"Xia Yang Yang admired Gong Xue er from the bottom of her heart, and could stretch these four words, which is no longer suitable for her.

What she just said, what she said she had a charm of giving men preferential treatment, in the dark, Gu Qichen pointed out that she was asked to interview her, which was to see her color, but instead, she found herself a very good step, and by the way, she was such a pear blossom and rain appearance. If Xia Yang Yang was in trouble at this time, she would be careless, so she would have to ignore people.

Although the heart of Xia Yang is angry, but also does not want to go with her.

Think of the person in front of me is a good friend who has been sincere for many years. Xia Yang Yang has a stab in his heart.

Xia Yang Yang also said generously: "this kind of small thing has what good consideration, interview come out, I will add your name."

Gong Xueer was a daze.

Xia Yang Yang continued: "being able to interview Gu Qichen is the effort of all people of the news agency, not by their own power, it can be run. So the president, I hope that the journal will come out by then, and the signature is the owner of the news agency."

Xu Li is very happy to know that once the journal is issued, it will definitely be a big sensation. It is a heavy and colorful resume to be able to name such manuscript.

Xu Li said: "Yang Yang, I didn't expect you so generous, thank you."

Xia Yang Yang looked at the palace snow son, her eyes clearly flash a little hate.

Dress generous, buy people who will not, Xia Yang Yang used to just disdain to do it.

After leaving the elevator, Gong Xueer said, "everyone is hard today. I'll invite you to dinner tonight. What about Yunding restaurant?"

Yunding restaurant? The crowd was surprised.

That is one of the most luxurious restaurants in the capital. The place where the king is rich and rich is not affordable for ordinary people.

Other members of the news agency heard of a thrill: "Yunding restaurant, where the ordinary one dish is all four digits?"

"Miss Qianjin is just different, and she is so generous."

Gong Xueer went to Xia Yang Yang's front: "Yang Yang, you must go, it is my apology."

If Xia Yang Yang refuses, he will appear too stingy.

So at last, Xia Yang Yang followed everyone to the Yunding restaurant.

Xia Yang Yang knows the situation of Gong Xueer's family, and doesn't know why she wants to fight swollen face to support this fat man.

But Xia Yang Yang also said nothing.

A dinner, unexpectedly had 20000 yuan.

When checking out, Gong Xueer took out a black card.

The city has a few people who can own this black card, all of which are top rich, and everyone is surprised.

I thought that the palace snow is really low-key, did not expect to be the real celebrity thousand gold.

But Xia Yang Yang recognized it at a glance, which was luhaotian's black card.

Xu Li said: "snow, you have a big come card, as far as I know, the whole Fengcheng has less than ten people."

Miyagi Xueer deliberately put the black card on the table next to Xia Yang Yang and said, "is it? I don't know. It's my boyfriend's birthday present. I just think it's a normal credit card? "

Gong Xueer this sentence is to arouse the hearts of the people.

Someone said, "snow, your boyfriend must be a big man. Black card can also be sent at will."

Others also followed: "I am so envious. Your boyfriend must love you very much. Xue'er, I really want to see where your boyfriend is sacred."

Gong Xueer's face showed a shy look, said: "he will come to pick me up later."

"Snow, you are really happy," the crowd coaxed

And at this time, the door of the box was opened.

A tall figure appeared at the door.

Gong Xueer said quickly, "he's here."

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