v19 Chapter 52: Loss of assets

At this moment, the monitoring department of the Jurassic World is "chaotic" in a group, looking at the monitoring screen one by one.

"Another Thunder Dragon is dead."

"Another Stegosaurus is dead."

"Another three / horned dragon is dead."


The face of a capable woman wearing white "color" business attire with short hair was "anger, damn, **** bastard, **** it, fuck!"

"These are the company's assets. The **** bastard, how many dinosaurs died, how much loss?"

"Director Claire, calm down."

"I can't calm down," Claire shouted.

This woman is called Claire, the director of operations of the Jurassic World Theme Park. Also Aunt Zach and Gray, sitting in the monitoring room every day, ensuring that every dinosaur is being monitored and that every problem is solved. Dinosaurs are assets to her.

This woman is also a heroine of the Jurassic Period.

"Did you find those guys?" Claire asked.

"Also, not yet ..."

"Then you can't find it fast, you must find him and bring him to justice."

"Director Claire is actually really weird. How did that guy control that T-Rex? I'm really interested," said a man with glasses.

In fact, everyone is curious about this matter. In the Jurassic world, no one can tame dinosaurs. But now someone was riding on the back of Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was incredible.

"I don't care if he rides on the back of Tyrannosaurus Rex, I only know that our assets are being lost and tourists are being killed. All we have to do now is to bring that **** to justice and shoot him. Claire shouted.

The man with glasses stepped back one after another: "I know, I know, you calm down."

"I found them."

"Discovered?" Claire exclaimed.


"Hurry, hurry, send the armed forces over and be sure to bring it down."



On the grass, the three of Wu Yang were still roasting dinosaur meat.

Minty shouted, "Wu Yang, are you alright? I really want to eat."

"Brother, I want to eat too, so hungry."

The intense scent made both Minty and Zhou Xiaoyu drool, and both could not wait.

Wu Yang took out a pot of good caviar and set it aside.

"Okay, let's eat."

"Finally good, starved to death."

Both Minty and Zhou Xiaoyi picked up a large string of roasted dinosaur meat.

"Come, dip this caviar." Wu Yang smiled.

The two women dipped it in caviar and took a big bite at the same time.

The second daughter's eyes widened, "It's delicious !!!"

"How can it be so delicious, the meat of the dinosaurs is so good, it shouldn't be so good."

auzw.com Both Minty and Zhou Xiaoyi couldn't stop and ate quickly.

Wu Yang ate slowly and said, "Don't worry, there are so many here, you can eat as much as you want, what is it?"

Wu Yang took out a table with a few bottles of beer and wine on it.

"Come here, sit down and eat, roasted dinosaur meat and beer are better with Europe."

Wu Yang poured the beer into the glass. "Come, take a sip."

Minty and Zhou Xiaozhen both sat down and picked up a glass of beer.

"Come, toast!"


The three of them laughed happily, drank the beer, and ate a large mouthful of roasted dinosaur meat. It felt very refreshing.

"It's really cool. The meat of the dinosaurs is very good, much better than the Alaskan king crab." Minty smiled.

"Then you eat enough, and if you do n’t have enough, go get another dinosaur and bake."

However, even if Minty and Zhou Xiaozhang can eat again, they cannot eat a dinosaur.

"I, I can't eat anymore." Zhou Xiaozhen patted his belly, and it was fully supported.

"Me, me too." Minty lay on the grass, no longer wanting to move, "Well ..."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Why? No more eating. There are so many left."

"Brother, me, I can't eat anymore, no more, I'm going to lie down." Zhou Xiaozhang also lay on the grass.

Wu Yang shook his head: "You guys are really useless, you can't eat any more than that."

"Can't compare with you."

"Brother, your stomach is horrible. You have already eaten half of Leilong barbecue, is there any problem with your stomach?" Zhou Xiaozhen asked with some worry.

After eating so much, won't your stomach burst?

This worry is completely superfluous, and Wu Yang is completely okay even if he eats an earth. At his level, eating is entirely for enjoyment, not for providing the body with the necessary energy.

"Don't worry, it's not enough for me to jam my teeth."

"Brother, you are terrible."

"No, he's not scary, he's a rice bucket." Minty said.

Wu Yang raised a brow and said with a smile: "Oh, is it? I'm a rice bucket. Minty, you dare to say, it seems that you did not educate you well the night before."

Minty's face was "red" red, "You, you pervert."

Zhou Xiaoyu: "..."

In the sky, the sound of helicopter propellers came.

Wu Yang looked up and saw three helicopters landing slowly.

"Oh, it's here," Minty said with a smile. "Just right, you're full, you need to exercise and digest."

In front of the three, ten off-road vehicles rushed forward.

Zhou Xiaochen asked, "Brother, they came to catch us. What should we do?"

"Little sister, you just need to understand that there is an elder brother and no one can hurt you, just leave everything to the elder brother."

"Xiao Ye understands that with my brother, I am not afraid of anything." Zhou Xiaoye's eyes were full of trust in Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Whatever you want, I continue to eat meat, and you continue to lie down."

Helicopters and off-road vehicles got on and off nearly a hundred armed men and hurried towards the three men, besieging them.

"Put your hands up!"..