v13 Chapter 23: No rampant capital (two more)

A man slowly descended from the torch of the Statue of Liberty, and fell across Wu Yang with a smile on his face.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Wanciwang, meet for the first time, hello."

"Wu Yang, how are you?" Wanci Wang smiled. "Wu Yang, I think you are different from the three of them."

"What's different?"

Wanci Wang glanced at the harp, Storm Girl, and Wolverine, and smiled, "They are stupid and stubborn, but I don't think you are like this, you can understand my great plan."

Wu Yang nodded and said, "I understand, for the survival of mutants."

"Hahaha, Wu Yang, you and I really have the same language." Wanci Wang laughed.

The face of Qin and Stormwind was "colored" again, and shouted, "Wu Yang, you ..."

Wu Yang looked at a heavily guarded square in front of the Statue of Liberty. At this moment, it was filled with the leaders of various countries.

"While they are weak, they hold the fate of our strong, Wu Yang, isn't this weird? The natural race chooses the fittest to survive, and our mutant talents are the future and the choice of the earth." Wan magnetic king said lightly.

Suddenly Wanci Wang became indignant: "However, this is not the case. We are excluded, we are studied, and our bodies are coded with shame."

"I want to change all of them," Wang Wanwang said loudly, "I want to make all human beings in power become mutants."

The Stormwind satired: "Why are you looking for a naughty to replace you? Why don't you come by yourself."

"Because I can't die, the mutants have to wait for me to help them, sacrificing one person, and helping all the mutants, it's worth it." Wanci Wang opened his hands.

Qin said disdainfully, "You hypocrite, do you know? Councillor Kelly is dead."

"Dead?" Wanci Wang doubted, "How did he die?"

"Your gene radiates light, although it has turned him into a mutant, but it also killed his normal cells. Magneto, if you make that gene radiate light here, You will kill the heads of every nation, "said the storm woman angrily.

Wanci Wang said calmly: "It will still be the case, but these people die for the mutants. This is what they should be. This is their repayment."

"Wu Yang, join us and help me." Wanci Wang stretched out / out a hand towards Wu Yang.

"Wu Yang." Qin and Storm Girl looked at Wu Yang, shaking their heads.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Wanciwang, I always believe in one thing: the strong decide to work together."

Wanci Wang agreed: "Wu Yang, I always think so."

Wu Yangxie said with a smile: "It is very interesting to turn the leaders of various countries into mutants."

"Hahaha, Wu Yang, do you think so? It's really interesting." Wanci Wang Yangtian laughed.

"Wu Yang, you ..." Qin and Stormwind's eyes were deeply disappointed.

The Stormwind cried, "Wu Yang, you really disappointed me. Would you betray us?"

"Wu Yang didn't betray you, he was just making a right choice." Wanci Wang's eyes were a little proud.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I always follow my own mind when I do things. I do what I want. Qin, Storm Girl, I didn't say I was a good person."


Qin shook his head and said, "Wu Yang, I believe you are not a bad person. Please don't do wrong things."

"I believe I'm not a bad person? This really touched me, but Qin you were really wrong. In fact, I'm a bad person, the worst person." Wu Yang smiled grimly.

Neither Qin nor Storm Girl can accept Wu Yang's changes. How could Wu Yang be such a person?

Wolverine has scolded him directly: "Wu Yang, your bitch, have you been lying to us all the time?"

"No, it's not, but you think I'm on your side." Wu Yang said lightly.

Wanci Wang liked this situation and smiled proudly: "Hahaha, Wu Yang, I really read you right, let us lead the mutants to glory together."

Stormwoman said angrily: "Wu Yang, aren't you here to save the naughty? Do you want to watch her die, you **** scumbag, I believe you so badly."

Wan magnetic king smiled and said, "What is a little naughty dead? Wu Yang is right?"

"No," Wu Yang said lightly.

"Um?" Wanci Wang froze for a moment.

Wu Yang looked at Wanci Wang and said, "Little naughty cannot die."

"So who will start the instrument?" Wanci Wang frowned.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Naturally it is you. Magneto King, is there a better candidate besides you?"

"What? What a joke?" Wanci Wang said in a low voice.

A few people can't understand Qin, isn't Wu Yang going to turn to Wanci King? Why did Wanci Wang come to launch the instrument?

Wanci Wang continued: "Wu Yang, what do you mean?"

"It means you have to start the instrument."

"Wu Yang, you have already joined us. How do you say that?" Wanci Wang was completely unhappy.

Wu Yang smiled disdainfully, "Join you? Which ear do you hear that I want to join you, I just think that your idea is in line with some of my ideas and agree with you."

"Wu Yang, you are toasting instead of eating and drinking." Wanci Wang said in a gloomy way.

The Qin people were choked. What kind of "medicine" did Wu Yang buy? can not read it.

"Magneto King, in front of me, you have nothing to be mad at," Wu Yang said lightly. "You only have one choice today, which is to start the instrument."

"Hahaha, it's a joke. No one has been so mad before me, Wu Yang, you are the first." Wanci Wang's hand waved.

The surrounding metal irons all flew towards Wu anode.

However, when these metal irons were one meter away from Wu Yang, they all stopped and could not move forward.

"It turned out to be mental power, then see if your mental power is strong or my magnetic power is strong." Wan Magnetic King yelled.

The metal ironware surrounding Wu Yang trembled violently, making a humming metal sound.

Wu Yangshen calmly said, "I said, you have no mad capital in front of me." ..