I won't comment."

Hermione glared at Ron. "Ron, what good does Yang Yang give you, making you favor him like this?"

"He is my friend." Ron looked up.

"What? You became friends with him?" Hermione shook her head silently.

"Can not do it."

"Okay, of course you are terrific, Ron you just wait to regret it."

Ron didn't understand. "Hermione, I don't understand. Did Wu Yang do anything to you? Let you see him so unhappy."

"He ..." Hermione shut her mouth. "You don't need to worry about it."

"Cut, who cares."

"You seem to be arguing because of me. I'm really sorry." Wu Yang sat down beside Ron.

"Wu Yang." Ron said happily when he saw Wu Yang.

"Hum." Hermione snorted coldly, thinking of what Wu Yang had done to her on Yingma's back, "What are you doing here?"

Ron called, "Hermione, of course Wu Yang can come here."

"Ron, talk well. I like to convince people with reason." Wu Yang smiled.

Ron nodded. "Wu Yang, you're right. You are convinced by reason, you are convinced by reason."

"Hermione, did you not say something about it?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

There was a hint of shame in Hermione's eyes, "Don't be proud." Hermione has a "hair" disease, and you can't say "hair" disease, that is, high self-esteem, what Wu Yang did to her, did she The way out, she was known by others, so how could she be a human being?

"What is it?" Ron asked.


"Ron, don't ask more. You don't need to know these. Wu Yang, if you tell those, I'll fight with you." Hermione gritted her teeth.

Wu Yang nodded. "You can rest assured that this kind of thing is only good for me, and not bad. How can I be so stupid as to let go of" exposure. "

"Abominable." Hermione looked at Wu Yang with a grudge. "You hypocrite, don't think that's all it takes."

Wu Yang spread his hands. "I'm waiting for your lesson."

"You can stay here." Hermione stood up and left quickly.

Ron said dissatisfied: "Wu Yang, ignore her, she has been in an abnormal state these days."

"It's okay, I won't take it to heart." Wu Yang smiled lightly.

Ron looked at a place, "Ginny, come here, Wu Yang, that's my sister Ginny."

Wu Yang's eyes brightened, and looking towards the place where Ron was pointing, she was a quiet and beautiful woman with bright brown eyes and long red hair.

"Brother, is there anything?" Ginny came over, but kept her gaze on Harry Potter.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. It seems that Ginny was secretly in love with Harry Potter at this time, but it is also normal. Anyone who has watched "Harry Potter" knows that Ginny finally became Ha. Liberty's wife.

"Harry, Harry." Ginny greeted Harry Potter, looking a little nervous.

Harry Potter laughed. "Hello Ginny."

Ron shouted, "Ginny, this is Wu Yang, please say hello soon."

Ginny looked at Wu Yang with a strange expression. "I know him. He was the man who undressed in the compound that day."

"Ahem, please don't pay attention to those details." Wu Yanggan smiled, "Fuck," the first impression that people make is very bad. You seem to have made a good impression.

Ron nodded. "Ginny, you can't just look at the surface. Wu Yang couldn't help it that day."

"I see." Ginny nodded.

"Just know, Ginny, Wu Yang is my friend." Ron looked proud.

Ginny puzzled, "Brother, are you friends with him?"

"No?" Ron asked.

"No, I just feel a little surprised." Ginny shook her head.

"What's unexpected?"

"Brother, if it's okay, I'll go first. Harry, goodbye Harry." Ginny said something goodbye to Harry Potter and left.

Ron glanced at Ginny and Wu Yang, "Wu Yang, this ..."

"It doesn't matter, Ron, your sister is very beautiful." Wu Yang smiled.

"Really? Hahaha."

Harry Potter said to Ron, "Ron, I'll go back first." Harry Potter stood up and glanced at Wu Yang. He had a bad feeling about Wu Yang.

"What happened?" Ron called.

Wu Yang smiled, "Ron, you go too."

"Wu Yang, see you next time." Ron followed quickly.

Wu Yang shook his head. "I really don't like it. Then come on."

Brothers, I'm sorry, I can only make three more changes today, I'm really sorry, because it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the class has to go to the party, and time has been delayed. Here I wish all my brothers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy reunion, and a happy life. ..