v13 Chapter 68: Conquer the mutants (three more)

Qin's eyes dodged, and she said complexly, "This light is radium, is it Scott?"

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, and he smiled and said, "It seems so. Besides him, he has such an exclusive ability, it is interesting."

"If it's Scott, why is he ..."

"Isn't this simple? They can control even the professor, not to mention Scott." Wu Yang sneered.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and a group of figures appeared in the eyes of the four Wu Yangs, led by Scott.

"Scott." Qin called.

But Scott was expressionless, just put his hand on his forehead, and a laser "light" hit him.

"He can't recognize who we are now."

Wu Yang took a step forward, punched out, and greeted the radium "shooting" light coming from the laser.


The red "color" light flashed, the energy stimulated "shot", and the laser "ray" light was blown out. Under the effect of the recoil, Scott flew out and crashed into several people.

"These are mutants controlled by Stryker." Wu Yang looked at dozens of humane.

Stormgirl asked: "Is there no way to get them out of control?"

"Since they are mutants, I naturally want to help them." Wu Yangzheng said, "Seriously."

"Kill them!"

All the mutants rushed towards the four of Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's eyes flashed silver, and a layer of silver "color" spread quickly towards the front, passing through the bodies of all mutants.

The mutants who rushed towards the four people of Wu Yang stiffened, their eyes widened.

With the disappearance of the silver light, all the mutants came to their senses after a few seconds, and looked at each other in a fascinated way. Why are they here? Where is it again? Who are these people?

"Congratulations, you are free now," Wu Yang said loudly.

Everyone looked at Wu Yang, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Yang." Wu Yang smiled, "This is in the interior of a dam, and you are all a dog named Stryker."

"Striker, Stryker ..." After hearing the name, the mutants all fluttered and seemed to be remembering.

"I remember, it's him, it's the demon ..."

"It was he who grabbed me and then injected something behind my neck."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Yes, that's right, Stryker controlled you."

"Who are you again?"

"My name is Wu Yang, and I'm also a mutant. I saved you and made you awake. I have an ideal. I want to make the mutants no longer sad. Really, standing on top of the world, no one can Insult us. "Wu Yang shouted.

Katie watched Wu Yang's eyes change. Does Wu Yang have such a great idea?

The mutants looked at each other and one cried, "The world is dominated by humans. We mutants have no way to resist them. What is your ability to let us stand on top of the world?"

auzw.com "Ability?" Wu Yang said coldly, "It seems you want to see it, all right."

Wu Yang yelled loudly, and the violent momentum radiated out. Instantly, the whole dam and the surrounding area trembled, shaking like an earthquake.

"Ah, ah, ah ..." everyone cried in pain, except for Qin, Storm Girl, and Katie.

The mutants covered their heads with hands, with fear in their eyes. It was an indescribable scary feeling, as if they were in a violent tsunami, it was a mental storm.

The mutants knelt down and fell to the ground. It was an impulse to worship when facing invincible nature.

Qin, Storm Girl, and Katie all looked at them in shock. Katie shouted, "Everyone, kneel down."

"This guy ..." Stormwind's eyes widened.

Wu Yang took back the violent momentum and said lightly, "Do you think I have this ability now?"

All the mutants kneeling on the ground stood up one by one, and looked at Wu Yang with some fear. This man was so powerful.

"You are willing to hide for life, like a mouse, or like a firewood, burning fiercely, even if it turns to ashes, it has been hot in this world." Wu Yang cried loudly.

"I'm willing to be like firewood, Lao Tzu is fed up with this bird gas." The three men walked towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang stretched out a hand and continued to loudly: "Mutants are the best, no one can slave you. But if you choose to be slaves, no one can save you."

"Come on, stand by my side, and build an era of mutants with me Wu Yang." Wu Yang opened his hands.

"Okay, I'll follow you."

"Special, it's a big deal."

"His mother, don't be a dog anymore."

"If it weren't for Wu Yang, we would still be dogs. Brothers, follow Wu Yang and take a gamble."

"Follow Wu Yang."

Three, four, five, all the mutants walked towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang raised a hand and shouted, "I Wu Yang will prove that your choice is correct, and the future belongs to the mutant!"

"The future belongs to mutants!" All the mutants stood around Wu Yang, shouting in unison.

Qin, Stormwind, and Katie looked at each other. Are these mutants brainwashed by Wu Yang? With these few words from Wu Yang, they let them all follow Wu Yang. What exactly is on Wu Yang's body to make them believe?

"Is that all right?" Katie shouted.

"It does seem to work, this guy has made me full of confidence in the future. Maybe the mutant country he said can really do it." The storm woman smiled, her eyes seemed to flash.

Qin said in shock: "What did you say about the storm? The land of mutants?"

"Yeah, a very crazy idea, Wu Yang wants to build a country that belongs to mutants."

Katie's mouth widened and she said incredulously, "This, can this be done?"

The storm woman smiled and said, "If you don't dare to think about it, it will never be possible. Only if you think about it, you will do it. This is what Wu Yang told me."

Wu Yang cried out, "Brothers, let us go and kill Stryker's dog day together, okay?"

"Okay!" The crowd stirred up.

Scott, who was hit before, shook his head vigorously, slowly stood up, looked forward, his eyes were cold, and his teeth were gritted: "Wu Yang!" ..