v13 Chapter 37: A grove waiting for me at night (one more)

Wu Yang stroked his naughty hair: "I'm here, I've been waiting a long time."

"Come here so late, abominable guy." There was a hint of resentment in Xiao mischief's eyes, of course, more joy.

"It's my fault. My fault has made my naughty wait so long."

Little naughty whispered: "It's not yours."

"Not mine? Who else can you be?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

The little naughty raised his head and said, "You, how did you become Poppy?"

"It's more convenient. If I appear here normally, it is likely to trigger another war."

"It's the same, but you will become Poppy. There will be two Poppies, and they will still be found." Xiao Naughty was a little worried.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry about it at all, Bobby, I sent him to a beautiful place and will never show up again."

Little naughty froze and said, "You won't kill him?"

"Haha, how could that be? I just let him go, but didn't kill him." Wu Yang ghost dragged.

Little naughty thought for a while and thought, "In fact, if you kill him, I don't think it's okay."

"Don't think of killing as much as I think. I still like to serve people with morality."

Xiao Nian's face didn't believe, and said, "You still don't like killing people? I have read the news. Many people have died in New York. Many people have died in school these days. They are all new, but they die in a few days Now. "

"That is really unfortunate, but this is the reality." Wu Yang said indifferently.

"It is said in the news that this is a genetic infection, so people can rest assured that it can be cured. But I know it is not, this is just the" government "to appease ordinary people."

Xiao mischief continued: "It's all up to you, but I don't blame you at all. I think you're right. Variant talents are the future, and they will continue to evolve to this stage and can only be eliminated."

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "You can think so, it's very good."

"Professor X, although they are very good, are really too conservative. The mutants can't go on like this all the time. They shrink and have no real freedom." Xiaotao shook his head.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "To understand, any change is conservative and radical. From this point, I still appreciate Wanci King."

"But you killed him."

Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "There is no way. He dare to even start with my woman. Can I keep him?"

"Isn't your woman." Xiao Naughty lowered her head, but with a strong joy in her eyes, she liked the feeling of being cared by Wu Yang.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Not my woman, who else can you be?"

"It is not……"

Silent for a while, Xiao naughty said: "Wu Yang, did you really kill Wanci King for me?"

"Of course, otherwise I won't let him hang, just for you." Wu Yang raised one of the naughty chin with one hand and kissed the naughty mouth.

Little naughty hands pushed Wu Yang's face and said, "No, no ..."


"why not?"

"Because you look like Bobby right now, it feels weird." Xiao mischief shook his head.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's the case."

"When you change back to the original look, it's all right ..." Little mischievous eyes dodged a little.

Wu Yang said playfully: "I ca n’t wait anymore, so I might as well come back now."

"No, you will be found out that you are Wu Yang's. Do you have any patience? Anyway, it's all yours ..." Xiao Naughty lowered her head, and was very embarrassed.

Wu Yang only felt that there was a fire in his heart. Is there such a thing? It's all Lao Tzu, ha ha ha.

"For my little naughty, I just put up with it, tonight I will wait for me in the grove, will you?" Wu Yang's mean face.

The naughty staggered: "The grove behind?"

"Yeah, you must come by then." Wu Yang stood up.

"I see. Don't stop by then."

Wu Yang's face was evil: "Why not go, rest assured, you will definitely go. Now, let's go to class."

"Um." Xiao Naughty nodded happily.

The two walked together, and naughty glanced at Wu Yang and said, "Wu Yang, will you be seen through this way?"

"Rest assured, they don't have that level yet to see me through," Wu Yang said with confidence, "but you can't show too much enthusiasm for me, and you can't be too aggressive.

"Well, I know."

This is a biology lesson on the piano. The people sitting around the naughty have obviously felt the change of the naughty mood. It is no longer the kind of lifelessness before, and it is replaced by the vitality of the girl.

However, Wu Yang and Xiao Naughty were separated by a few seats. Even so, Xiao Naughty also glanced at him from time to time, taking what he said earlier into the air.

Wu Yang's eyes were on the piano that was on the podium, and the piano still looked so feminine, making people feel like they couldn't stop.

Wu Yang raised his hand, Qin looked over and asked, "Bobby, do you have any questions?"

"Mr. Ge Lei, can you tell me what happened to this large-scale genetic infection? I heard that all the infected people were mutants, and they were all dead. Everyone was afraid." Wu Yang said seriously. .

Wu Yang said this, and several students said, "Mr. Ge Lei, many people who have come to school recently have died. Is this true?"

Qin looked at the students who were "fascinated" and "frightened" underneath, and said softly, "Please rest assured, here, you are very safe and will not be threatened."

Qin continued: "You study with peace of mind, and we and the professor will take care of other things."

Wu Yang nodded and said, "I was relieved when I heard Teacher Ge Lei say this."

Xiao naughty glanced at Wu Yang a little, she didn't know what Wu Yang said?

Wu Yang glanced aside and did not expect Katy the phantom cat to sit next to him again. This is really a fate. But now it's like an ice man, so it's not suitable to make fun of people, so annoying.

After class, Qin took the textbook and went out. Wu Yang quickly followed, behind him, his eyes always looked at Qin's fart. ..