v19 Chapter 11: Angry Frank

Manhattan, New York.

On the top floor of a luxurious building, a middle-aged bald man sat on a leather sofa, drinking tea leisurely, and reading a newspaper.

Suddenly the glass door was opened, and a middle-aged fat man walked in quickly, yelling, "Frank, it's not good."

Yes, the middle-aged bald is Frank Damico, the enemy of Damon and Minty.

Frank said calmly: "Joe, what's the matter? Panic."

"It's not good, it's not good, big things are not good." The middle-aged fat man was so excited that his expression was terrified.

"What the **** is wrong? You say it fast."

"Our people, our factories have been destroyed, there is nothing left." Joe shook his head.

Frank stood up in excitement, clutching Joe's collar and shouting, "Fuck, why don't you tell me clearly, what is going on?"

"I don't know about this either. I only got the news in the morning. We were all killed and the factory buildings were burned." Joe wept a face.

Frank punched Joe's face with a punch and exclaimed angrily, "What the **** are you doing, don't I want you to take good care of our factory?"

Joe fell to the ground and said, "You can't blame me, who knows how fierce the other party is."

Frank kicked the table next to him and took a deep breath: "Check, check me, find out who did it, and I will make them regret living in this world."

"Yeah, but we're gone." Joe whispered.

"Don't you want to find someone to join us?" Growled Frank.

"Yes, yes ..." Qiao Lian rolled away and crawled away.

Frank sat down, was silent for a while, picked up his phone and started searching for things about last night.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Three times in a row, he slammed the mobile phone in his hand to the ground, and threw it thinly.

"Who the **** is messing with me?" Frank growled.

This feeling is very unpleasant. Others are engaging in him, but he does not know who it is, as if stared at by a poisonous snake.

"" Fuck! "


On the other side.

In the luxurious presidential suite, Wu Yang also fell asleep holding Minty.

Minty opened her eyes and found herself in Wu Yang's arms. The warmth of the skin close to her makes her feel very comfortable.

Minty looked at Wu Yang's face, and there was a flash of obsession in his eyes. This guy is so handsome.

Even if he looks handsome, he is so powerful, he is just like Superman.

Such men should be very popular with women, right?

But it was she who was beside him, sleeping with him.

Although she is still young, it doesn't matter, she will grow up.

At that time, should I be with Wu Yang forever? Yes, does she have any other choice?

Minty grabbed a strand of hair and ran it towards Wu Yang's nose.

A big hand grabbed Minty's small hand. "Minty, what are you doing?"

"You're awake."

Wu Yang opened her eyes and smiled. "I haven't slept all the time. I don't need to sleep."

"Can't sleep? Well, it happened to you, I'm not surprised anymore." Minty smiled.


Wu Yang's hands pinched Minty up so that their faces could be aligned.

"Good morning." Minty kissed Wu Yang's forehead.

"Good morning, but you can't kiss your face, you have to kiss." Wu Yang's mouth moved up and blocked Minty's mouth.

Minty's eyes widened, with a hint of blankness and shyness in his eyes. Is this a kiss?

Wu Yang seemed to be unable to stop, attacking Minty's mouth with impunity, too soft / tender, with a fragrance that was only found in loli.

Minty also seemed to sink in with Wu Yang's superb technology and closed her eyes.

After about seven or eight minutes, Wu Yang let go of Minty's mouth and couldn't continue anymore, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll do something very animalistic.

"Whew, whew ..." Wu Yang breathed a few breaths in succession, and his mental strength was working, forcing herself to calm down.

Minty was also exhaling, her face was "red" with shyness and expectation in her eyes, and she whispered, "Why not continue?"

"Can't continue, you're too young." Wu Yang hugged Minty tightly and drowned.

"Are you upset?" Minty asked.

"Uncomfortable, but it's okay."

Minty looked at Wu Yang: "That was my first time."

"I know, blame me?"

Minty shook her head: "Here you are, I'm willing.

Wu Yang scratched Minty's delicate nose and smiled, "Okay, we should get up, and in the evening we gave Frank Damico a final blow."

After some grooming and dressing, Wu Yang and Minty left the hotel.

"Where are we going now?" Minty asked.

"Just go around and play, whatever you want, delicious, delicious, everything you can play, whatever you want." Wu Yang "touched" Minty's hair.

Minty thought for a while and thought, "I don't know, just walk around and see if you can find anything interesting."

In an alley.

The two guys who looked very much like shemales were violently fighting against a few promiscuities. The promiscuities of the prodigals held their heads for mercy, and the bleeding continued.

"The Sunflower Collection is really amazing."

"Yes, the two of us have become so powerful now that these dog breeds are not our opponents at all."

The two shemales looked at each other with emotions in their eyes.



This is Dave and Tao De who practiced "Sunflower Collection" given by Wu Yang.

Both Dave and Todd's expressions were excited, and then hugged each other at the same time. Both of them had tents on their pants.

The **** who had just been beaten by Dave and Todd ran away one by one.

"Dave, I found out that I am actually in a" **** "relationship."

"So coincident, so do I."

"Then the two of us ..."

"Let's be together, Todd, I love you."

"Dave, I love you too."

A very cold scene. ..