v19 Chapter 53: Are you coming

"Put your hands up!"

Wu Yang continued to eat his dinosaur skewers and said, "Are you guys coming?"

Both Minty and Zhou Xiaoyu are sweating. Now is not the time to invite each other to eat dinosaur skewers. You are the enemy.

After listening to Wu Yang's words, those armed men were all "forced".

However, the scent emanating from the grill was something they had never smelled before, and it looked like an excellent grilled meat, this taste.

Many armed men couldn't help but swallowed.

"Just talk nonsense, who the **** are you? Why are we attacking the Jurassic world?" One shouted.

"Where is the Tyrannosaurus Rex you rode?"

"Hurry up your hands and surrender, otherwise you will look good."

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "I kindly want to invite you to eat roasted dinosaurs, but you are crooked and I'm angry."

"Put your hands up."

"I lift you paralyzed and lifted, annoying." Wu Yang threw the dinosaur bones in his hand.

Unfortunately, an armed man was hit.


The armed man shouted in pain, was smashed and flew for dozens of meters, and then died.

Everyone was stunned. A dinosaur's bones smashed a man so far. How powerful was Nima's strength.

"Fire, fire, kill him."

All the armed men opened fire immediately, and the bullets "shot" at the three of Wu Yang.

But when the hundreds of bullets were five meters away from Wu Yang, they all stopped and couldn't move forward.

The armed men were stunned: "How is that possible?"

Wu Yang's hand moved around, and all the bullets flowed along with his hand.

"There is nothing impossible in my hands, so are you ready to die?" Wu Yang sneered.

"Get down!"

I don't know who yelled.

With a push of Wu Yang's hand, all the bullets shot back.

"Ah, ah ..."

The armed men who did not get down in time screamed one by one, blood splashing.

Even if they wore special bullet-proof vests on their bodies, they could not resist the bullets that came back.

Two-thirds of the armed men died that way.

The remaining one-third died, all lying on the ground in horror and cold sweat. Did they just walk around the gate of the ghost just now? That guy is so scary, he's not human.

In the monitoring room of the Jurassic World, all the personnel were timid.

The big screen shows the heads of all the people involved in the capture operation. Each head is a sign of the life of the armed personnel. Once the head is grayed out, it means the death of the person.

Just now, two-thirds of the heads were grayed out instantly, and a lot of screams came back.

"It was just posted, what happened?" A female staff member murmured.

"I don't know, but it must be terrible."


Everyone looked at Claire, after all, she is now the director here and the issuer.

Claire put a hand on her forehead, and she felt helpless for the first time. Why did so many people suddenly die?

Claire took a deep breath, forcing her to calm herself, and said, "I'm going to see."

"No, it's too dangerous over there."

"Supervisor calm down."

"You keep monitoring, I'm gone." Claire strode forward.

The people in the monitoring room all looked at each other. Well, they should have said everything. If Claire really died, that would be no way out.

On the grass, those armed men who were lying on their feet stood up, and no one dared to approach anymore, and some people were still retreating, afraid.

The three helicopters in the sky were working now, and three Gatling machine-guns fired, bombarding Wu Yang's position.

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, a layer of barrier was protected by Minty and Zhou Xiaozhang. As for himself, could these bullets kill a cell on his body?

Bang bang ...

The bullet was just bombarding Wu Yang's body.

"Roar ..." Tyrannosaurus roared and rushed over from a distance, very fast.

Tyrannosaurus resembled, jumping up to a height of 70 or 80 meters, throwing an arc in the air, biting towards a helicopter with a big mouth.

"Ah, ah, Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is Tyrannosaurus Rex, it, it flew up, we will get out of the way ..."


The helicopter was blasted, the propeller was broken, a fire was set off, and it fell from the air, smashing several invisible armed personnel into meat sauce.

Tyrannosaurus landed on the ground steadily and growled in the sky.

Those who were not dead all looked at this giant monster creepily. Did this guy beat chicken blood? How could it be so terrible, or is that T-Rex?

"Pippiron, swallow!" Wu Yang called.

"Roar!" T-Rex yelled and rushed towards several armed men.

"Run away, T-Rex is here."

"Fuck, I fight with you, you beast."

An armed man stood in front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex very kindly, holding the gun in his hand and fiercely opened at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Roar, roar." Tyrannosaurus screamed angrily, speeded up, opened his mouth and darted at the person.

The man was scared and turned to leave. "Help, ah ..."

In the screaming voice, the man was torn in half by Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the blood "liquid" flew across.

"You guys are going to explode too." Wu Yang pointed in the air.

Boom, boom!

Two violent explosions caused two helicopters to burst in the air.

Tyrannosaurus rebuffed bitterly and devoured the undead armed men.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "It's so boring. No one can fight."

"Brother, are we really okay like this? So many people have died." Zhou Xiaozhen looked around and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Xiaoyu, you should also guess that I'm not an ordinary person anymore."

Brothers, if you write anime in the next article, such as Tokyo Ghoul or something, will you watch it? ..