v7 Chapter 56: The integration of brothers (second)

"Roar ..." William gave a violent roar and flew towards Wu Yang, his eyes could no longer capture him.

Wu Yang's eyes closed, then suddenly opened, turning into three pieces of red gold "color" wind blade shape.


A shock wave blasted out, exactly five meters in front of Wu Yang, forming a strong explosion.

"Roar ..." The roaring voice sounded, William the crazy wolf emerged from the explosion. Under the shock of the shock wave, it flew down more than 100 meters before it stopped.

Blood splattered in the air, William's two flesh wings were blasted into pieces, and the white "hair" on his body seemed to be stirred by a blender and fell from the air.

"William!" Marcus shouted.

Wu Yang appeared instantly behind Marcus, and grabbed Marcus's wings with one hand. "Lao Tzu has long seen that your wings are uncomfortable, not a birdie, but you must pretend to" force "a bird. wing."

"Ha!" Wu Yang roared, tearing hard, tearing Marcus's meat wings.

"Ah ..." Marcus roared, lost one of his wings, and couldn't keep his body in balance. The remaining one fluttered in the air, and it didn't fall out of the air.

Wu Yang looked at the bitter Marcus, "What's wrong? Is there only this power? It won't work, it will die."

"Wu Yang." Marcus fluttered a wing, rushed towards Wu Yang, and punched Wu Yang with a punch. "Don't underestimate me."

"I didn't underestimate you." Wu Yang's hand blocked Marcus's fist, and a bang made Wu Yang's body tremble a few times.

"Impossible." Marcus shouted, and another fist hit Wu Yang's head.

Wu Yang's head moved a bit, avoiding Marcus' fist, and smiled, "Seriously, your power is strong, and I'm not comparable to me. But I don't just have power, you understand Yet?"


Wu Yang punched Marcus's face with a punch, and suddenly made Marcus's entire face deformed. The broken teeth flew in the air with blood and water.

"Ah ..." Marcus roared, his body leaning at a 45-degree angle, falling down towards the ground, and hitting the ground.


The ground was trembling, and dust splashed a dozen meters high, forming a large human-shaped pit.

Wu Yang landed slowly and walked towards the humanoid pit. "Marcus, you are not dead yet, so you are dead, and your God is too cruel."

"Wu Yang." A roar came from the bottom of the pit, and Marcus rushed out of it and ran towards Wu Yang.

"Your speed is fast, but it's useless." Wu Yang disappeared instantly.

Marcus emptied, Wu Yang appeared behind him, and punched him in the direction of Marcus.

"I knew you would be behind me." Marcus yelled, and two bone spurs slammed from the shoulder blades and hit Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang flew up a dozen meters before stopping, watching the two blood holes pierced in Xiong's mouth, and coldly said, "Become smarter."

Marcus turned around and there was no trace of injury on his body. "Wu Yang, you can't kill me, I can heal instantly, my ability to heal, even if you cut me into pieces, I can live . "

auzw.com "Roar ..." A roar sounded behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang twisted his head slightly, and saw William's crazy wolf standing more than twenty meters behind him. Like Marcus, all his injuries were recovered.

Wu Yang smiled, "It's like Lao Tzu doesn't have a strong ability to heal himself." Wu Yang's two blood holes pierced from Xiong's mouth have healed.

Marcus sneered, "Wu Yang, in front of our brothers, you are the only one who has died. Let you see the tricks of our brothers."

"Oh, what a trick?" Wu Yang took a hint of interest.

"William," Marcus yelled.


William and Marcus flew into the air, then collided with each other. Marcus and William's bodies were connected to each other, and in a blink of an eye, it became a flesh covered with blood "color" "hair" hair * ball.

Wu Yang's face "color" changed, "It's actually merging with each other, you're really disgusting, go to death, do you think I will let you just get together like this?"

A group of red gold "color" fireballs quickly formed above Wu Yang, forming a diameter of three meters in the blink of an eye.

"Explode it." Wu Yang roared and hit the fireball in his hand toward the flesh * ball above.

The flesh * ball covered with blood [color] and [hair] squirmed quickly, and the red gold [color] flame ball hit it.


The flame of red gold "color" exploded in the sky, and pieces of disgusting flesh and blood were burned and scattered from the air.

Wu Yang stood in another position, "The vampire and the werewolf can still be fused like this. It should only be you."

"That's right, because we are brothers." With a roaring voice sounded behind Wu Yang, "Your flame is so powerful that it broke our skin."

Wu Yang turned around and saw a humanoid monster with a **** wolf's mouth, **** "color" and "hair", and blood-red wings on the back. The werewolf and vampire combined.

"Should I call you Marcus, or William?" Wu Yang asked.

"I'm Marcus, everything is leading me." Marcus snarled and raised his two claws. "I've felt the inexhaustible power in my body, shattering everything power."

"Wu Yang, I am God." Marcus shouted.

Wu Yang's eyes carried a hint of madness, "Then I am God's old man."

Wu Yang disappeared instantly, appeared in front of Marcus, and a shock wave bombarded Marcus.

The ground was exploding, and a huge deep trench exploded. Marcus stood in the trench. "Wu Yang, is this your power?"

Marcus ran, Wu Yang's eyes couldn't catch Marcus' speed.

Wu Yang felt the air fluctuations, and then a sharp claw appeared, grabbing towards his neck.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang roared.

Marcus clawed Wu Yang's neck and lifted Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, die."

"Ah ..." Wu Yang shouted, the green "color" of flame burst out from the body, the muscles instantly broke through the clothes, and the hair became light green "color". ..