v13 Chapter 38: Sneak into the piano's bedroom (two more)

After class, Qin took the textbook and went out. Wu Yang followed behind Qin, always watching Qin's fart.

Qin said, "Bobby, is there anything?"

"Mr. Ge Lei, there are many things in my heart that bother me. I think I have depression." Wu Yang looked distressed.

Qin looked at Wu Yang. "Are you depressed? Come with me. Can you tell me anything? I will help you."

"Okay, Teacher Ge Lei."

Qin took Wu Yang to the office, and Qin sat on the chair and said, "Bobby, you can also sit."


Qin asked, "Bobby, let's just say that, you can say anything."

"Mr. Ge Lei, I worry that I will die."

"Dead? Why do you think so?"

"Because the mutants who came to school haven't seen one yet. Are they all dead and have a genetic infection?" Wu Yang pretended to be frightened.

There was a hint of tiredness in Qin's eyes, and he rubbed and rubbed his forehead with one hand, and said, "Bob is thinking too much of you. They are all well and receiving treatment."

"Really? Will the genetic infectious disease infect us?"

Qin smiled and said, "No, we will do all kinds of measures, and we will definitely not infect you. Bobby, don't be afraid, you will not die."

"I see, I'm relieved now." Wu Yang laughed. "Mr. Ge Lei, I have another question."

"Say, I can tell you what I can tell you."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "How come you haven't seen Wu Yang this time when you come back? Where did Wu Yang go?"

Hearing the words "Wu Yang", Qin's eyes flashed a strong and complex "color", and he laughed and said, "Why would he ask him suddenly?"

"Because he is so powerful, he naturally cares about him, everyone is curious."

Qin said lightly, "He has something to do."

"Will that come back?"

"Who knows this? But I ..." Qin clenched his fists.

"Mr. Ge Lei, what's wrong with you?" Wu Yang cared.

"I'm fine, Bobby, if there are no more questions, the teacher has something to do ..."

Wu Yang stood up and said, "Teacher Ge Lei, goodbye."


Qin looked at the back of Wu Yang going out. What's going on? Why is there a familiar feeling, like, like ...

"Wu Yang." Qin stood up and called out.

Wu Yang turned his head. "Mr. Ge Lei, what are you talking about? Wu Yang? Where is Wu Yang?"

"It's all right." Qin Gan smiled.

Wu Yang cares: "Mr. Ge Lei, you may be too tired, pay attention to rest."

"Well, I will pay attention, thank you."

auzw.com After Wu Yang left, Qin shook his head vigorously and said to himself, "What is Wu Yang doing now? Thinking of destroying the world? Or where?"

"Thinking more about that guy, don't let me see him again." Qin clenched his fists.

Qin left the office because there are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with, and few of the mutants who came here have been alive.

Qin came to the basement, where there are many instruments and sick chuang, but almost all chuang are empty, and there are only a few people on chuang.

The reason why most of Chuang is unoccupied is very simple, they are all dead.

Qin came to a chuang, a man lying on this chuang, with pain in his face: "I, will I die ..."

"Rest assured that you will be fine, it will be fine," Qin comforted.

"Don't lie to me, I, I, I ..." This man hadn't finished speaking, and a flame broke out on his body, burning it.

Qin quickly took a step backwards and could only look helplessly at all this.

"Ah, ah ..." In the painful cry, this man turned into a ash with chuang on him.

"Rest in peace," Qin said lightly.

These days, various ways of death are playing in front of Qin, and she cannot stop it at all. Counting the dead one just now, only three remain alive.

Qin Zou walked to the edge of a chuang and looked at the lying beauty / girl.

The young girl / girl laughed and said, "Hello."

"You are okay." Qin smiled and checked the beauty / girl. "Your health is healthy, but you need to observe for a few days to be safe."

Qin checked the body of the remaining two people again. Both of them were in good health and had no "hair" disease.

"Perhaps these people can survive." Qin "Lu" smiled a relief.

After Qin left, the beauty / girl said to the woman who was sleeping next to her, "Witch, so boring."


That's right, these two are the white Queen and the witch-shaped woman. They are mixed here by pretending to be "radiated" by ordinary New Yorkers. After the white has not changed the appearance, the witch-shaped woman becomes an ordinary woman.

"People who have been" shot "are basically dead," the Devil Girl said lightly.

"Not all are dead, is there another one?" Bai Hou glanced at a sick chuang not far away. "His cells are not necrotic, and he is very healthy."

"There is only one person." The Devil Girl smiled.

"At that time there were 105 people. Except for the two of us, there were 103 people. Only one of the 103 people survived. This ratio is really cruel. There should be tens of thousands of people who can survive by then. These are the essence. "

The Witch Girl asked, "What is Wu Yang doing now?"

"Who knows? Maybe pick up girls." Bai Hou said indifferently.

"Pick-up girl? It's a romantic seed. Who are Wu Yang and you?" The Devil Girl asked.

Bai Hou smiled and said, "Do you want to know? In fact, you are not very convinced of Wu Yang, right, and it is not true to submit to Wu Yang."

The Witch's eyes changed, "You think too much."

"But what you want is this. If you are too obedient, wouldn't it be very boring." Bai Hou laughed like a fox.


Qin stayed in her bedroom. She was too busy these days. She felt a bit tired, and slowly fell to the table and fell asleep.

After Qin fell asleep, Wu Yang quietly entered Qin's bedroom and looked at the Qin lying on the table. "Lu" gave out a wicked smile: "Asleep, it seems to be coming."