v6 Chapter 56: Crashed into the police station (third)

Elena picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, which was reporting a terrorist bombing.

"Here is the scene of the mega terrorist bombing. The scene here has become a ruin. Only blood, potholes, and corpses can be seen. The rescue team is hurrying to rescue, but so far only one survivor has been rescued. "On television, the reporter was reporting with the microphone.

Elena watched the scene on TV and said to herself: "This is indeed a case of a horrific terrorist bombing. Only missile bombardment can cause this effect. Who did it?"

Elena shook her head. It doesn't make sense to care about such things now. She can't be a police officer anymore. She can only follow Wu Yang, a rotten man.

A TV reporter continued: "The death toll is currently unknown. According to the sole survivor, it was all caused by a ten-meter-high giant metal robot that killed everyone and bombed it. The police remain skeptical of this statement because there is no relevant picture evidence. "

Elena smiled. "The huge metal robot ten meters tall is really more unreliable than Wu Yang's rotten guy."

Elena turned off the TV and walked from chuang. As soon as her feet stood on the ground, her body was soft and she almost fell to the ground.

Elena supported her hand on Chuang's face, her legs trembling, and she felt weak and weak.

"That **** bitch." Elena frowned, and she even had some doubt now that if she continued, she would be killed by Wu Yang.

Elena took a deep breath, took a few steps, braced her clothes, walked to the drawer, opened the drawer, and a drawer full of money. US dollars.

Looking at so much money, Elena smiled, "You have so much money here, that rotten man is really assured of me. Are you not afraid that I will take this money and run away?"

"It's impossible, no matter where you flee, the bad guy will definitely find me. The most important point is ..." Elena shook her head, she didn't want to just run away.

Elena took a few dollar bills and walked outside. I have been in this suite for three days. Although it is luxurious and bright, but staying there, Elena thinks that she will get moldy, so I go outside to see.

When she came to the street, Elena looked around. "The sun is so bright, what should I do?"

Elena frowned slightly, and she was looking at her in the left direction. Elena looked to the left, an unknown man.

Seeing Elena's gaze, the man walked quickly towards the front.

There was a little hesitation in Elena's eyes, and she quickly followed, and she had to figure out, who was that man?

Elena caught up with the man at the entrance of an alley, a speeding up, standing in front of the man, "Who are you? Why are you staring at me?"

The man stopped, looking at Elena's eyes strangely, with various emotions, "Elena, have you been away for a long time?"

Elena frowned. "Do you know me before? Who are you?"

"Don't you think of me? Yes, after all, it's changed so much after so long." The man seemed to be a little emotional.

Elena listened to this voice, her face "color" changed greatly, took a step back, shook her head and said, "This is impossible, impossible, you ..."

"Elena, that's possible." The man said with emotion.


Police station in Rio de Janeiro.


Now, there are many policemen guarding it. Outside the police station, there are policemen with machine guns every one meter.

A Hummer and two high-powered cars drove towards the garage of the police station. They immediately caught the attention of the police guards around them, and shot and fired.

Wu Yang looked at the main gate of the police station. "It's time for Lao Tzu to perform, ah ..."

In a roaring sound, a gold "color" deformed element particles emanated from Wu Yang's head, xiong, back, arms, and two legs, wrapping Wu Yang and rotating forward. It flew and landed, and instantly became Lamborghini concept car ankonian.

Wu Yang turned into a luxury car with a speed of 300 per hour, and galloped towards the gate of the police station.

The four policemen guarding the gate shouted, "Fuck, fire, fire, fire."

Bang bang ...

A policeman standing on the platform above the door "shot" Wu Yang's car with a gatling mad sweep.

Wu Yang jumped up, the body flew more than eight meters high, and landed towards the gate in an arc.

"Fuck!" The policemen looked up at the flying car. Is this a special car? Is it true that the flat land leaped so high? This is real.

The Gatlin policeman standing above the door widened his eyes and backed away, but behind it was the wall, and he couldn't back out. "No, don't ..."

"Ah, huh ..." The policeman screamed and was hit by the car.


The car bumped into the police and crashed into the wall. The wall crashed and the car crashed into the wall and landed on the hall.

"Ah, ah ..." The police in the hall shouted in horror at the suddenly falling car, avoiding the "fragment" flying building debris and the car.

Wu Yang drove towards the front, sprayed blood on the mouth of several policemen in front of him, and flew out.

"Fuck, **** ..."

"Kill that car, shoot it, shoot it."

The bullets "chaotically" flew and hit Wu Yang's body. It had no effect except for a few sparks.

Wow, wow ...

In the sound of broken glass, Wu Yang smashed a special glass door and entered the police office.

Documents, desks, and other things were flying everywhere under the impact of Wu Yang. Of course, there were still people, who could not escape the smashed mouth and screamed with blood.

"Ah, ah ..." All sorts of shouts were heard.

Wu Yang slammed into the wall from the beginning to the end. In the sound of the explosion, the building debris "chaotically" flew, and a large hole appeared. Wu Yang crashed into it.

The sound of various gunshots and explosions caught the attention of Reyes, who was inside the police station, as well as the former police chief John Omeida who picked up Hobbs. ..