v18 Chapter 37: Spiritual blend

"You, oh ..." Guan Yin's mouth was blocked by Wu Yang.

Avalokitesvara can't break free. Besides, she doesn't have any resistance. She can't resist Wu Yang's enthusiasm.

Kissing and kissing, there was a fire in their hearts.

Avalokitesvara found that she had no way to be pure-hearted now. She remembered her coming out, and what her son-in-law said to her was just fine.

Follow your own mind, what is your own mind? In the past, she concentrated on studying Buddhism and comprehending it, but now she just wants to stay by Wu Yang's side.

"Woohoo ..."

Wu Yang let go of Guanyin's mouth, and the two kept screaming at the atmosphere.

Wu Yang's hand was still in the wrong place.

"Xiao Yinyin, will you give me everything for you?" Wu Yang's voice was a little hoarse, with deep possession in his eyes.

Guanyin lowered her head, and her face was terribly red. Did you give everything to Wu Yang? Really can? Is she really OK? Yes, it's not wrong to follow your own will.


Avalokitesvara sounded almost inaudible.

But with Wu Yang's super-strong ears, it is absolutely audible. "Then I'm welcome."

Should you use the word polite at this time? Guanyin glanced at Wu Yang.

"Xiao Yinyin, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, I love you." Wu Yang threw Guanyin under him.

"I, I love you too. If this is a mistake, I am willing to go on forever."

"How can this be wrong? This is the right thing to do, like to be together instead of suppressing our own feelings. Now let us release each other's feelings and give each other the real thing." Wu Yang's voice With a touch of charm or.

"Well, come on, Wu Yang, I love you."

After hearing this, Wu Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately transformed into a wolf, and then it was not suitable for children.



A loud cry sounded, and Guanyin's tears came out. Although it was painful, her heart was happy, and everything was given to Wu Yang.

Now, she is the real woman of Wu Yang. She has no regrets. It turned out to be so happy to give everything to her favorite man.

Suddenly, Wu Yang's body was stiff, and Guanyin was the same. The two were hugging together.

The light of silver "color" erupted from the two and merged together.

Guanyin's perception of life, nature, the universe, and various philosophies have all entered Wu Yang's consciousness, and quickly promoted Wu Yang's spiritual realm.

In the sea of ​​Wu Yang's consciousness, the silver "color" was shining at the moment, extremely bright, like a star, and his mental strength was skyrocketing.

A silver "color" little Guanyin appeared here, this is the spiritual body of Guanyin.

auzw.com "Wu Yang, are you here?" Guanyin asked.

"Ha ha ha, of course I'm here, my little voice." Wu Yang's evil laugh sounded here.

Guanyin looked around and said, "Come out soon."

"Ah ..." Guanyin shuddered as her Hungarian arm was pinched by a salty pig.

"Hahaha." Wu Yangyin's "swing" laughter kept laughing.

Guanyin ’s face was “red” and stomped, and some young girls shouted, “Wu Yang, you do n’t want to be so mischievous, it ’s so awful, come out soon.”

"Have you missed me?" A little Wu Yang with silver color appeared behind Guanyin, hugging Guanyin.

Guanyin snorted: "I don't want you, you big idiot, you know you're teasing me."

"How can I tease you? I don't have enough time to love you," Wu Yang said deeply.

Guanyin "Lu" smiled: "I am really your demon, and I know that when I say these nice words, I still like to listen."

"You like to listen to it, because what I say is all the truth, only the true heart is the most touching."

"I don't believe it." Guanyin smiled non-stop, "but I really didn't expect that, like ours, we could merge each other's spirits and enhance each other's spirits."

In fact, it is Wu Yang who really benefits. The various perceptions of Guanyin have helped him a lot in his spiritual realm. Although the spiritual strength of Guanyin has also improved, it is not a lot.

"We are all blessed people, naturally it will be like this." Wu Yang said with some excitement, his mental strength has improved a lot, it is a matter of time to break through to the next spiritual realm. , You can definitely control it easily.

Wu Yang continued: "You look so good, I don't have to work hard to meditate or anything at all, there is no way, the long handsome will have all kinds of good things to care for me."

"You." Guanyin nodded on Wu Yang's forehead with her hand. Of course, she was also very happy. The improvement of Wu Yang's mental strength was better than her own.

Wu Yang looked at Guanyin's eyes and said affectionately, "The biggest concern is to make you my woman."

"Wu Yang ..."

The two were close together, hugging each other tightly, the spirit body can also be ml, and the experience is not worse than the body.


Finally, the silver "color" of Wu Yang and Guanyin disappeared, and both opened their eyes and looked at each other affectionately.

"Wu Yang."

"Xiao Yinyin, don't say anything at this moment, feel it with your heart."

Then bursts of strange sounds spread out.

Both Athena and Pandora walking along the seashore had changed their faces, and they heard strange sounds.

"It's been a month. It's really like this all the time. It's all on the beach now. Wu Yang is really fun. Should we go and see?" Pandora smirked.

Athena's face was "red" slightly red. "This, let's forget it, don't disturb Dad."

"Don't pretend, you obviously want to see it like this. Besides, maybe, this will be the time when you wish, let's go." Pandora walked forward with Athena's hand.

"Pandora, wait, you, we can't go ..." ..