"Gu Qichen was silent for two seconds.

There was no change in the expression.

Gu Qichen said: "before I answer Miss Gong's question, can you answer me a question?"

Gong Xueer is stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Gu Qichen to ask back. He didn't expect Gu Qichen to remember his name.

Gong Xueer said, "yes."

Gu Qichen's plain mouth: "Miss Gong, are you pregnant?"

A question made everyone feel embarrassed. Gu Qichen even asked a sophomore about this kind of question.

everyone thought Gu Qichen was the youngest CEO. In fact, he could choose not to answer or play Tai Chi, but he chose to return his teeth to teeth.

Asking a student such a question is humiliating.

In people's eyes, Gu Qichen is telling Gong Xueer in this way that she stepped on a mine. The question she just asked is just like this one, which is impolite and violates privacy.

But in Gong Xueer's opinion, this problem is simply poisonous.

Pregnancy, she last time in front of Gu Qichen and Xia Yangyang announced, but other people do not know the inside story.

If she said yes, her reputation would be ruined in front of so many people in the news agency.

If she said no, Xia Yangyang's heart will inevitably doubt.

But if she doesn't answer, saying that this is her own privacy question, Gu Qichen has no need to answer her question.

Gu Qichen is worthy of being a tricky old fox. She doesn't leave any way behind. She pushes her to the precipice directly.

The vice president of the eight diagrams, please forgive me for the joke you made when you were a little girl

Xu Li said something generous and appropriate, Gu Qichen also gentleman's reply: "I was just a joke with the vice president, do not mind."

Xu Li said: "Mr. Gu manages everything. I really appreciate the opportunity of this interview. You are busy first. We dare not disturb."

Then he took a group of people out of the president's office.

Gong Xueer was dragged out by Xu Li.

As soon as she got into the elevator, Xu Li asked, "xue'er, what's the matter with you today? Why do you want to ask such a private question? This is that Mr. Gu has not changed his face. If he does, everyone's efforts will be wasted."

Gong Xueer lowered her head and looked aggrieved: "this problem is the most concerned problem. It will certainly let the traffic skyrocket, isn't it? I was just taking a chance to ask, but I didn't expect to make a fool of myself. I'm sorry

After saying this, Gong Xueer burst into tears: "I know that I am sorry for everyone, but I am even more sorry for Yang Yang. President Gu agreed to interview him. I thought I convinced him. I didn't expect that he was looking at Yang Yang's face. Yangyang is very beautiful, there is a kind of The charm of men's preferential treatment In the end, it's because I'm so arrogant that I almost took the credit from the central bank. It's all my fault. "

Gong xue'er cried more fiercely, and even looked remorseful.

Xu Li was still a little angry, but now she went to comfort her: "forget it, I know you didn't mean to. You are committed to the club. I know that. However, you should really apologize to the central government."

Gong Xueer went to Xia Yangyang without hesitation. She was devout and tearful: "Yangyang, I'm sorry, can you forgive me? I really didn't mean to rob you of your credit. You asked the president, and at that time I begged her. If the interview came out, you must take your name."

Xu Li stepped forward and said, "it's true. Xueer mentioned it to me twice. It must have been unintentional. You are good friends and the backbone of the news agency. I don't want to make you two unhappy because of this."

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