v5 Chapter 38: Two Hermione (third)

The rat uttered a few painful tweets, his body twisted, and quickly expanded into a person. An ugly man who looked stubborn, with two big fangs, was an enlarged mouse.

Ron was stupid. "My spots?"

"Little dwarf Peter." Black cried.

Peter stood up with both hands down. "Remus, Sirius, my old friends."

"Don't call my name, you betrayed James and Lily, sold them to Voldemort, and I'm going to kill you." Blake's expression of killing.

Peter begged, "Don't kill me, I can't help it, you don't know how terrible Voldemort is. What would you do if you were Black?"

"I will never betray my friends." Black shouted.

"Harry, how much you look like your father James, save me." Peter walked towards Harry Potter.

Blake yelled, "Don't come near Harry, what qualifications do you have, now is your death."

"Wait." Harry Potter called.

"Harry, this man ..."

"I know, but we should take him to the castle and give it to the Dementors," Harry Potter said lightly.

Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, and Black were drilled out of the tree hole under the willow willow, followed by Lupin and little dwarf Peter.

"Don't hand me over to the Dementors, and turn me into anything, please, Ron, am I not a good pet?" Cried Peter.

Lupin dragged Peter away. "Don't come near them."

The bright moonlight "shot" down, and a full moon rose from the side of the mountain.

Lupin's heart throbbed violently, his eyes lost his sight, and he became blood-red.

"Remus, haven't you brought your" medicine "water? Stay awake, don't change shape." Black hugged Lupin.

Lupin's body began to change dramatically, becoming slender, his mouth protruding, his teeth becoming sharp, and his hands becoming claws.

At this time, the little dwarf Peter turned into a mouse and quickly fled.

"Don't go," cried Harry Potter.

"Harry." Hermione took Harry Potter's arm, "they now ..."

Eventually, Blake didn't stop Lupin, and Lupin became a standing werewolf. He flew to Blake and yelled.

Lupin, who became a werewolf, walked towards the three of Harry.

"Wow ..." Black turned into a dog spirit, rushed over, and beat the werewolf.

But the dog spirit was not an opponent of the werewolf, and was torn by the werewolf fiercely.

Harry Potter ran forward, picked up a stone, and hit the werewolf.

The werewolf roared and went towards Harry Potter.

"Wow, wow ..." The howling wolf came from the forest.


Hearing this voice, the werewolf stopped his feet and ran towards the forest.

The dog spirit dragged the injured body and walked down the hillside. Harry Potter immediately chased after him and found Black lying on the ground by a lake in the forest.

Suddenly a large number of flying ghost-like creatures flew down from the sky. These are dementors, evil creatures that can extract human souls. They are the guards of the Akazban prison. They came here to catch Sirius Black, but They can't distinguish between Black and Harry Potter.

"Ah, ah ..." Harry Potter and Black yelled, and Dementors kept flying over them, drawing their souls.

Suddenly, from the opposite side of the lake, a dazzling silver-white "color" light was emitted, and a silver-white "color" translucent graceful figure appeared, and the light was emitted from this graceful figure.

A strong light illuminate all around. After encountering these lights, the Dementor avoided them, and was finally dispelled.

After the light had dissipated, Harry Potter fainted.

When Harry Potter woke up again, he was already lying in the school's medical room.

"Harry, you're awake," Hermione called.

"Hermione, I saw you. You saved me and Sirius. You glowed silver and white and dispelled the dementors." Harry looked at Hermione.

Hermione was puzzled by Del's face, "I saved you with a silvery white color? It's impossible. At that time, Ron and I were looking for you, how could I save you."

"I can't read it wrong, that figure is you, emitting a silvery-white" color "light. By the way, what about Sirius?"

"He's locked up now, and I heard they are going to let the Dementor draw his soul."

"No, I can't let this happen."


The door was opened and Dumbledore walked in.

"Principal, you have to stop them, Sirius is innocent," Hermione called.

Dumbledore nodded his head, "I believe in you, but no one will believe it anymore. Time, mysteries, and powerful forces, but improper handling can also be dangerous. Sirius is locked on top of the Dark Tower. "

Dumbledore walked outside, "Hermione, you know the law, you can't be seen by anyone, I think you will come back before the last bell, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable. If you succeed tonight, then You can save more than one innocent life. "

After Dumbledore left, Hermione took out a small round-shaped utensil with a rotating disc inside.

Hermione turned three times, and then the disc inside quickly spun up.

Around Hermione, the figure flashed quickly, and the light that "shot" outside was changing rapidly.

Eventually everything was settled, Harry Potter was gone, and only Hermione was left. The moonlight outside was gone and replaced by the setting sun.

"6:30." Hermione watched the time and quickly ran out of the medical room.

Hermione ran to Houshan, and when passing through a stone gate, a voice came over, "Hermione, I have been waiting for you for a long time. How can such an interesting thing be without me?"

Hermione's body froze. She couldn't be found by anyone now, but she was seen.

"Don't worry, it's me."

Hermione followed the voice stiffly, her face "color" changed, "Wu Yang, why are you here?"

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Of course I can be here. It's weird. I just saw a Hermione, Harry, and Ron walking past here. Why is there another Hermione now? Are you twins ? "..