v18 Chapter 36: Put down the exercise

Bai Hou seems to be thinking of something, "Wu Yang, did Pandora tell you the secret?"

"Not yet, I didn't ask, this kind of thing is not urgent." Wu Yang spread his hands indifferently.

"Oh, it seems that you are more anxious. If you don't install it, I don't believe you don't want to know." Bai Hou looked with contempt.

Wu Yang shrugged: "Well, I want to know, but it must be related to Athena, it is a secret shared by Pandora and Athena, and it definitely needs ..."

"What do you need?" Bai asked immediately.

"Not to mention." Wu Yang waved his hand. "Anyway, I don't think I can be such a bird / beast, you know, I'm a very pure person."

He rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes: "Wu Yang, I don't hear such words. This secret will not be related to some kind of physical communication, but also needs Athena and Pandora."

Wu Yang spread his hand: "I didn't say anything, I didn't know anything."

"It looks like this, don't pretend, and Athena hey hey, don't you think it's exciting?"

Wu Yang waved his hand: "Stop and stop, after white, can you be as pure as me? Don't you always think about some" messy "mess? Okay, you are so stressed."

"I can only hesitate about it, just leave it to you. Isn't it going to be that way anyway? What kind of restraint do you pretend to do?"

Shanshan asked, "Brother Yang, sister Baihou, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, it's all trivial matters." Wu Yanggan smiled.

Is there any need for "Fuck"? Never need it, throw away the "fuck" for eternal life. But in some things, Wu Yang thinks he still can't let go of the "Fuck", he is still a bit moral, eh, that's it.

At a small lake, Athena and Pandora sat on chairs.

"In short, this is the case, this is why the guidelines want to catch us, I told you." Pandora said with a smile.

Athena meditated for a while, her expression changed, and she asked, "Did you tell Dad?"

"No, but I don't seem to want to know what he looks like. I haven't asked me since I came back. But he knows that it must be with us at the same time, so I think it's a little psychological pressure."

"Dad ..." Athena's eyes flashed with disappointment. She was really looking forward to that moment and becoming a real woman.

"What? I really want to be his real woman, and it's probably going to be a while." Pandora shook her head slightly.

Athena smiled: "I know that such a thing can't be anxious, but I'm his woman no matter what, if he needs it, I'll give him everything I have."

Pandora clapped her hands and said, "It's touching, my father and daughter are affectionate! I was moved by you."

"Just come and tease me," Athena said angrily.

auzw.com "Although Wu Yang is a super big bastard, there is no festival" **** ", but in this matter, if he wants to let him go down the festival" **** ", he still needs to play Small means. It depends on how you do it. "Pandora said with a smile.

Did Athena's eyes flash a faint light, let dad completely let go of the "Fuck"? Small means?

"Remember to call me then, we will be effective together." Pandora looked at Athena.

Athena didn't speak, she just looked at the calm lake.

"Well, life here is so leisurely, I have become degenerate." Panduo stretched a lazy waist, "I really want to go on like this forever."

Athena smiled. "I also want to be with my dad, with everyone, and no one will interfere anymore."

"But who can predict the future? Maybe, where does the guy who is the same as the guideline come out? Well, let's not say such disappointment. Who is this guy Wu Yang on now? ? "

"Oh owe ..."

Wu Yang sneezed and "touched" his nose. "Which beauty is thinking of me?"

"No matter, I haven't talked to my Xiaoyin for a long time, she must be a little bit silent." Wu Yang 『Lu』 burst into a wicked smile, the figure flashed, and disappeared in place.

By the seaside, Guanyin sat on a cliff rock alone, her eyes closed, no matter the wind or the sound of the waves, she couldn't let her move.

With a flash of white light, Wu Yang appeared behind Guanyin.

"Xiao Yinyin, meditating again. It's so boring. It's better to have fun with me." Wu Yang squatted down, his hands consciously pulled Guanyin into his arms.

Avalokitesvara opened her eyes, her face "colored" slightly red: "Wu Yang, can't you be a little bit calm?"

"No, seeing you, my heart can't rest in peace, like fire, extremely hot." Wu Yang exaggerated.

"It's smooth." Guanyin said a little bit strangely, but she was happy in her heart. She liked to hear Wu Yang say such things.

"You, there is no serious, in fact, you need to meditate carefully, in order to help improve your spiritual realm." Guanyin's hand nodded on Wu Yang's forehead.

"I was really scared to death last time. Although you have become the extinct dragon pattern 4, you can't control the huge force, which means that your spiritual realm is not enough, this will happen." Look like.

Wu Yang froze on Guanyin's face and said, "Fortunately, there was my baby Xiaoyin at the time to help me. With you, should I still be afraid?"

"What baby ... Xiaoyin, it's ugly. You, I can't be by your side all the time. So, you need to further improve your essence." Guanyin took her face seriously.

"This is too difficult for me. It's hard for me to calm down. I can't get a little voice like you."

"Take your time, start now, it will be fine."

Wu Yang shouted, "This is not in a hurry, I will close it later. I just want to talk about life with Xiaoyinyin and exchange my body."

"You, oh ..." Guan Yin's mouth was blocked by Wu Yang. ..