v5 Chapter 37: Little dwarf Peter (second)

Hermione and Harry Potter entered the tree hole and stared at the road in front of them. "This is a secret passage. Where does it lead?"

"I have a hunch, I wish I was wrong." Harry Potter walked forward.

The two walked along the secret road, stopping to reach an upward square exit, the two climbed up.

This is a dilapidated wooden house that looks like it has been inhabited for a long time.

Hermione looked around. "Here, this is like the screaming house in Hogsmeade Village. We are in the screaming house. The screaming house is not accessible from the outside. I didn't expect to have a secret pass under the willow Here. "

"Let's go up." Harry Potter walked down the stairs towards it.

The two reached the second floor and saw Ron lying on the ground. Ron had a bitten leg.

"Ron." Harry Potter and Hermione walked over. "What about the dog spirit?"

Ron called, "He's not a dog spirit, he's Sirius Black." Ron pointed his finger at the back of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter and Hermione turned around immediately, and saw a beggar in tattered clothes, as if he hadn't taken a bath for more than a decade, standing behind the two.

Harry Potter looked at the beggar with resentment. "Sirius Black, you betrayed my parents and let them be killed by Voldemort. I will avenge them today."

"Harry, you're wrong." Black shook his head.

"I'm not mistaken." Harry rushed up, grabbing Blake's neck, "I'm going to kill you."

Angry Harry Potter pressed Black to the wooden board and pointed Black with his wand, "I, I'll kill you."

Blake laughed. "Harry, are you going to kill me?"

Suddenly a wooden door next to it was kicked open, and a person ran in, yelling, "Except your weapon!"

The light "shot" on Harry Potter's wand, and Harry Potter's wand flew out.

Harry Potter looked back and turned out to be Lupin.

Lupin waved at Harry Potter, and Harry Potter stood up and walked aside.

"Sirius, don't you look so embarrassed? The body finally reflects the madness inside." Lupin pointed at Black with his wand.

"Are you fully aware of this?" Black laughed.

Lupin put away his wand, laughed, and raised Blackcrack. The next scene surprised the three Harry Potters, and Black and Lupin hugged together.

Blake said excitedly: "Old friend, I found him, I found him."

"I know, I know." Lupin patted Blake's back with his hands.

Hermione yelled, "No, I used to trust you. I didn't expect you to be with Sirius. Harry, Lupin is a werewolf."

Lupin looked at Hermione. "When did you know?"

"I got it after Professor Snape took a lesson about werewolves," Hermione called.

"Okay, okay, Hermione, you are the smartest witch of this age I have ever seen." Lupin walked towards Hermione.

Blake called, "Don't say, I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to kill him, we're killing him in partnership, Remus."

Lupin looked at Black. "Just wait."

"I've waited for 12 years in Akazban prison." Black cried.

Lupin nodded, "Okay, here you are, kill him." Lupin passed the wand to Black.

auzw.com "But you have to wait another minute, Harry has the right to know why," Lupin said.

"I know the reason. You betrayed my parents. You caused them to die." Harry Potter cried.

"It's true that someone betrayed your parents, but it wasn't him. Until recently I thought that person was dead," Lu Ping said loudly.

"Who is that?" Harry called.

Blake shouted, "Peter, it's him, he's betrayed your parents. He's in this room now, come out, Peter, you can't escape."

Another man ran up the stairs and yelled, "Except your weapon!"

Before Black could react, the wand in his hand flew out.

"How sweet is the taste of revenge, and how I wish I was the one who caught you." Those who ran up said with a dark face.

"Professor Snape!"

"Snape ..." Lupin just wanted to say something.

Snape pointed at Lupin with his wand. "I already told Dumbledore that you helped a friend sneak into the castle, and now this is the evidence."

"It's so smart, Snape, that you put your enthusiasm into your work, but you've come to the wrong conclusion," Black said ironically.

"What do you mean?" Snape asked.

Harry Potter quietly took Hermione's wand and suddenly yelled at Snape, "Except your weapon!"

Before Snape had time to respond, he was knocked out and smashed through a flashwood door.

"Harry, you attacked a professor," Hermione called.

"Tell me the truth." Harry Potter pointed at Lupin with his wand.

"Peter used to go to school with us, and we were friends," Lupin said.

"No, little dwarf Peter is dead. You killed him." Harry Potter looked at Black.

"No, he wasn't dead until you told me you saw him on that map."

"That map is wrong," Harry cried.

"No, that map can never go wrong, he can show exactly where anyone is, and Peter is there." Blake pointed Ron.

Ron froze. "Me ?!"

"It's not you, it's the mouse in your hand," Blake called.

"You said Bambo, he has stayed at my house ..."

"Twelve years, a field mouse has lived for twelve years. That's a weird thing, he's missing one toe, right?" Blake asked.

"so what?"

Harry Potter remembered, "At the time they only knew what little dwarf Peter had left ..."

"One finger, that's right, this mean guy, in order to make people mistakenly think that he is dead, he cut his own finger." Black went to Ron.

"Show me the proof," Harry Potter said.

Black grabbed the mouse in Ron's hand, and Ron called, "What are you going to do with it?"

Black snatched it and threw it to the ground.

The rat uttered a few painful tweets, his body twisted, and quickly expanded into a person. ..