v11 Chapter 18: Midnight (four more)

Gwen covered his face with his hands and said, "Actually, Gree, me, I find that I like you."

After hearing this, Wu Yang's face was evil. Lao Tzu's charm was too strong, which made Gwen suspect that he was in love with "sex."

"Gwen, it's not that simple to say like." Wu Yang's eyes were profound.

Gwen took his hand off his face and said earnestly, "Gree, I'm not kidding, I really like you."

"I always want to see you these days, I want to see you smile at me, I want you to be happy, I thought it was a relationship between good friends, but now I find it is not."

Wu Yang asked, "Why?"

"When you kissed me just now, I was very happy. I like that you kissed me and touched me ..." Gwen couldn't say any more, after all, it was a bit shame to say this.

Gwen paused for a while and then said, "I also know why I don't like Peter anymore, it's all because of you. Gree, you have to be responsible, you have made me a" **** ".

"Well responsible." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Gwen couldn't help but said, "Gree, just now you said that homosexuality is true love, is that you like homosexuality."

"Yeah, I like homosexuality."

"Great," Gwen called, "then you, then you ..."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Do you like you?"

"Uh-huh." Gwen nodded expectantly.

Wu Yang put one hand on Gwen's face and smiled evilly, "Little fool, if I don't like you, will I kiss you?"

"You mean you like me too." Gwen hugged Wu Yang happily.


"It's really good." Gwen couldn't help but kiss Wu Yang's face, "Gree, I'm so happy, I'm really so happy."

Is Wu Yang's evil face really good? When you know that I am Wu Yang, I hope you feel good too.

Wu Yang and Gwen were together again, and they kissed him directly.

"Whew, whew ..." Gwen and Wu Yang parted their mouths, panting, "Why, why is it so exciting?"

Because Lao Tzu is a man, and you are a woman, kissing yourself will naturally stimulate you. Wu Yang smiled and said, "We like each other."

Gwen frowned slightly. "It feels familiar, as if we had kissed it before."

Wu Yang said secretly in his heart: He did kiss him, but it was Lao Tzu's strong kiss, and not what you want me to do now.

On the surface, however, Wu Yang said, "Because we are born a pair, we have this sense of familiarity."

"Do you have it too?" Gwen asked.


Gwen couldn't help laughing: "Gree, it's always you who take the initiative, it's not fair, I should take the lead."

"If you want this, there is no problem. The key is you can do it?" Wu Yang put one hand between Gwen's legs.

Gwen's body trembled and immediately said, "Gree, don't put your hands there?"

"where is this?"

"Gree, don't" chaotic ", you are so bad, too bad ..." Gwen was incoherent.

Wu Yang's evil face: "Are you comfortable?"

"Shu, comfortable, don't let me say such shy things."

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In this way, Wu Yang and Gwen hugged and slept on a chuang.

Gwen slept abnormally sweet, leaning on Wu Yang's shoulders and smiling.

In the middle of the night, Wu Yang opened his eyes, hovering slowly, and then face to face with Gwen, maintaining a distance of thirty centimeters.

Wu Yang patted Gwen's face with his hand and said, "Wake up, wake up, chick."

"Gree, don't be upset, just sleep." Gwen made a "murky" voice.

"Do you really think it is Gree? Chick Gwen." Wu Yangyin smiled.

Gwen opened his eyes immediately, looked up, and screamed, "Ah ..."

"We met again, you can't escape my palm." Wu Yang sneered.

Gwen sat up all of a sudden, shrinking towards a corner, and shouted, "It's you scum monster, Gree, what happened to Gree?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Gree, I was killed."

"What? You killed Gerry, you killed her?" Gwen exclaimed angrily.

"What? You feel bad? Do you like women?"

"I just like her. You killed her, I fight with you." Gwen stood up and rushed towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang held Gwen in her arms and smiled, "Just if you want to kill me, just save it."

"Let me go, let me go ..." Gwen bit his mouth on Wu Yang's arm.

Wu Yang said indifferently: "You can't do me any harm."

"Abominable, abominable, why did you kill Gree?" Gwen exclaimed angrily.

"You like it, I'm ruining it all for you."

"Wu Yang, you must die, you will. Someday you will die without a burial place, and I will kill you." Gwen's eyes flushed.

"Gree, it's me that's hurting you, it's me that's hurting you." Gwen's tears shed.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's right. Right, is this your house?"

Gwen's expression changed, "My parents, you, you ..."

"Rest assured, they're fine now and can't hear the voice here."

Gwen let out a sigh of relief, "Wu Yang, why are you pestering me? What do you want from me?"

"I want to do an interesting experiment, and you are the best candidate. I was selected."

"What experiment?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You don't need to know this, but one day you will understand."


"Gwen, you can't get rid of me. I will always be by your side, watching your every move, hahaha."

"Always with me?" Gwen didn't understand what Wu Yang meant.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Now leave a little memory for you, my mark."

Wu Yang's mouth pressed against Gwen's shoulder, and he took a bite. Left a trace of red "color".

"What are you going to do, ah ..." Gwen called in pain.

Wu Yang's hand waved before Gwen's eyes and said, "Sleep, wake up, maybe it's just a dream." ..