v5 Chapter 39: Back to the past (fourth more)

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Of course I can be here. It's weird. I just saw a Hermione, Harry, and Ron walking past here. Why is there another Hermione now? Are you twins? ? "

Hermione's face changed dramatically, pretending to be calm: "You saw me passing? It must be an illusion, an illusion, it's not me. Wu Yang, it's going to be dark, you go back."

"Illusion? I ca n’t see my eyes wrong. And now you ’re weird. Usually when you see me, you usually say" 'color' Lang "in anger, but today you look Very panic. "Wu Yang smiled.

Hermione whispered, "Wu Yang, can you walk?"

"Don't go, you are really wrong with you today, and you just walked past you. It seems that you can only be brought before the Hermione who just passed by, so that everything will be true."

"Dare you," Hermione called.

"Do you think I dare?" Wu Yang walked towards Hermione.

"Wu Yang, what do you want?" Hermione looked helpless and anxious.

Wu Yang spread his hand, "I just want to hear the truth."

Hermione took a deep breath and said, "Wu Yang, do you want to know? Okay, let me tell you, I am going back to the past from the future. If I do n’t do it, it will be fatal. "

"Isn't it okay? You have to cover it up." Wu Yang laughed.

Hermione froze, "Do you believe me? No, you said you waited for me for a long time, did you know I would come right?"

Wu Yang snapped his fingers and said, "That's right. I've been waiting so hard. I've been waiting here."

Hermione immediately asked, "How did you know?"

"The reason you can go back to the past time period is because of the 'time turner'." Wu Yang avoided Hermione's question.

Hermione was surprised: "You even know the‘ time rotator ’. It was given to me by Professor McGonagall. You even know this. Wu Yang, how much do you know?”

"Look, if you don't go, you will be too late." Wu Yang pointed at the three Harry Potters who had entered Hagrid's house.

"Abominable." Hermione gave Wu Yang a glance. "I will definitely figure it out, don't think you can hide away. Now, since you already know that I came from the future, there is no way, go with me."

Hermione took Wu Yang's hand, ran down the hillside, hid behind the pumpkin pile, and looked at Hagrid's window.

"Dumbledore, they are here, and they are carrying a big axe. It seems that they are here to kill the eagle and horse. It is really miserable." Wu Yang shook his head.

"Can you not speak? We have to wait for them now to see the Eagle Horse here, otherwise they would think Hagrid had let it go," Hermione whispered.

Wu Yang gave a thumbs up. "It's really tactful to admire it."

"Shut up." Hermione stared at Wu Yang.

"Dumbledore and they are here. I want to remind the three of you who are still in the house, otherwise you will be found. I'd better go directly." Wu Yang stood up.

Hermione held Wu Yang together. "Are you crazy? You can't let them see you. You're disturbing the past."

"Okay." Wu Yang squatted down and looked at Hermione's fart. "Hermione, your inner library is exposed, colorful."

A flash of indignation flashed in Hermione's eyes, covering her back with her hands. "You, Se, Lang, I want to kill you."

"Don't be excited, you must remind them now, hurry up." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Hermione looked upset, picked up a small stone, threw it into the window, hit a vase, and broke the vase.


"I'll do this."

Wu Yang picked up a stone and threw it into the window, hitting Harry Potter's head and making Harry Potter make a painful cry.

"It was me who broke the vase at the time, you hit Harry's head with a stone," Hermione said to herself.

"They came out of the back door, and we hid behind." Wu Yang stood up, took Hermione's hand, and hid in the woods behind.

"Release my hand." Hermione shook Wu Yang's hand away, and the two stood behind a big tree, watching Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione hiding behind the pumpkin pile.

Hermione slightly removed some of the leaves and looked at Hermione in front, whispering, "Does my hair look like this from the back?"

The sound of the leaves making the three Harry Potter behind the pumpkins turned around and looked at the woods, but the three did not delve deep and left quickly.

"This feeling is really amazing, Hermione." Wu Yang smiled.

"You don't talk. No one treats you dumb. Hurry up and save Buckbeak." Hermione walked quietly towards the pumpkin pile.

Wu Yang followed, "I leave this to me."

Wu Yang bypassed the pumpkin pile and walked in front of the eagle horse Buckback lying on the ground, untied the chain that tied Buckback.

Wu Yang's eyes flickered. "Buckback, follow me."

Buckbek stood up, followed Wu Yang's back, and walked towards the woods.

"Good job," Hermione whispered.

"Thank you for the compliment," Wu Yang said with a smile.

After Wu Yang and Hermione brought Buckback into the forest, the door of Hagrid's house opened, and Dumbledore, Hagrid, the Axeman, and the Minister of Magic walked out.

The Minister of Magic, Fudge, froze. "Where is that beast? When we were here just now, why were they gone?"

"Not me," Hagrid immediately said.

Dumbledore looked at Hagrid. "Of course not you. We were in the house just now."

"We have to search here," Fudge said.

"That's your business. I want to go in for a cup of tea." Dumbledore walked into Hagrid's house.

The axeman walked to the front of a big pumpkin, and an axe chopped down, making a loud chopping sound.

In the forest.

"Let's ride it together, so hurry up." Wu Yang said to Hermione.

Hermione immediately shook her head. "What's the joke? You, Seor, want to take advantage of me."

"Heaven and earth conscience, I just want to help you, don't talk nonsense, go up." Wu Yang picked up Hermione and placed it on the back of the eagle horse. Holding Hermione's waist in the back.

"You, let go ..." Hermione called.

"Drive, run." Wu Yang called.

The eagle and horse quickly ran up and shuttled through the forest. ..