v13 Chapter 61: Satiated and full (one more)

Qin returned to Anza. Little Naughty, Wolverine and Katie all looked at Qin. They felt that Qin looked a little strange, his face was rosy, and his eyes were panic and chaotic.

It's not surprising that the Stormwind Woman knew what Wu Yang and Qin had done.

"Mr. Qin, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Naughty asked.

"I'm fine, it's fine," Qin said guilty.

Wu Yang came over from behind, "Did you eat? Why is there no smell of rice?"

"Wu Yang." Xiao Naughty walked over happily, "Did you go to the toilet just now?"

"Um, yes, go to the toilet." Wu Yang answered immediately.

Wu Yang glanced at the Storm Woman, who snorted softly and moved her face to the side. Wu Yang laughed in her heart. I didn't expect Stormwind to lie for him. It was really good.

Wu Yang walked forward and watched a large pot burned with firewood, which contained "chaotic" wild vegetables, hares and the like. Not even salt or swimming.

"Can this be eaten?" Wu Yang shook his head.

"Here, it would be nice to have this, you think you are in the hotel." Wolverine said coldly.

Wu Yang smiled, "It seems that I can't do it without" exposing ", let you take a good look."

The light of blue "color" flashed, a complete set of kitchen utensils fell to the ground, grills, gas tanks, gas stoves, and a table full of meat, fruits and vegetables.

"This is, how did this happen?" The small mischievous eyes widened.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Calm."

"It's great, you don't need to eat these uneatable things." Katie threw away the wild vegetables in her hands.

"Today, let me cook Chef Wu." Wu Yang hit the gas stove. "You guys."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Naughty said happily.

Qin and Fengfeng Women glanced at each other, "Let's help."

The aroma of the food radiates out, and it is still very tempting to a few people who have not eaten for almost a day.

"Wu Yang, how did you do that? These things didn't look at you." Xiao Naughty asked.

"The power of space. Store these things in separate spaces. Take them out when you want."

"Independent space?" A few people in Qin were shocked.

Storm Girl asked: "Wu Yang, do you still have the power of space?"

"No, I just have an artifact with space."


Wu Yang nodded: "Yes, do you want to see it? But I won't show it to you. This is my secret, hahaha."


Xiao Nian looked at Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, can't I watch it?"

"Of course you can. I won't show it to anyone else."

"It's great. When we're alone, you show me that artifact." Xiao Naughty said happily.

Qin and Stormwind's eyes flashed a little complex, and Wu Yang secretly scolded Wu Yang.

auzw.com Katie glanced at Naughty with a little envy. Wu Yang was really good at Naughty. People are so powerful, they will be safe around him. No no no, what am I thinking about.

"Everything is cooked, let's eat." Wu Yang cried.

"Come on, little naughty, give you a roasted chicken leg." Wu Yang picked up a roasted chicken leg, coated it with sauce and butter, and gave it to naughty.

"Wu Yang, thank you." Xiao Naughty accepted it happily.

Stormwind female and Qin felt uncomfortable for a while. What kind of show did Wu Yang show in front of them?

"Come, this is for you." Wu Yang picked up a chicken leg and gave it to him.

For a moment, Qin's heartbeat accelerated, and her mood seemed to be getting better. It can't be like that, a chicken leg will satisfy you.

"This ..." Qin Gan smiled.

"Can't you? Rest assured, I won't be poisoned here." Wu Yang smiled.

Qin took it. "Don't talk nonsense."

Wu Yang walked up to Storm Girl again, "Here."

Looking at the chicken legs handed by Wu Yang, the storm girl said lightly: "Wu Yang, you are really a good person, aren't you afraid that some people are jealous?"

"No, you are very hard working with the storm female teacher." Xiao Naughty said quickly. Didn't pay attention to the words 'someone' as the storm woman said.

But Qin noticed, guilty back to several people.

"Really, kind baby." Stormwind took Wu Yang's chicken drumsticks. "Are you going to get Katie one?"

"Huh? No, no, I can do it myself," Katie said shyly.

"Katy, come here with a chicken thigh." Wu Yang had already taken the chicken thigh and passed it towards Katie.

Katie took it and bowed her head. "Thank you ..."

Qin and Stormwind looked at all this. Would Wu Yang, the "color" man, want to wipe it out? What a "color" Lang heart! How could there be such a scum, no more ignorant girls can fall into his hands.

Wolverine naturally wouldn't expect Wu Yang to come and get him a chicken leg, picked up a ox leg, and stunned himself.

Wu Yang took out a few more bottles of red wine and said with a smile: "These bottles are from the collection of red wine from more than eight years old. At least they cost over $ 100,000 a bottle. Come here, don't be polite, drink. "

"It's so expensive," Katie said in surprise.

"Wu Yang, how did you get it? Wouldn't it be fake, right?" The storm woman suspected.

"You are insulting my dignity, how can it be false, absolutely true, do you drink?" Wu Yang opened the bottle cap.

"Drink." Wolverine took a bottle directly from Wu Yang's hand and poured it into his mouth.

Xiao Mi said, "It's all money, it's not wine anymore."

"Even the best wine is for drinking. Drink and drink. Don't hesitate to come."

After the meal is full. Stormgirl asked, "What next? We can't stay here all the time."

"Let's break up," Wolverine said lightly.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It's a good idea to break up, so raise your hand if you don't want to break up."

As a result, Wolverine raised his hand, everyone looked at him stupidly: "Wu Yang said he didn't want to break up, why did you raise your hand? Aren't you going to break up?

"You pit me." Wolverine looked at Wu Yang.

"I pit you an egg, old wolf, if you really want to get away, no one will stop you." Wu Yang said lightly, "think about it yourself." ..