v11 Chapter 19: Not a nightmare (one more)

in the morning.

Gwen opened his eyes and yelled, sitting up suddenly, panting constantly, sweating all over.

"Gwen, what's wrong with you?" Wu Yang asked aside.

Gwen looked sideways, eyes widening, "Gree, Gree, you ..."

"What happened to me?" Wu Yang sat up with a smile on his face.

Gwen shook his head, his face incredulous, and embraced Wu Yang with both hands, and said, "You are not dead, you are not dead, great, great."

"What are you talking about, Gwen? How can I die? I've been good." Wu Yang laughed.

Wu Yang gently pushed Gwen away and put his hands on Gwen's face: "Gwen, what's wrong with you? Is it a nightmare?"

"Me? What's wrong with all this?" Gwen's eyes were drowsy and confused, "Is everything just a nightmare?"

"Gwen, what are you talking about?"

Gwen nodded and said, "I saw Wu Yang last night. He said she killed you, and then I became unconscious."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "How is that possible? I have been sleeping here well, how could I be killed by him? Gwen, you must be having a nightmare."

"Huh ..." Gwen let out a sigh of relief. "It seems so. It really scared me. I thought I lost you."

Wu Yang hugged Gwen with a smile and said, "Well, don't take it to heart, I will always be by your side."

Gwen was shocked when he heard the phrase "always by your side", so familiar, yes, yes, the devil said so in his dream.

"What's wrong with you, Gwen?" Wu Yang smiled.

"I will always be by your side." Gwen looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Yeah, I will always protect you by your side, you won't be hurt at all. Gwen, don't think about it, it's okay."

"Uh-huh." Gwen smiled, maybe he really thought about it, Gree couldn't have a problem, just a sentence.

Wu Yang looked at Gwen's shoulder and smiled, "Gwen, why is there a red mark on your shoulder?"

"Red imprint ?!" Gwen's body stiffened, his eyes widened toward his shoulders, and then he covered his ears with his hands, his eyes frightened.

Gwen shook his head constantly: "This is not a nightmare, this is not a nightmare, this is true, it is true ..."

"Gwen, calm down, calm down, I'm here." Wu Yang hugged Gwen tightly. "It doesn't matter, it's okay, it's okay."

"Are you all right?" Gwen looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Trust me, it's fine."

Gwen said with some excitement: "Gree, this is not a nightmare, the scum demon has come, the red mark on my shoulder is left by me, I, I ..."

"Gwen calms down and takes a deep breath."

Gwen took a deep breath, calming the excitement, and said, "Gree, I'm not kidding, this is true."

"I believe in you," Wu Yang said sincerely.

"What am I going to do now? The demon is staring at me." Gwen shook his head in horror.

Wu Yang kissed Gwen on his forehead and said, "Gwen, don't worry, no one can hurt you. I will always be by your side. If I want to hurt you, kill me first."

"No, you, you can't be by my side. The devil will kill you, he will do that. Gree, we must be apart." Gwen said immediately.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "I'm still fine now, I'm not dead."

"He will do that, Gree, I can't watch you die," Gwen said anxiously anxiously.


"Then you just want to be separated from me? You don't mean to be angels of each other."

"Of course I don't want to, but ..."

Wu Yang interrupted: "Gwen, there is nothing. Your business is my business. No matter what, let us take it together, okay? I don't care if I die, I care if you are."

"Gree." Gwen left tears, moved, and weeping in Wu Yang's arms.

Wu Yang's hand was on Gwen's back, and there was endless evil in his eyes.

"Gree, I'll never be separated from you." Gwen said emotionally.

Wu Yang cried out: "You can think like this, let us take all the things together, as for Wu Yang, let him go to hell."

"Uh-huh ..." Gwen nodded constantly.

Wu Yang raised Gwen's face and said with a smile, "Isn't it okay? Look at you, what do you cry?"

"Hate." Gwen cried and laughed.

"Come, wipe." Wu Yang took out a paper towel and wiped Gwen's tears.

Gwen looked happy, saying, "Gree, I feel like you are a man."

Wu Yang said silently in his heart: Lao Tzu was originally a man, but your eyes could not see it.

"Is not it good?"

"Okay, of course." Gwen said happily.

"Let's get up and go to school. I'll help you get dressed." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"I'll do it myself."

Wu Yang could not refuse to say, "I'm coming."

In the process of dressing, Wu Yang pinched, "touched" Mo, and Gwen Jiao kept talking.


In the school, Wu Yang and Gwen walked together.

"Gwen, don't tell your dad about Wu Yang for the time being." Wu Yang said.

"I understand, and I don't want to put them in danger." Gwen nodded.

"Gree, Gwen." A voice came over.

Wu Yang and Gwen looked at it. It was Peter, who was trotting towards them.

"Good morning." Peter greeted warmly.

"Good morning."

Peter kept his eyes on Wu Yang and asked, "Gree, did you eat at Gwen's house yesterday?"

"Yes, is there anything wrong?"

Peter shook his head. "No, no."

Gwen embraced Wu Yang's arm and said to Peter dissatisfied: "Peter, please don't approach Gree, she won't like you."

Peter froze. "Huh?"

Gwen said with a touch of pride: "You think I can't see it, you are interested in Gree, but now you don't have to think about it, Gree will not be with you."

Peter smiled awkwardly: "Gwen, you, I don't understand what you say, not what you think." ..