v6 Chapter 48: Changes in sleep (fourth more)

"Have you ever been to chuang with him? That's ml." Wu Yang looked at Elena's eyes and asked this shameless question. If you didn't ask, there was something in my heart.

Elena froze, suspecting that she had heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

"Even me, I would be embarrassed to say it again, okay, have you ever been to chuang with him?" Wu Yang asked again.

Elena knew that she had heard it right, with a strong anger flashing in her eyes, and shouted, "You shameless guy, even ask this, why don't you die?"

"Tell me the answer," Wu Yang said lightly.

"Why should I say this to you?" Elena's face was "red" and her eyes were angry.

"Because I want to know." Wu Yang grabbed Elena's hand, "tell me."

Elena tried to tear away Wu Yang's hand, but Wu Yangxi tightly said, "Let go."

"Tell me the answer to the question," Wu Yang said undeniably.

Elena took a deep breath and looked at Wu Yang. "You're so good, you guess?"

Wu Yang snarled a wicked smile and raised an eyebrow. "I guess you didn't, right?"

"He's a duty person. He wouldn't do that kind of thing until he got married. Neither my wedding nor his wedding was completed, so I ..." Elena didn't go on.

"So you're still one place." Wu Yang smiled a satisfied smile. "I like the result very much."

Elena drew her hand from Wu Yang's hand, "No matter what I do, you already know the answer you want, go, you are not welcome here."

Wu Yang nodded, and went up and down from chuang, "touched" the bandage on the back, "Thank you, Elena."

"No, let's go."

"OK." Wu Yang took the first step towards the front.

There was a hint of doubt in Elena's eyes. Is this guy Wu Yang so obedient?

"Oh!" Wu Yang called out. "My leg hurts."

Wu Yang's body was crooked, and she fell towards Elena, pressing Elena back on Chuang.

Elena was taken aback by Wu Yang, only to feel that she was sinking, and Wu Yang pressed on top.

"It's so warm." Wu Yang's head was buried in Elena's xiong mouth.

"Get up, you guy, get me up." Elena called, pushing Wu Yang hard, but it didn't do anything.

Wu Yang raised his head, with a look of indifference. "My leg is injured and I can't get up. I'm really sorry."

"You did it on purpose." Elena glared at Wu Yang.

"You're right." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"what do you want to do?"

Wu Yang smiled, "Now it's midnight, how can you bear to let me go out alone?"

"That's your business. It has nothing to do with me," Elena said coldly. "You get me up, otherwise I'll call someone."

"Your name, no one will come if your throat is broken."


Wu Yang put a hand to Elena's mouth, stroking a small mole on it.


"Don't touch me, take your hand away." Elena trembled.

"This mole looks good here, Elena, I like your eyes very much, there are too many things in your eyes." Wu Yang moved to Elena's eyes.

Elena shouted, "What the **** do you want?"

"I don't want anything, Elena, you are very beautiful." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Elena froze and moved her face aside, "Don't tell me these" messy "mess."

Wu Yang nodded slightly. "I see. I can't just say yes. Now that I've said it, let's do it."

"What do you want to do?"

"Do this." Wu Yang held Elena's head with her hands, her mouth shut.

"Well ..." Elena's eyes widened, and she pushed Wu Yang with both hands, but it didn't do anything.

Wu Yang kissed Elena's mouth unscrupulously and attacked deliberately. Elena slowly gave up her resistance.

Elena's hands slowly wrapped around Wu Yang's neck, her eyes closed, and she responded jerkyly. She kept telling herself in the heart that this bad guy forced her. She just couldn't do it, she couldn't do it, she couldn't do it ...

Ten minutes later, Wu Yang let go of Elena's mouth. Elena opened her eyes and looked at Wu Yang's eyes.

"Are you intoxicated?" Wu Yang asked.

"No." Elena's face was "red" red, her eyes dodging slightly.


Elena took a deep breath. "Wu Yang, I know I can't resist you, but you want to use this shameless means to get me, you come, you come."

Wu Yang laughed. "If you are so tough, I like your" **** "."

"You will only get my body, not my heart." Elena said firmly, her eyes cold.

"It's enough to get your body, but you've said that, I'll do it again, it's a bit too animalistic. Well, we just sleep tonight, I won't do anything else to you, you say okay Wu Yang said to Elena's ear.

Elena trembled. "Do you think I would believe what you said?"

"You will believe it." Wu Yang rolled over from Elena and lay aside.

Elena immediately sat up and wanted to stand up, but was caught by Wu Yang. "I said, sleep together, don't try to escape."


Elena was pulled into her arms by Wu Yang. Wu Yang's body moved aside, holding Elena sideways, exhaling around her neck, "sleeping."

Elena's body shuddered, "Hey, hey, rotten, rotten ..."

Wu Yang didn't react in the slightest, and seemed to fall asleep.

Elena struggled for a long time, but couldn't get rid of Wu Yang's hands and finally gave up.

Elena, who gave up, only felt the warmth behind her. This rotten man's body was so warm, an unspeakable peace of mind.

Elena is really tired. It's midnight, and her heart and body are tired. Forget it, sleep, just believe this rotten man once, just sleep.


Elena was awakened by the heat in her sleep, only feeling that there seemed to be a stove behind her, emitting hot heat from Wu Yang's body.

Elena easily broke away Wu Yang's hand and looked towards Wu Yang, only to see Wu Yang sweating, her expression painful, her eyes closed. ..