v6 Chapter 49: Wake of metamorphic cells (first)

Elena easily broke away Wu Yang's hand and looked towards Wu Yang, only to see Wu Yang sweating, her expression painful, her eyes closed.

"Ah, ah ..." Wu Yang with closed eyes made a painful low "groan."

Elena put one hand on Wu Yang's forehead and immediately took it away. "Hot hot ..." Put a raw egg on it and it will be cooked.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, wake up, Wu Yang." Elena called in Wu Yang's ear.

But Wu Yang did not respond in the slightest, but closed his eyes tightly, and his mouth made a painful groan from time to time.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? This guy." Elena flashed a little anxiety in her eyes.

Looking at Wu Yang in pain, Elena didn't know what to do. Elena went down from chuang, took a cold "hair" towel, and put it on Wu Yang's forehead.

Looking at Wu Yang's face, Elena shook her head. "What the **** is wrong with you? It's so good, suddenly."

"Why should I care about you? You should be thrown out and let yourself be destroyed." Elena felt that she was abnormal, and she was worried about this guy.

"Skin ..." Elena noticed that Wu Yang's skin was moving, moving like a stream of water. This scene was really weird.

Elena's eyes widened. She even saw six small squares of gold "color" coming out of Wu Yang's head, arms, xiong mouth, and legs. The sun spins and dances.

"This, what is this?" Elena stared at it all in shock, what was this? What are these things emanating from Wu Yang's body?

Gold squares intertwined and flew towards Elena. Elena was startled and wanted to run when she got up, but it was too late. Those small gold-colored squares wrapped her up.

"What is this to do?" Elena struggled hard, but it didn't help.

The wrapped Elena was suspended by the small gold-colored square and fell on Wu Yang's body. "Ah ..."

"Abominable ..." Elena yelled, trying to get up from Wu Yang, but was pressed by the small squares of gold "color", unable to get up.

"It's hot." Elena felt just like being put on the stove. "Wu Yang, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..."

Wu Yang opened her eyes and a gleam of golden light flashed through it. "Elena!"

"You, you woke up? What's going on? Let me go down, or I'll die of heat." Elena called.

Wu Yang shook his head slightly. "It's not something I can control now. The metamorphic cells are awake. They are rioting."

Yes, the metamorphic cells located in Wu Yang's bones awakened halfway. In the battle with the masked people, they suffered shocks. During Wu Yang's sleep, they awakened from the shocks, but only half.

Awakened half of the metamorphic cells awakened and rioted. Their golden "color" cell layer emits a lot of heat, which is why Wu Yang's body gets hot.

"What's messy stuff, I don't understand what you're talking about, don't these things come out of your body? Take them away." Elena called, her already hot body It's sweaty.

"They are rioting now. They are not under my control. I am also uncomfortable to die. Continue this way and there is only one result. We die together." Wu Yangxie smiled. "Can you die with Elena Together, it's a good thing. "


Elena shouted, "I don't want to die with you guy, let me go."

"Can't let go, it's the metamorphic particles that bind you and make you lie on me, they are craving for something." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Damn, what? You give them." Elena couldn't bear the heat anymore, sweat dripped constantly.

Wu Yang didn't answer directly, "It's only you who can save us both now."


"If you don't want to die with me, there is only one way, come, come together, I will whisper to you." Wu Yang smiled.

"What the hell?" Elena's head dropped slightly.

Wu Yang whispered in Elena's ear, "Chuang!"

"Up, up chuang ?! What are you kidding?" Elena yelled angrily.

"Say you don't believe it, this is the only solution. Only when our body is negative, can the metamorphosis cell man calm down. So, if you don't want to die like this, you ..."

Before Wu Yang's words were finished, Elena interrupted directly, shouting angrily: "You rotten man, you will die this heart, even if you die, I will not, I will not go with you, Go to chuang. "

"Spiritual," Wu Yang said with a smile, "but how long can you hold on?"

"Persist until I die ..." Elena was weak and weak. As the body's water evaporated, she became weaker and weaker.

Wu Yang shook his head slightly. "I can't bear to let you die, and the metamorphic cells can't bear to let you die. Don't you feel any changes in your body?"

Elena's body trembled slightly, her face "red" turned red, and made a strange cry, "Ah ..."

"Did you feel it, tell you the truth, I can't help but become a wolf." Wu Yang seemed to be holding back. "I don't want to restrain myself, Elena, do you understand?"

"You, what have you done to me, abominable ..." Elena yelled uncomfortably, her body became strange, there seemed to be a fire, and she wanted to vent it. How could this be?

"It wasn't what I did to you, but the metamorphic cells, which stimulated our body's desire." Wu Yang's eyes were about to spit fire, "Elena, take your fate."

"I, I will not give in, not ..."

"It's really stubborn. I'm waiting for you to ask me to come to you today." Wu Yang's eyes were endless evil intentions and desires.

"You, don't think about it ..."

After ten minutes.

Elena's body was glowing with abnormal red "colors", and from time to time she made a strange low "groan", her eyes had completely lost her soberness, and she could not hold fast anymore.

"Abominable, you, you rotten man, come, come on ..." ..