v13 Chapter 62: Stryker's plan (second)

For Wu Yangzheng to show no mercy, Wolverine turned and left, but stopped.

"Can you restore my memory?" Wolverine asked.

"Yes, but if you're leaving, that's all it takes."

Wolverine frowned, and said, "I see."

"Old wolf is right, don't pretend to be okay, why bother?"

"Wu Yang, what are your plans next?" Fengfeng asked.

Wu Yang had a thoughtful expression, "Go to the professor."

"Professor? Professor is in the Department of Defense. But the school was attacked and the professor is now ..."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "The school is like this, do you think the professor is okay now? All of this has been premeditated, lead the professor away and come to the school to arrest us. The professor must be controlled now."

"Being controlled? The professor's spirit is so powerful that it is not easy to control him."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Strong is not invincible, but think about how to save the professor."

"Save him? Where to go?" Qin asked.

Wu Yang glanced at Wolverine: "The old wolf knows."

"What a joke? How do I know where?" Wolverine shook his head.

"The person who arrested the professor must be Stryker, and Stryker obviously knows you, but you have no previous memory."

Wolverine asked, "What are you going to do?"

"How to do it? Naturally, it is very simple. Let you restore your memory, and then think about where Stryker is now?"

"Restore my memory? Now?"

"Just now, isn't it?"

"Hope you don't turn me into a vegetative, come on, I also want to know what kind of memory I lost." Wolverine came to Wu Yang.

"Come here." Wu Yang put a hand on Wolverine's forehead.

The silver "color" flashed, Wolverine's eyes widened and his body stiffened.

Naughty and Katie are curious watching all of this, can they really do it? Stormwind and Qin both have some doubts. Professor X also tried to restore Wolverine's memory, but failed to do so.

Wu Yang "shows" a wicked smile and restores your memory, always at a price.

Wu Yang took his hand off Wolverine's head and said lightly, "OK."

"Is that all right?" Stormwind said incredulously.

Wolverine stood still, flashing phantoms in his wide eyes, and the tide-like memory picture reappeared in his mind.

"Ah ..." Wolverine's hands covered his head, Yang Tian yelled.

"Whew, whew ..." Wolverine panted.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Did you remember it?"

"I, I remember it all, I remember it." Wolverine looked at his hands, "I remember it all."

"That's good."

Katie glanced at Wu Yang. Why is this person so powerful? It's almost omnipotent. Little naughty is really lucky. How can such a man be a boyfriend. What's wrong with me? Envious of the naughty again, stop delusional.


"Do you know where the professor is?" Qin asked.

"Strike has a military base at that dam in the Canadian Rockies."

"That's right, we will go to the place where the old wolf said next stop. Do you have different opinions?"

Little naughty said: "Wu Yang, wherever you go, I will go."

"The professor must rescue, and the enemy must report, go together." Storm Girl said.

"Same." Qin nodded.

Katie lowered her head and said, "I'm with you, don't look at me like that, I'm still a little capable, and I will definitely help."

"Let me be together, as a thank you for helping me restore my memory." Wolverine said lightly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Then it was such a pleasant decision, go to that dam, kill Stryker, and rescue Professor X."

Qin's eyes are a bit complicated. If the professor is controlled there, then Scott is also there. How should he face him then? All these troubles are due to Wu Yang, a scumbag.

"Wu Yang, will the professor be struck by Stryker ..."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "No, Stryker will not be so stupid. A mutant at the level of a professor is a precious resource."

"Does Stryker use the professor?"

"Once the brainwave enhancer is used, the professor's spirit will be connected with everyone in the world. Stryker can let the professor connect only the mutants and kill all the mutants at that time."

The faces of the Qin people were all changed: "If so, it would be terrible. The professor has this ability."

"Striker went to the mutant school, not only to arrest us, but also to brainwave boosters," Wu Yang said lightly.

"Be sure to stop that guy." Stormwind clenched her fists. "Will never let his plan succeed, Wu Yang, let's go now and pass immediately."

Qin followed, "It's not too late."

"Now that you all look forward to it, let's go."

Katie was a little sleepy and "confusing": "But how do we get there? We are now in the reckless forest without any means of transportation."

Several people looked at Wu Yang, "Wu Yang, what can you do?"

"What else stumped me?" Wu Yang raised one hand.

The Qin people raised their heads, and saw the blue light flashing above them. A large aircraft appeared and landed slowly from the air.

Katie's mouth widened: "Here, how did this happen? Obviously there is no aircraft."

"Wu Yang, wouldn't you hide such a large aircraft in your independent space?" Cried the storm woman.

"if not."

"Wu Yang, you are so amazing, you can do everything." Xiao Naughty grabbed Wu Yang's hand.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "If it's not great, how to be your man."


The aircraft slowly landed on the ground, with a length of 70 to 80 meters, overwhelming a large area of ​​forest trees.

"Stand here and don't move." Wu Yang said.

A green "color" of light was sprinkled from the aircraft, and it was sprinkled on the bodies of several people in Wu Yang.

When a few people came back, they had already appeared in the interior of the aircraft, staring at each other stunned. ..