v13 Chapter 24: Turn to the cloud (three)

Wu Yangshen calmly said, "I said, you have no mad capital in front of me."

"Wu Yang." Wanci Wang yelled.

The buzzing sound continued, all the metal irons were trembling violently, and the entire giant Statue of Liberty trembled.


With a loud bang, all the metal irons around Wu Yang were turned into iron powder and scattered.

Wan magnetic king groaned, and then went backwards, his eyes were unbelievable.

"Roar ..." A roar came, a person rushed out from one side, and rushed towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked at the rushing man and smiled, "It's you savage, saber-toothed tiger."

"Your dead time has come." The Saber-toothed Tiger roared, punching Wu Yang in the punch.

The gods of Qin and Stormwind are all tight, but they both control and say nothing.

Wu Yang flicked a punch, and said lightly, "You're too far behind, want me to die? You can only dream."

The two fists clashed together and made a muffled sound.

"Roar ..." Sword-toothed tiger roared in pain and flew out, hitting a thick iron wall, sinking it seriously.

"My hand, my hand ..." Saber-toothed tiger screamed in pain, his entire arm smashed with a "sexual" fracture and hung on his shoulder.

Wan magnetic king said in a gloomy way: "It's not useless to get on."

Saber-toothed tiger was obedient, even if one arm had been completely disused, it still madly rushed towards Wu Yang again.

"One with mental retardation." Wu Yang shook his head. "Let's take you to heaven. It doesn't make sense to live."

The saber-toothed tiger rushed in front of Wu Yang, and before the remaining hand hit Wu Yang, he felt a pain of smashing "sex" on Xiong's mouth.

"Ah!" The sword-toothed tiger sprayed blood, flying backwards, smashing directly into the iron wall, and falling into the sea.

Wu Yang looked at Wanci Wang who had flew out, and said lightly, "I want to escape from my hand, is this possible?"

The Magneto King was flying fast, and he had no intention to execute his plan. The most important thing at the moment was to rush to escape. Wu Yang had made him feel a strong fear that there were such strong people.

However, before Magneto had reached a distance of thirty meters, he felt that his body could not move, and an invisible force restrained him.

"What's going on?" Wanci Wang struggled hard, but without any help, he was dragged back.


Magneto fell on the windowsill.

Wu Yang sneered: "Lao Wan, where do you want to go? Have you agreed with me?"

"Wu Yang." Wanci Wang stood up. "Since you and I have the same purpose, why not cooperate with me?"

"Cooperation? Of course, I am willing to cooperate with you, but you are not willing to cooperate with me. I refuse to let you" **** "as an instrument. What else do you say to cooperate?" Wu Yang spread his hands.

Wan Magnetic King called out of control: "You are not cooperation, you are asking for my life."

auzw.com "Yes? Your life is like that. Since you do n’t choose to cooperate, then I can only let you" operate "as an instrument.

"Don't think about it, do you think my Magneto is at your disposal?" Cried Magneto.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

"Abominable! Wu Yang, I'm going to make you pay a heavy price." Wan Magnetic Wang shouted.

"You can try."

Wanci Wang's hands spread out suddenly, and a visible wave emanated from him.

Suddenly, the entire Statue of Liberty trembled, making a roaring sound, and the metal wall collapsed and squeezed madly towards the inside.

Wu Yang smiled and waved his hand.

The Statue of Liberty no longer trembles, and the metal wall no longer has the slightest movement.

"How is that possible? How is it possible?" Wanci Wang shouted unbelievably, constantly urging his magnetic force, but still no effect.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled: "It's useless, if your magnetic force can't act on the object, it's useless."

"Damn!" Wanci Wang called out. He was really scared. There was never a kind of fear he could not deal with.

Both Qin and Fengfeng women felt a strong shock. The powerful Magneto King was just like a kid's paper in front of Wu Yang, completely suppressed.

The Qin three have a feeling that Wu Yang is the big boss hidden behind him, and has been watching silently, but now suddenly he is in trouble, turning his hands into clouds, covering his hands with rain, all under his control.

This kind of person is too dangerous. How can such a strong person obey the rules of others? He will only let everyone live under his rules.

The storm woman smiled bitterly, and her previous concerns had become a reality, but she had previously thought silly that Wu Yang would be on their side, which is completely impossible.

"Wu Yang, what do you want?"

Wanci Wang looked at Wu Yang in despair, unable to escape, but could not beat. I thought I could control Wu Yang and let Wu Yang use it, but the reality swelled his face so severely that he couldn't hide his hands.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "What do I want? Are you still unclear, you want to" operate "as an instrument, this is the only option."

"Everyone is a mutant. They are fighting for the mutants. It is not necessary."

"Hahaha, who told you that I am a mutant? But these don't matter. The mutant has nothing to do with human beings and me. I only care if I can make my play full." Wu Yang's expression was like a demon.

Wu Yang continued: "Nonsense is said here, then the ceremony has officially started, Lao Wan, you are the best sacrifice."

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, Wanciwang levitated beyond his control.

Wu Yang also flew up, preparing to take the Magneto King to the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

"Wu Yang, are you going to become the second Magneto King? You are wrong to do this, stop now." The storm woman cried.

Wu Yang said faintly: "I don't plan to be anyone, I'm me, unique Wu Yang."

"Wu Yang, don't do this." Qin looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Qin, Storm Girl, no one can stop me, you come together to witness this interesting scene, oh, and Logan, come together."

Dangdang, Dangdang ...

The metal strips that bound Qin and Stormwind fell off, and the three of them were "fucked" and flew to Wu Yang. ..