v14 Chapter 55: Incredible second daughter (second more)

Rulai looked at his body, a crack appeared from his left shoulder to his right waist, and the light of blood "color" constantly overflowed from the crack.

Rulai slowly knelt down on the ground, "How, how is it possible that my gold body was broken ..."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's because your gold body is made of tofu."

"Wu Yang ..."

"Do you have anything else to say? I listen."

Rulai's mouth opened, but she couldn't say anything.

"Don't feel like you have failed. It's normal to die in the hands of my Wu Yang." Wu Yang said lightly.

Wu Yang lifted the dragon pattern of extinction, and said, "Swallow the black hole and conquer the crown. This is" forced "to you."

"This is a big meal." The Conquest Crown appeared.

"That's right," devoured the black hole and followed.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Calm, follow me Wu Yang, I eat meat, you must have meat. Whatever you do, I'll go to my lady."


a long distance away.

Duan Rongsisha is surrounded by a layer of blue "color" light, suspended in the sky, nowhere to go.

"Sister, how can we go out?" Sisha looked anxious.

"Abominable!" Duan Rou punched on the barrier.

Both were anxious. What happened to Wu Yang's battle with Rulai? That ’s the Buddha, how powerful is Niu ’s existence, can Wu Yang win?

"Dead to death, why isn't Wu Yang still here?" Duan Rou looked mad.

Sisha comforted: "He is so powerful, he can definitely defeat Rulai."

"Well, if you count, my man is the strongest." Duan Rou exclaimed loudly.

"Two ladies, you can think of it that way, it's a great relief for your husband." A bad voice passed into their ears.

Duan Rongsisha's body shook, his eyes were full of surprises, and he cried together, "Wu Yang!"

The blue "color" protective cover surrounding the second woman disappeared, and the second woman fell towards the bottom. Wu Yang had one in one hand and smiled, "Two ladies, how are you?"

"Wu Yang." Duan Muansi and Sisha all hugged Wu Yang's neck tightly.

"Calm down, calm down, I know I'm handsome, but you still have to calm down."

"You look handsome, asshole, my sister and I are both worried about death." Sisha complained.

Wu Yang held the second daughter and landed down. She put down the second daughter and said earnestly, "Mother, I am back, so you are worried."

"Count your conscience." Sisha said with red eyes.

Duan Rou's eyes were also a little red: "You're fine."

The three people hugged tightly together, it was a warm picture.

After a while, Duan Rou asked uncertainly: "Is Rulai killed by you?"

"It is a must."


Duan Rongruan and Sishadu looked at Wu Yang: "That's the Buddha."

"What about Rulai Buddha? It's gone."

"Aren't you teasing me?"

"Funny, what are you doing in this world?" Wu Yang affirmed.

Duan Rongruan and Shisha all stunned, Rulai was destroyed by Wu Yang, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh. But Wu Yang is here intact, is Rulai really destroyed?

"Wu Yang, are you a human or a monster?"

"What do you say, I am your man, where is the monster? I am just stronger, don't you just see my strength, pay attention to my qualities, the good qualities of men."

Duan Rongsi and Shasha shook their heads together: "I didn't see your excellent quality at all."

"You will surely find it. Now, let's go back to Duanjiazhai."

"Wait, Wu Yang, you haven't told us your secret." Sisha said immediately.

"Well, yes, it's time you said."

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Okay, it's time to tell you. Don't be too surprised when you hear it."

"You say it."

"Listen, I am not a person in this world, this world is one of many derivative worlds ..."

Wu Yang said at the end: "I have told you everything, these are true, don't doubt the true and false" sex. "

Of course, not everything has been said. For example, Wu Yang was devouring space. None of Wu Yang said that all of this is for the harmony of the harem. After bringing Duan Muansisha to the devouring space, they just regret that they have no place to escape, ha ha ha ha.

Duan Ruanmu and Sisha looked at Wu Yang stupidly, Sisha said dumbly, "Wu Yang, are you a story?"

"It's an interesting story." Duan Rougan smiled.

What do you think, what Wu Yang said is a story, it's not true, it must not be true. how is this possible? What movie world, what devours space ...

Wu Yang spread his hand and said, "I know that for you ancient people, this makes you feel real and difficult. But these are true and true. Why should I lie to you? . "

"But these ..." Sisha said a little hard.

"I feel so fake." Duan Rou followed.

Wu Yang said helplessly: "How can you believe it?"

"This ..." Duan Ruan looked at each other.

"The wine I gave you last time was not the wine of this world. There is no such wine in this world." Wu Yang said.

"It's still not enough to explain."

Wu Yang thought for a while, and the blue "color" flashed on his hand, and a mobile phone appeared on his hand, saying, "Let's show you the high technology."

"This, what a weird thing?" Sisha took it, looking curious.

Duan Rou was also curious: "Wu Yang, what the **** is this?"

"This is a mobile phone. Come, let me teach you how to play. Very interesting for you." Wu Yang took out another mobile phone.

Wu Yang lit the screen of the phone, and Sisha and Duan Rou shouted, "It's on, it's on."

"Calm, calm, this is nothing, come and let you listen to the song." Wu Yang smiled, "This is my favorite" Eighteen "touch", this song is very nice. "....