v19 Chapter 10: Eradicate forces

Night is here.

Damon wore a mask, cape, and armor like Batman.

Minty is dressed up as a cool super killer.

"set off!"

In a warehouse on the side of the road, there were more than a dozen people joking and laughing, surrounded by bags of things, all drugs.

"Marcos, what about the girl who played last night?"

"Not much, no water."

"Hahaha, it's still the one I played. I almost squeezed me out."

"Oh, that court is terrific. Let me play tonight." A few men smiled silvery.

"A few more girls."

"Hahaha ..."

A group of men laughed silvery.


There was a loud noise, and when the wall collapsed, three people came in.

Everyone in the warehouse was startled, took out their guns and pointed at the three men in front.

"Who are you?"

"Specially, look for death."

All three of Wu Yang laughed, Minty twisted his neck and said, "Yes / children, let my aunt" milk "and" milk ". Let me try your weight."

"Let's make a mess of the three of you." A black man held a machine gun and "shot" the three of Wu Yang.

Minty and Damon moved, avoiding the bullets easily, if they could never have done it before.

Wu Yang stood here, all the bullets bounced back.

"Ah, ah ..."

The sound of screaming kept falling, one by one.

Minty waved the whirlwind knife, killing it like cutting melon and chopping vegetables, blood splattered, limbs flying.

Damon is not bad at all, and more violent. He directly punched the opponent's head with a punch, his brain was splashing, and his nausea was extremely disgusting.

Within a minute, there was no more standing.

Another white man with a cut leg crawled on the ground, his eyes terrified, not humans, these guys are not humans, how could people be so powerful?

"Yo, there is a fish that leaks the net." Minty walked over with a smile.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I ..." This person took out his cell phone and hadn't dialed it, Minty had already cut his hands with a stab.

"Ah ..." a terrible cry.

"Let me show you those dregs brothers who accompany you." Minty stabbed the knife with a smile.


Minty pulled the knife out, looked at the dead people on the ground, and shook his head: "It's just a general trash slag, a waste of air alive, a waste of land.

Wu Yang smiled: "Let's go to the next place."


Damon nodded, took out a flame, and threw it towards the wood in front, and the flames were burning.

"Go to the next location. Tonight, I'll ruin all Frank Damico's dog legs and his business."

In this way, the three of them ran one after another, destroying eight locations in total, which is also the power of Frank Damico.

Outside of a burning factory building, the three of Wu Yang looked at the burning factory building and spoke.

"If Franco Damico's trash knows that his power and business will be destroyed tomorrow, his expression will be very wonderful." Minty smiled.

Damon whispered coldly: "Tonight is the end of his power, tomorrow night is his end. I want him to die."

"Dad, must."

Wu Yang yawned: "Today's business is over. Let's go back and take a good rest."


"Well, Minty and I are going to rest. Damon, you can go back alone." Wu Yang raised Minty's hand.

Damon snapped: "What do you mean?"

"Don't understand, I took Minty to bed and see Ha tomorrow." Wu Yang waved his hand.

"See you tomorrow," Minty smiled.

Wu Yang leaped up holding Minty and disappeared into the night sky.

Damon Yangtian shouted, "Wu Yang, if you dare to do something to Minty, I will not let you go, hateful!"

"Women are not staying, women are not staying, they are not staying before they have heard of them." Damon sighed and walked lonely towards the front.

Wu Yang took Minty to the five-star hotel last night, and the lady at the counter was as enthusiastic as seeing her father: "Sir, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and the room has already been given to you. Reserve it. "

Wu Yang had no unnecessary nonsense, and threw a stack of beautiful knives in the past and smashed it into the face of the lady at the counter.

The lady at the counter was not angry at all, but was ecstatic. With so much money, the extra money was enough for her salary for several months. I really hope that I can encounter such a large sum of money every day.

Wu Yang held Minty and came to the presidential suite.

Minty smiled and said, "Wu Yang, you give her so much money. Although she is enthusiastic and respectful to you on the surface, she must say in your heart that you are stupid and rich."

"It doesn't matter, money is just waste paper. It doesn't make any sense to me." Wu Yang laughed.

"Your level is really high. Many people are working hard for this nonsense."

"Don't say these are useless, you're tired of sweating, let's take a bath together."

"Can you wash it alone?" Minty looked at Wu Yang.

"No, come on, I'll help you take off your clothes." Wu Yang put his hands in front of Minty's Hungary and untied Minty's clothes.

A hint of shyness flashed in Minty's eyes: "Wu Yang, you're transformed into a loli-controlled metamorphosis."

"I just help you take a shower and I won't do anything to you."

"I'll do it myself, otherwise it always feels weird." Minty grabbed Wu Yang's hand.

Wu Yang took his hand back, his body flashed white, all his clothes disappeared, and only one pair of pants remained.

Looking at Wu Yang's body, Minty's expression was a bit unnatural, and Wu Yang's body even made her look good.

Minty only had to take off her clothes, and there was only a small neko. The Hungarian mouth was very flat. After all, it was just a loli.

"Take a bath."

Wu Yang hugged Minty and jumped into the bath. ..