v14 Chapter 56: Love action movie (three)

"Hold the drums slowly, play the gongs slowly, stop the gongs and listen to the singing, and all the gossip also sings. I have heard eighteen" touch "..."

The song "Eighteen" Touch "was played from Wu Yang's mobile phone.

Sisha and Duan Rou's eyes widened. Duan Rou took the phone and looked back and forth, "Wu Yang, how do you put people in such a small thing?"

Wu Yang sweated secretly: "I didn't put people in it."

"You have no one in it, why would anyone sing in it?" Sisha asked.

Wu Yang put one hand on his forehead: "I feel like you have a hard time understanding it, what should I say, it's just downloading the song in it."

"What is a download?"

Wu Yang was defeated. "Well, this can't blame you. These are not important. I will ask you a little bit. Have you ever seen such a thing from childhood to age?"

"No." Sisha and Duan Rou shook their heads together.

"That's right, it's not something in this world, it's something I brought from devouring space."

Wu Yang took out a cell phone again, "Come, let me show you the magic moment."

"A magical moment?"

"Sisha, you stand like this, Duan Rou, you stand like this, and pose like this." Wu Yang asked the two to stand up.

Duan Rou asked: "What are you doing?"

"Don't ask, stand up as I said, don't move, keep this posture." Wu Yang walked four meters away and pointed the phone at the second woman.

The second daughter is very strange. What is Wu Yang doing?

"Okay." Wu Yang walked over and pointed the phone screen at the second daughter. "Look."

Duan Rongsisha's eyes widened, "We, why are we here? Wu Yang, here, what's going on?"

Wu Yang proudly said, "Don't understand, this is a photo, it can record your pictures at a certain moment, and stay here."

"Is it similar to painting, draw people and keep them on paper." Sisha asked.

"Smart, you can understand it this way, it is equivalent to painting and keeping you." Wu Yang smiled.

Duan Rou nodded and said, "This is much better than painting. It will be just a while away, and it's exactly the same as us, magical."

"You can do it, come, follow me and do it." Wu Yang laughed.

Sisha and Duan Rou both said with excitement: "We can also, we can also shoot, shoot ..."

"It's a photo, of course, follow me, click here, click here." Wu Yang demonstrated, "It's very simple, you use your mobile phone and do as I do."

Si Sha said happily: "It's okay, it's amazing, Wu Yang, look, you're here."

"You are awesome," Wu Yang praised.

auzw.com "I'm here too, hahaha, it's amazing." Duan Rou smiled, "It's so fun, it's so fun, everything can be in it."

Duan Rongsisha took a mobile phone to take pictures everywhere, and found out what the new continent looks like. This is so fun.

For people in a modern society, cell phones are too normal, but for ancient people who have never heard or seen them, they are really new.

"Ah, ah ..."

Suddenly a strange sound came from Sisha's cell phone, and a man knew what the sound was.

Si Sha looked at his mobile phone blankly, with a strange expression, his face "red" quickly turned red.

"Here, what are these things? I don't know shame, I really don't know shame." Sisha threw the phone to the ground.

"What's wrong with Simei? Why is there such a strange cry?" Duan Rou picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

Duan Rou's face "color" changed: "This is ..."

Wu Yang walked over, took the phone quickly, and said, "Don't worry about these details."

Si Sha stared at Wu Yang and said, "Can you explain what that is? How can there be a man and a woman inside doing such things inside?"

Duan Rou stared at Wu Yang and said, "Wu Yang, don't you grab a man and a woman and force them to perform such a shameless thing."

Wu Yang said without blushing: "It's not what you think. This is a love action movie. It's a very normal educational movie that teaches children how to become adults."

"Love action film? Educate children? Do you show children this kind of shameless and stigmatizing thing?" Sisha was surprised.

Wu Yang is serious: "Si Sha, you ca n’t think like that, you need to think that children need to grow up. They are curious about the difference between men and women. By letting them see these, they can be treated correctly The difference between men and women. "

"Unintelligible, this is shameless."

"Don't care about this. Your focus is wrong. What you should care about is why the mobile phone can see people moving inside."

Duan Rou asked: "Why? The people inside are real, didn't you catch them and let them perform?"

"This is a video, it can record people's various performances and lives in it, and then play it out. Photos are still things, then the video is dynamic, let me show you a video."

Wu Yang stepped aside and pointed her cellphone at the second daughter. She said, "You just move around a few times and do a few moves."

Duan Rongsi Sisha did just that.

"Look at it." Wu Yang walked over. "Every action you just made is here every moment."

Duan Ruansisha opened his mouth wide, "This, how is this possible?"

"This, this is even more amazing than the photo, it's amazing."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It's too common. If you get used to it, you won't care. There are many things, and you might not be surprised if you see your chin."

Duan Rongruan and Sisha glanced at each other, Sisha sighed, "Such strange things will never be here, Wu Yang. I have to believe what you said now."

"I believe it too." Duan Rou spread his hand.

Wu Yang shrugged: "It's really not easy for you to believe these." ..