v6 Chapter 57: Towed away the safe (fourth more)

The sound of various gunshots and explosions caught the attention of Reyes, who was inside the police station, as well as the former police chief John Omeida who picked up Hobbs.

"What happened outside? There was an explosion." Reyes stood up and called.

"I ask." John Omeida picked up the walkie-talkie. "What's going on, report it soon."

"Yes, a black car came in ..."

"Specially, you guys, don't stop him," John Omeida yelled.

"Ah ..." There was a screaming sound on the intercom side, and then there was no more.

John Omeida shouted to the police around him: "You stand in front of the door, don't let a fly in, close it, close the iron door here, fast, fast."

Reyes glanced at a door behind him. The door passed and it was the fresh-keeping storehouse, and his 100 million US dollars, producing less than five tons of banknotes, was placed in a special metal insurance No one in the cabinet can open it except his fingerprint and password.

An iron door in front of it slowly dropped down, this is a five centimeter thick steel plate.

John Omeida smiled and said, "Mr. Reyes, you can rest assured that no one can break through that steel plate ..."


A huge impact sound came, the iron gate was shaking violently, a jagged object broke the iron gate, and then a black "color" car rushed out of the broken opening and would stand on the iron Three policemen in front of the door flew out.

"Ah ..." Three policemen spewed blood and smashed into the wall, smashing the lime on the wall.

"Fuck, this is what you say is foolproof." Reyes yelled.

John Omeida had already shy away and shouted to the policemen, "Why do you shoot now, kill the people inside, kill him ..."

Bang bang bang ...

The police officers "shot" at the windshield of Wu Yang's car. The dark windshield spattered a few sparks, and they could not see anyone inside.

Wu Yang turned around and drove in the direction of John Omeida.

Bang ...

"Don't, don't come over ..." John Omeida yelled, the gun in his hand kept firing, and he moved backwards until he leaned against the wall and had no way back.

"Don't ..." a screaming sound came out.


Blood splattered, the wall collapsed, and the car smashed through the wall. Among the four flying building fragments, John Omeida's body flew on the other side of the wall, and fell to the ground like mud.

Wu Yang pulled out of the car from the wall, turned around, and aimed Reyes.

Reyes' face changed greatly, running towards the front, yelling to the police while running, "You guys, go up and stop it. Whoever kills it, one million dollars, go up, go up what……"

Although there will be brave husbands under the heavy reward, in the face of such horrible things, those police officers have been frightened, and who dare to go up can only shoot at the side.

The car was racing, and in a short time, it caught up with Reyes.

auzw.com "Who will save me." Reyes shouted in horror.

"Boss ..." A figure rushed over and pushed Reyes out.


The person who rushed was hit by the front of the car, screaming, spitting blood, being pushed all the way by the front of the car until it hit a wall.

"Boss ..." The hit person fell to the ground, called out, and closed his eyes. What kind of name does this man, Wu Yang know? It was Reyes's most faithful dog leg, and he did all the killings and arsons that Reyes did.

Reyes was sitting on the ground, shivering, and almost hung up just now. Fortunately, his loyal dog was just him.

Wu Yang didn't go to kill Reyes anymore. He directly broke through the steel door of the fresh-keeping storehouse and rushed in.

Reyes immediately stood up, his money, his money must not be stolen, 100 million US dollars, all his net cash.

"My safe, fuck, mobilize all the police and weapons, be sure to protect my safe." Reyes growled.

In the garage, Hobbs drove a Hummer and ran directly through a flashing wall. Inside the wall was a vault.

Bang bang ...

A large number of policemen rushed towards this place and "shot" at the three cars coming.

Hobbs dumped the Hummer out of the hole. Hobbs, Han, Santos, and Leo got off the Hummer and held a gun battle with the police.

Two high-powered cars stopped in front of the crashed hole. Dom and Vince each walked down from a car, dragged a steel cable from the back of the car, drilled into the hole, and they faced the hole. The tall safe ran away.

Suddenly a huge bombardment came over, Dom and Vince couldn't help looking at it, and saw the large iron gate on the side flew into the air, and a black "color" supercar rushed in.

Vince's eyes widened. "That car, no, how could it be here?"

"Hurry off." Dom threw Vince to the ground, avoiding the impact of the stunning car.

The stunning car stopped in front of the safe, and two thick iron cables struck out from the back of the car and buckled on the tall safe made of metal.

With a loud roar, the stunning car drove towards the front speeding, hit the wall, and broke through. Two thick iron cables behind the car were pulled straight, dragging a six-ton ​​safe.

The safe, which was fixed on the wall, jumped out of the wall under the influence of strong force, hit the wall, and smashed the wall into a mess.

"Damn." Vince yelled, "He snatched our safe."

"The guy from Wu Yang said that when he answered us on the road, he should get him here together. Wasn't he great? We didn't do anything at all, and we lived a busy life." Vince continued to yell.

Dom's face sank. "Hurry up, we'll catch up with that car."

"That car changed from that monster robot," Vince called.

"No matter who he is." Dom ran towards the front, got out of the hole, and got into the car.

Hobbs shouted, "What's going on with that car? Why is it here?"

"Why did he take the safe?" Han asked.

Dom didn't answer, stepped on the accelerator and chased forward. ..