v7 Chapter 24: Klein (first)

Wu Yang put her hands on Natasha's shoulders and looked at Natasha's eyes. "Natasha, I love you. If you want to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is the end of time."

Natasha looked at Wu Yang's eyes, and "Lu" smiled, "Wu Yang, very touching love."

"It's not love, it's my heart." Wu Yang's face was sincere.

"is it?"

"Of course, Natasha, believe me."

"It has nothing to do with believing, Wu Yang, I'm very happy to hear you say that." Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Just be happy."

"Well, I'm very happy." Natasha suddenly pushed **** Wu Yang's xiong mouth, pushing Wu Yang into the bath.

Wu Yang stayed in the bath and watched Natasha yell, "Why, are you happy to push me Xiong? Come down soon."

"I'm happy, so you continue washing alone, and I'm happy to find a place by myself." Natasha left quickly.

Wu Yang called out, "Natasha, I won't take you like this."

"Ha ha." Natasha left only these two words.


The next night.

"Natasha, you stay in the hotel." Wu Yang said to Natasha.

Natasha frowned. "What about you? Where are you going?"

"I went out to do something and went to the mansion where the vampire was." Wu Yang smiled.

Natasha immediately said, "I want to go with you."

"No, I can only go alone, you stay here." Wu Yang said undeniably.

"Why? Are you afraid of me? What kind of danger I haven't experienced yet." Natasha looked at Wu Yang. "I'm right? So don't worry about me, and most importantly, no Still have you? "

Wu Yang said helplessly: "I just mixed in, but you have no way to mix in."

"Why?" Natasha asked.

"As soon as you go in, you'll be spotted by the vampires, because you are human and they can recognize you at a glance."

Natasha looked at Wu Yang. "Then you won't be identified?"

"Because I can change myself and make them think I am their kind." Wu Yang smiled.

"Can't help me change it too?" Natasha asked.

Wu Yang spread his hand. "This is no way, Natasha, will you stay here? I will be back soon."

"Since you have said that, what else can I say? Be careful." Natasha looked at Wu Yang.

auzw.com "Relax." Wu Yang smiled.

"Then you can go." Natasha turned on the TV.

"You seem to have forgotten something." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"whats the matter?"

Wu Yang hugged Natasha, blocked her mouth with Natasha's mouth, kissed him hard, released Natasha, and walked quickly toward the front.

Natasha's face "red" slightly red, "You guy ..."

Wu Yang came to the street outside. It was raining under the night sky and there were no people on the road.

In a remote alley, a black "color" car was parked by the road, and a tall black bald was standing next to the door. This black bald was the bald from the last subway station, so he was a werewolf. Sitting in the back seat was Roussian.

Soon after, another black "color" sedan drove over. After stopping, two men with pale faces came out of the car. One of them opened the rear door of Lucian's car and talked with him. Eun sat together.

As soon as the man with a pale face got on the car, he immediately confronted Ruthian and said, "Clash with the dead walkers and hunt humans. This is not what I think. You should open a shop or something, keep a low profile."

Suddenly, Russian wrapped his arm around the pale man's neck, and said gloomily, "Calm down, Klein, humans will not notice you, and I have been low-key for a long time."

Klein, the administrator of the vampire mansion appointed by the vampire elder Victor, is a real power.

Lucien's hand was loosened, Klein "touched" and "touched" his nose with his hand and looked at Lucien, "Rusien takes care of you, at least from now on, don't make me regret between us Transaction. "

"As long as you do your part, remember that I have shed blood once for you. Without me, you are nothing." Lucian said darkly.

Klein reached out with a hand toward the door, and then seemed to think of something, "I heard that humans are helping you, are you working with humans?"

Lucien said lightly: "Klein, do your own thing and you will get what you want."

Outside, Wu Yang was walking on the street, walking, and saw two cars, "Lu" smiled, "Familiar scene, is one of the cars sitting in Klein and Roussien . "

The tall bald black man saw Wu Yang coming and immediately trembled. Wasn't this human being the terrible human being of their werewolf leader?

The black man bald and wanted to open the door and called Ruthian out.

Wu Yang waved his hand to the black man, meaning that he should not make any movement.

The vampire who followed Klein looked at Wu Yang who came, a gloom glinting in his eyes, and the nails on one hand became sharp claws.

Wu Yang went to the vampire's side, and a vampire's paw chopped towards Wu Yang's neck, preparing to cut Wu Yang's throat quietly.

However, Wu Yang's speed was obviously faster. He grabbed the vampire's neck with one hand and lifted the vampire.

The vampire was struggling, but did nothing.

Wu Yang thought for a while and decided not to kill the vampire, maybe there was a little effect.

Wu Yang, holding the vampire, walked towards the front, slamming the vampire's head on a street lamp post, and the street lamp post bent sharply.

"Ah ..." The vampire screamed, fell to the ground, and fainted.

Upon hearing the cry, Klein immediately opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

Klein only saw a flash of the figure, and then felt a sharp pain in his neck, was caught by one hand, and his body was lifted. ..