v13 Chapter 69: Grab the righteousness (one more)

Scott, who was beaten before, shook his head hard, stood slowly, looked forward, his eyes were cold, and his teeth were gritted: "Wu Yang!"

"Wu Yang, I want to kill you." Scott growled.

Everyone looked at Scott, and one shouted, "Do you guys know what to do? Wu Yang saved you, and you still want to kill him?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Scott, hello, don't be so angry, you can say something well."

"Scott." Qin walked towards Scott.

Seeing Qin, Scott's face "color" eased, "Qin, why are you here?"

"We're here to save you," Qin said.

"Did you come with Wu Yang?" Scott's expression cooled instantly.

Wu Yang's figure flickered, blocking in front of Qin, and smiling: "Yeah, I've come to save you with Qin, is there any problem?"

Stormwind put one hand on her forehead. "It looks like something is going to happen now."

"Why? Didn't we come to rescue Teacher Scott?" Katie didn't understand.

The Stormwind said with some helplessness: "Everything was made by this guy Wu Yang. He was originally good. He had to go and" plug ", it was a real animal."

"I don't understand." Katie shook her head.

"You still don't understand, that's fine."

Looking at Wu Yang standing in front, Qin's face was complicated, and she didn't know what to do.

Scott looked at Wu Yang with cold eyes. He resisted the impulse of hands and said lightly, "Qin, come to me."

"Scott." Qin stepped out from behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang stopped Qin with one hand and smiled, "Qin, where are you going? Just stand with me."

"Wu Yang ..." Qin's gaze begged. She didn't want to see the conflict, the conflict between Wu Yang and Scott.

Scott cried, "Wu Yang, let go of your hand."

"If I don't let it go," Wu Yang said lightly.

Wu Yang and Scott's eyes stared at each other. But this is also the peace before the storm.

The group of mutants behind Wu Yang can also be seen clearly. It turned out that they were fighting for women, but the red-haired woman is really good. Although not very beautiful, she is full of femininity and knows the "sex" ratio.

"Wu Yang, do you need us to help?" A mutant yelled.

"No, this is a matter between two men, and a third person cannot" plug in "." Wu Yang smiled.

"What is it?" Cried several mutants.

Katie also understood it and asked, "Ms. Storm, is Wu Yang going to compete with Mr. Scott for Mr. Scott?"

"Maybe so."

"But Wu Yang is a naughty boyfriend, and Teacher Scott and Teacher Ge Lei are male and female friends, this, this is" chaotic. "Katie shook her head.

The Storm Lady smiled bitterly, "Is it" chaotic "? Yeah, it is indeed" chaotic. "

"Wu Yang is doing too much. How can this be done?" Katie looked angrily.

Qin said, "Wu Yang, don't do this. I'm still Scott's girl, girlfriend ..."

Wu Yang glanced at the piano and said lightly, "Girlfriend? What about it?"

"How? Qin has nothing to do with you." Scott stepped closer to Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, you're dead."

auzw.com Wu Yang said lightly: "Scott, Qin is my woman, and the person she loves is me."

"It's absolutely impossible." Scott's fists clenched.

"Nothing is impossible, Qin, am I right?" Wu Yang looked at Qin.

"Wu Yang, don't" force "me." Qin shook his head. "We need to save the professor right now."

"Professor, don't worry, there must be nothing. The immediate priority is to solve your inner troubles." Wu Yang laughed.

Qin looked at Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, don't go too far."

"I'm not overkill, and I want to let Scott know who the one you love is?"

"It's me who loves Qin," Scott yelled, "Qin, right?"

Gin's eyes dodged. "Scott, I ..."

"What are you? Is the person you love the right one?" Scott looked a little crazy.

"Scott, let's save the professor." Qin now just wanted to escape it.

"Qin, you answer me." Scott grabbed a hand toward Qin's shoulder.

Wu Yang's hand grabbed Scott's wrist and said lightly, "Scott, please don't touch the piano, then I will be very unhappy."

"Let it go," Scott said coldly.

"Do not let it go?"

"Wu Yang!" Scott yelled, and the radium "shooted" suddenly hit Wu Yang.

"Don't ..." Qin called.

Wu Yang's fist passed directly through the laser "light" and hit Scott's face.

"Ah ..." Scott yelled, and flew out, crushing a wall.

"Scott," Qin called.

Wu Yang took hold of Qin and said lightly, "He can't die."

"Wu Yang, how can you do this?" Qin said angrily.

"Because I care about you."

After hearing Wu Yang's words, Qin Xin softened and said, "Can't you give me more time? The problem also needs time to solve."

"There is no way to solve this kind of thing slowly. Now is a good time. All three of us are here."

Scott stood up slowly and said, "Qin, come to me."

Wu Yang frowned and pulled the piano into her arms, coldly: "Scott, listen, the piano is my woman, and always will be. From now on, you have no relationship at all. . "

Qin struggled slightly: "Wu Yang, don't, don't do this ..."

Looking at it all, Katie couldn't help but said, "So shameless!"

"It's shameless to grab someone else's girlfriend and be so straightforward!" The storm woman agreed.

"But handsome and overbearing ..." Katie whispered slightly.

"Wu Yang, we support you, men are so domineering." Several mutants coaxed.

"Yes, yes ..."

"Ah ..." Scott yelled from the sky, and was completely angry. "Wu Yang, I'll crush you to death."

Wu Yang smiled disdainfully: "If you have that ability, I have no opinion. The key is do you have it, Scott." ..