v10 Chapter 54: A total of riding a mule (three more)

Zixia wondered, "Confused": "No? Then where did she go?"

"Do you really not understand, or do you not understand?"

"What don't understand? I ask you where she went?"

"She's in your body."

"In my body? Hahaha, Wu Yang, you are getting more and more joking." Zixia smiled, covering her mouth.

Wu Yang understood. It seems that Zixia really didn't know that Qingxia and her were one and two souls. Quite simply, Zixia appears during the day, and Qingxia can only appear at night. It is strange if Zixia can see Qingxia.

"You said your sister chased you, so have you ever seen your sister?" Wu Yang asked.

"No, because I'm running fast, she can't catch up with me." Zixia said with a trace of pride.

"That's great."

"Wu Yang, don't make a joke, where did my **** sister go?"

Wu Yang thought for a while and thought, "I was run away."

"Then you said that you didn't run away?"

"Why are you such a vulgar person? I am the kind of person who thinks of publicity for good deeds? I just want to do good things in silence, please don't disturb me." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Zi Xia hugged Wu Yang's arm happily, and said, "Wu Yang, you are such a great man. You have protected me silently, thank you."

"No, it should, it should."

"So what did my **** sister say to you?" Zixia asked.

"She said."

"What did you say?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "She said that as long as I kill you, she will marry me."

"This **** is so shameless in order to kill me." Zi Xia scorned, "how did you answer?"

"How could I betray my soul for the sake of women, so I severely rejected her and persuaded her not to do this, but she didn't listen, and when we fought, she was beaten away by me."

Wu Yang didn't think there was any shame in saying this. Is it wrong to lie to a woman? If it is for good results, then deception is just.

Zixia shouted happily: "Wu Yang, you are awesome."

"What about calling Wu Yang brother?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Zixia lowered her head, juggling her clothes with both hands, and whispered: "You have done so much for me, I will, I will call you, you listen.

"I'm ready, shout."

"Wu, Wu Yang, brother Wu Yang ..." Zi Xia's face was "red" with a strange feeling, not the same as she was seduced by Wu Yangli before.

"Yes, it's very good, you can call again." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

Zixia stomped her feet and called, "The beauty you want, just shout this time, hum."

"One time, one time, I'm already in my head."

"Don't write it down, and quickly forget it." Zixia cried.

"This is not under my control at all." Wu Yang looked helpless.

"You are a bad person."

"Did you just say I'm nice?"

auzw.com "You are a bad person and ignore you." Zixia walked towards the front and got on the mule.

Wu Yang went to Xunzi and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I won't tell you, drive." Zixia screamed with a smile, and the sister-in-law ran out.

Wu Yang went to the chair and sat down, took out a cigarette and smoked it.

After Zixia ran a **** on the mule, looking back, Wu Yang did not catch up.

"This guy, really, can't you just follow?" Zixia pursed dissatisfied, turned her sister-in-law, and returned the same way.

Wu Yang watched Zixia returning riding a mule, and smiled, "Well, why are you back? Aren't you gone?"

"I'm happy, why don't you stay here?"

"I'm happy." Wu Yang spit out a smoke ring.

"You don't want to be stingy like this, just kidding." Zixia got off her sister-in-law and walked to Wu Yang's side, holding Wu Yang's arm, "Let's go together."

Wu Yang smoked a cigarette and said, "I don't have a sister-in-law. I'm too tired to walk."

"Cough, cough ..." Zixia coughed while covering her mouth. "What the **** you smoked, it smelled bad."


"Good man, don't smoke." Zixia snatched the cigarette from Wu Yang's hands, threw it on the ground, and stomped a few feet.

Wu Yang shook his head: "You have extinguished my spiritual enjoyment."

"Let's go, get up." Zixia pulled Wu Yang up.

"Where to go?"

"Play casually, you are with me." Zixia smiled.

Wu Yang looked at Zixia's sister-in-law and said, "You have a sister-in-law, I don't have a sister-in-law, unless ..."

"Unless my sister-in-law asks you to ride?" Zixia interrupted Wu Yang.

"No, you have misunderstood me, how sorry I can ride it. We can't ride together." Wu Yang "showed" out of Sima Zhao's heart.

Zixia pointed at Wu Yang, "Oh, you want to eat my tofu."

"Why are you so vulgar, riding a mule together is eating your tofu?" Wu Yang said inexplicably.

"Otherwise why do you want to ride with me?"

"Of course it's for travelling. Don't make things so complicated, aren't you tired? It can't be simpler." Wu Yang looked disappointed.

Zixia pointed at Wu Yang with her finger: "You swear, you are not eating my tofu."

"I swear, I'm not here to eat your tofu, Zixia is just like you, I really can't eat any tofu." Wu Yang's eyes glanced at Zixia's xiong mouth with a look of contempt.

"You, hateful." Zixia rushed to the bitch.

"Can I go up?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"You're up, if there's something wrong, I'll knock you." Zixia shook the purple sword in her hands.

Wu Yang jumped up, fell behind Xunzi, and smiled, "Rest assured, there won't be."

After Wu Yang sat on, Xunzi made a painful cry, her entire back was bent, her four legs were shaking, as if she would collapse at any time.

Zixia said, "It seems like it can't stand it."

"It's okay, it's cheap, it's usually easy to get used to, and now it's lazy and can't get used to it." Wu Yang slaps his sister in the fart.

Brothers, please collect and support the new book "I Am Ultraman 2". This is the continuation of "I Am Ultraman". It definitely makes you feel good, believe me! ..