v10 Chapter 55: Goodbye Supreme Treasure (one more)

Wu Yang slaps on the mule's fart, and the mule ran towards the front.

"Did you see that? It's okay, and it's so happy to run." Wu Yang laughed.

With the bumps of the mule, Zixia and Wu Yang leaned together, Wu Yang's hands hugged Zixia's small waist.

"You, what are you doing?" Zixia cried.

"You're crowding me, or I'll fall if I don't grab something. This is not to eat your tofu, don't think so much," Wu Yang argued.

"Remove your hand." Zixia cried.

"Then you have to let you hold something." Wu Yang laughed.

"Whatever you grab, you can't grab my waist."

"Then grab your leg."


"Catch Xiong."

"Not even more."

Wu Yang said loudly: "This will not work, that will not work, there will never be a way to solve the problem. Grab your waist, don't talk nonsense, give me the reins."

Wu Yang's hands grabbed the reins and moved forward, and Zixia was all in Wu Yang's arms.

"You ..." Zixia's face turned red, her heartbeat accelerated, and a burst of masculinity from Wu Yang's body made her breathless.

Is it like leaning on a man? Why do you feel a little panicked, isn't it just men?

"Whatever you are, you crooked and threw you down from your sister-in-law." Wu Yang cried.

"You eat my tofu, ride my mule, and throw me down, you bad guy," Zixia cried.

Wu Yang sighed in Zixia's ear: "What can you do with me?"

"Don't blow your breath." Zixia trembled all over.

"Drive, drive ..." Wu Yang shouted a few moments, and a force entered into Xunzi's body.

The sister-in-law immediately beat the blood of the chicken, with two big eyes full of red light, a long scream, ran wild, and rolled up a billowing smoke.

"Slow, slow ..." Zixia shouted, her mouth deformed by the wind.

"What, hurry up, no problem, silly" force "bitch give me hurry up." Wu Yang shouted.

"Wu Yang, I want to kill you ..."

After running for hundreds of miles, Xunzi's speed finally slowed down.

At this time, Zixia's expression was numb, and her hair stood upside down like a hedgehog, just like a lunatic.

"Zixia is all right." Wu Yang smiled.

Zixia didn't answer. Her ears only had the whining sound of the wind, and her face was blown by the wind.

"The joke is a bit too much." Wu Yang laughed, a white light emitted from Wu Yang's hands and entered Zixia's body.

After the white light entered, Zixia's hair quickly softened and changed to the original appearance, and her expression returned to normal.

"You bastard," Zixia shouted.

Wu Yang hugged Zixia and said with a smile, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, just make a joke, don't you take it that seriously, are you not good now?"

"I told you to slow down. You're just like a lunatic. Don't let me get excited now."

"Just let you experience the feeling of a gallop, isn't it exciting?" Wu Yang laughed.

"Exciting you, it hurts my ancient capital."

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Let me" knead "and" knead "for you."


"Go to death, don't want to eat my tofu again, don't hug me, let go."

"Wait for you to eat something delicious?"

Zixia immediately smiled and said, "Okay, what's good to eat? It's not good to eat."

"You must be satisfied and not angry?"

"Huh, you thought a good meal would kill me." Zixia looked proud / arrogant.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Nothing is too good to be a good meal. If you are not sure, then two meals."

"Three, no, four, no, ten." Zixia shook her head one after another.

"You can eat as many meals as you want."

"Really? Wu Yang, you are so nice." Zixia said happily.

"Please call me warm man."

The two rode into a mountain on a mule, and Zi Xia looked like she had something to say, but was embarrassed to say it.

"Just say something, we have nothing to do with it, let's say it." Wu Yang said.

Zixia glanced at her Xiong Department and whispered, "Well, is my Xiong really small?"

"Want to hear the truth or the truth?"

"What's the truth?"

"Really small."

Zixia said with some frustration: "So what's the truth?"

"There are smaller than you, ha ha ha." Wu Yang laughed.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable." Zi Xiaqi bite Wu Yang's hand holding the reins.

"Don't bite, don't bite, in fact, there are ways to get bigger." Wu Yang said immediately.

Zixia let out her mouth, and said with a doubt: "Really?"

"Of course it is true, how could I lie to you, absolutely."

"What do you do then?"

Wu Yangman is full of evil words: "It's very simple, let the man you like help you" knead "for you every night. After a treatment, it can be half as large."

"Let the man I like" knead "for me? But I don't have a man I like, what should I do?"

"Well, if you don't mind, I can work for you."

Zixia cried, "The beauty you want, don't even touch it, hum."

"That's fine, when I said nothing."

Xunzi moved on and came to the front of a cave. Zixia called out, "Wu Yang, you see there is a cave here."

Suddenly, a person rushed out of the cave with a box in his hand and panic on his face.

The man stopped and looked at Zixia and Wu Yang riding on the mule.

"There are still people in this cave, hey, are you a fairy or a monster?" Zixia asked.

The man didn't answer, just staring at Wu Yang?

Wu Yang jumped down from his sister-in-law, walked towards the front, and smiled, "Extreme treasure, see an acquaintance, don't you say hi?"

"You are indeed Wu Yang, and it is you. Why can't I always get rid of you." Supreme Bao covered his face with both hands, a sad look.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Extreme treasure, I have one thing to tell you, you are back five hundred years ago."

Supreme Bao laughed: "Five hundred years ago? Hahahaha, Wu Yang, you are a fool. If you go back five hundred years ago, you are not even sperm / zi now, don't even think about lying to me.". .