v7 Chapter 23: Do you love me (fourth more)

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Do you want to hear it?"

"Say!" Natasha said concisely.

Wu Yang continued: "After I went to Asgard, I ate Odin ’s chemical transformation Dan, and the chemical transformation gave the T cells an extremely powerful force, which completely destroyed the cell layer of the T cells. Changed, the T cells became gold. "

"This matter, I heard Shiv said that you were at war with Odin, and you almost destroyed the whole fairy palace. It was really mighty and domineering." Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang waved his hand. "It's all a glorious history of the past, so you don't have to show it out, I'm very modest."

"About your humility, just forget it. By the way, you stole the t-cell of Huatanghe, what is it called?" Natasha asked.

"It can be called 'Dan T cell'. 'Dan T cell' has continued to this day and has never evolved." Wu Yang shook his head.

Natasha thought about it: "At first t-cells, five-element t-cells, Dan t-cells, you just said that the t-cell on Serena is a new cell that transcends the t-cell, meaning the t Has the cell surpassed the 'Dan T cell'? Has it evolved to a new stage? "

"Yeah, it really surprised me. The t-cell evolved again, but it wasn't done by me, but Serena." Wu Yang raised a brow.

"You're so sure, T cells have evolved?" Natasha asked.

Wu Yang affirmed: "This is not wrong. The t-cell power she has demonstrated has surpassed the power of 'dan t-cells'. But in her body, the number of newly evolved t-cells, It's still too little. "

"According to you, once the number of newly evolved t cells in her body increases, wouldn't it be very powerful."

"It will be very powerful. Cells will continue to replicate. As long as you give Selena time, the newly evolved t cells in her body will continue to increase." Wu Yang clenched his fist, "I already want to see that Power. "

Natasha frowned. "Don't arbitrarily."

"Don't worry, it won't be" chaotic. "

"You are really not convincing."

Wu Yang coughed, "I have to say that the vampire's blood" liquid "is really powerful. If I guess correctly, the" dan t cell "is combined with the red blood cells in Serena's blood" liquid. " The newly evolved t cells are called 'blood t cells'. "

"'Blood T cells' ?! It's so casual to name yourself."

"Then you think of a name, if you have a better name, I will definitely adopt it."

Natasha spread her hands. "No."

"If you don't have it, it's called 'blood t cell'. You should feel honored, Serena." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Natasha seemed to remember something, "Isn't your power sealed? Why can t cells react with Serena's body?"

Wu Yang nodded, "It is indeed sealed, the metamorphic cells are sealed, the t cells are also sealed, and the only one that is not sealed is the x cell."

Natasha was puzzled: "The T cell is sealed, so why does the T cell combine with the red blood cells in Serena's body?"

"One possibility is that the t-cells will be unsealed from my body; the other possibility is that the blood" liquid "of the vampire erodes the seal of the t-cells. Who knows? Do n’t think about things you do n’t understand. ”

Wu Yang said with some excitement: "All in all, the world of" Night Tales "is not white, undead genes, blood t cells, hahaha."

"You are very happy," Natasha said with a smile.

"Slightly so happy, happy to share it."

"You're so sure, everything is still under your control. The number of 'blood t cells' in Serena's body will continue to increase and become more and more powerful. Can you really handle her?" Natasha With a hint of doubt.


Wu Yang smiled confidently and looked at his palm. "Whoever is in front of Wu Yang, he will be the loser."

"Well, I appreciate your confidence." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"A man without confidence is destined not to be a successful man," Wu Yang said loudly.

"I see. You're a successful man." Natasha hesitated.

"Don't I succeed?" Wu Yang asked back.

"When did you kill that Uchiha spot, I will admit that you are a successful man."

"You say that, the old man who is immortal is indeed" forcing ". But no matter how much he is" forcing ", one day, I will step on him under his feet."

Natasha laughed. "I'm waiting for that day."

"You will see."

"you said."

Wu Yang stood up and smiled evilly, "Natasha, it's too late. Let's go to take a bath together."

"Then you go wash it."

"How interesting it is to wash by one person. How exciting the two are. Go together." Wu Yang couldn't wait.

"Well, you go first, I'll come later."

"Okay, come on." Wu Yang Pidian Pidian ran into the bath room.

Soon after, Natasha entered the bath room around the bath towel, and Wu Yang was already in the bath.

"Natasha, come here, come here." Wu Yang waved at Natasha.

Natasha walked to the bath with a smile, facing Wu Yang and said, "Want me down?"

"Of course I think."

"Want me to push you Xiong?" Natasha asked again.

Wu Yang swallowed a sip of water, and his head nodded like the chicken pecking rice. "Think, I really miss it."

"Then you think about it here, I'm leaving." Natasha walked outside.

Wu Yang stiffened for a moment and shouted, "Natasha, don't be so hard."

Natasha stopped. "Then answer my question well."

"You said, I have answered a thousand questions," Wu Yang said immediately.

"Wu Yang, do you love me?" Natasha's eyes flashed with complexity.

Natasha waited for a long time, Wu Yang didn't speak, so she turned around, but found that Wu Yang was already standing behind her.

"Wu Yang ..."

Wu Yang put her hands on Natasha's shoulders and looked at Natasha's eyes. "Natasha, I love you. If you want to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is the end of time." ..