v7 Chapter 55: The city built by gold (first)

The energy of blue "color" emanates from the Rubik's cube, pure and thorough, covering the surroundings.

The blue "color" flashed and Wu Yang's four disappeared.

In an open space in the Amazon forest in South America, there is a golden light, because there is a city made of gold, and a werewolf is carrying a huge gold brick and gold pillars here, which expands this golden city. .

A vampire was flying in the sky, making a hoarse cry from time to time.

On the top of the castle made of gold, there are two people. To be correct, they are one person and a white "color" werewolf. The person is Marcus. The white wolf is naturally William.

"Hahaha, haha ​​..." Marcus laughed proudly, looking at the werewolves under the castle. "This planet, I am God, I am God, everything is controlled by me."

William the crazy wolf yelled at the sky, and all the werewolves on the ground screamed, and the wolf's croaks kept coming.

"Hahaha, hahaha ..." Marcus continued to laugh.

"But there are still a few troubles that have not been eradicated. When I find you, I will tear you all into pieces." Marcus's fist clenched.

Suddenly there was a dazzling blue "color" on the sky, and it was dazzling, and everyone like Marcus looked at the sky.

A blue "color" hole appeared, and several people flew out of it, and then the blue "color" light disappeared.

Wu Yang suspended Natasha, Serena and Amelia in the sky, and looked at the castle made of gold below.

Natasha said with a smile: "It turned out to be a city made of gold. It's amazing. How much is it worth?"

"Marcus really knows how to enjoy. It seems that this God is a good one." Wu Yang smiled.

"Marcus and William's crazy wolf is watching us." Amelia looked at the top of the castle.

In the sky, a group of vampires flew towards Wu Yang, and one by one was ugly.

"Let me come." Wu Yang raised his right hand.

Vampires flying from all directions made screaming sounds, and the blood "liquid" came out from their skin, nose, eyes ... anywhere in the body, and turned into a stream of blood, moving towards Wu as fast as possible. Yang flew away.

A one-meter-diameter blood cell formed above Wu Yang's hand, and the blood cell continued to expand.

"Not enough. How can this be enough? Give up your blood." Wu Yang yelled.

All the werewolves on the ground, all the vampires in the sky all made screaming sounds, and the blood broke from their bodies and turned into a stream of blood.

The whole scene looked weird and horrible. Countless bloodstreams flew from all directions, forming a huge blood network, and the center of this network was Wu Yang.

With the flow of blood, the diameter of the blood cells in Wu Yang's hands has reached ten meters, exuding a strong **** smell.

"Wu Yang, you took the initiative to come to your door, and I will destroy you today." Marcus couldn't sit still. A white wolf with William in his hand, spread his meat wings, and walked towards Wu Yang. Flew past.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang roared, throwing the huge blood cell in his hand towards the castle with one hand.

Marcus's eyes widened and he yelled, "No!"


This gold-built castle was Marcus collecting gold from all over the world, and then carrying out large-scale gold cooling and fixing. It took unimaginable manpower for three months to build a huge prototype. So this gold city is the hard work of Marcus for several months.

Huge blood cells blasted towards the city at a rapid speed, and the bombardment came on, and immediately blossomed.

Boom, boom!

The blood-red "color" light flashed wildly, a huge cloud of blood "color" mushroom clouds rose on the ground, and the shock waves of mountains and rivers spread around.

For a long time, everything calmed down, and there was only a huge tiankeng on the ground. The color of the tiankeng was **** red. As for the city made of gold, it has turned into dregs.

Everyone was shocked and looked at all this. Amelia whispered, "So powerful."

"Ah ..." Marcus, who was flying in the sky, yelled, and the anger in his eyes was about to come out. "Wu Yang, you dare to ruin my palace, I will crush you to death."

Wu Yang handed Natasha to Selena and said, "Fly to the side, let the crazy wolf Marcus and William, let me solve it."

"Can you?" Amelia asked.

"Be assured, as your man, how can you do without two brushes." Wu Yang waved his hand.

"Um." The three girls nodded and flew towards one place.

Marcus loosened his hands and released William. William the crazy wolf fell towards the ground and landed on the ground.

"Wu Yang, I want you to die." Marcus flew towards Wu Yang and could only see a shadow.

"Let me see how old you are," hair, "and how far cattle are now" forced. "Wu Yang's body moved.


Wu Yang and Marcus collided together, and a powerful air flow expanded around, and the space was slightly twisted.

After the impact, Wu Yang and Marcus went backwards at the same time. Wu Yang flew more than 100 meters before stopping.

"The ox is" forced ", and it can reach this level, and it makes me look at you." Wu Yang looked at Marcus with surprise.

Marcus was equally shocked and clenched his fists. "Wu Yang, I look down on you, but you will die today. I have sucked the blood of tens of millions of humans, and part of their power has been passed on to them. On me. "

Wu Yang nodded. "So it is."

"Roar ..." A roar came.

Wu Yang felt a pain in his back, his clothes were torn, and three bloodstains appeared on it.

A white wolf with meat wings roared behind Wu Yang. Obviously this was William the crazy wolf, but only a pair of meat wings were added.

Marcus laughed proudly, "Wu Yang, William is stronger than me, but he is under my control, and today our brother will tear you apart."

Wu Yang twisted his neck. "Okay, good. Come here, brothers."

"Roar ..." William gave a violent roar and flew towards Wu Yang, his eyes could no longer capture him. ..