"Xia Yangyang, like everyone else, looks at the door in a conditioned way.

It was Lu Haotian who came.

Lu Haotian also saw Xia Yangyang.

Just now Gong Xueer called him and said that his classmates had dinner together and asked him to pick him up. He was not willing to, but Gong Xueer said that Xia Yangyang was also there.

He's here.

In fact, Lu Hao also knew that Xia Yangyang could not forgive him.

It's just, I haven't seen you for a long time. He just wanted to see her.

Xia Yangyang frowned when she saw Lu Haotian. She should have thought that Gong Xueer wanted to stimulate her today.

Gong Xueer has already got up and walked to the door. He took Lu Haotian's arm and introduced him to everyone: "this is my boyfriend Lu Haotian."

All of you here are from journalism. Lu Haotian, the prince of Lu's group, and the famous young men who all the little flowers in the entertainment industry want to get to know. Occasionally, gossip will make the headlines in the entertainment section. However, people once publicly clarified to the media that they have a girlfriend who is a childhood sweetheart.

We didn't expect that Prince Lu's childhood girlfriend was gong Xueer.

Lu Haotian's eyes still fell on Xia Yangyang's body. Gong Xueer shook his arm: "Haotian, these are my classmates from the news agency. Please say hello."

Lu Haotian seems to have come back to God and quietly pulls his arm out of Gong Xueer's hand.

Then he walked in the direction of Xia Yangyang.

"Yang Yang, are you ok?" Lu Haotian asked such a question.

Everyone was surprised. Lu Shao didn't look at his girlfriend more. Instead, he said hello to Xia Yangyang affectionately.

Xia Yangyang didn't feel gloomy from the moment Lu Haotian appeared.

"Lu Shao, you also know Yang Yang."

At this time, Gong Xueer came over with a smile, took Lu Haotian's arm and said, "I, Haotian, Yangyang, grew up together since childhood, and have been friends for many years."

Everyone showed a look like this, Xia Yangyang and Gong Xueer had a very good relationship before.

So it's no surprise that Xia Yangyang knows Gong Xueer's childhood boyfriend. Besides, Xia Yangyang himself is also a young lady.

But Xia Yangyang didn't say anything. He picked up his bag and said, "I have to go back first."

Xia Yangyang flies out of the private room. Lu Haotian wants to go after him, but he is pulled by Gong Xueer.

Gong Xueer approached Lu Haotian's ear and said: "you chase out now, let the central government get involved in the scandal. I guarantee that the central bank will hate you even more."

Lu Haotian looked back at Gong Xueer, but Gong Xueer was smiling with a gentle voice: "Haotian, you are so busy to pick me up. You are very kind to me."

People looked at a pair of golden girls in front of them, only felt envious of others.

After Xia Yangyang came out, he felt very sad.

Inexplicably, Xia Yangyang wants Gu Qichen very much.

Is he still working overtime so late?

Will he go back to Fengting villa today?

When Xia Yangyang hesitated to call Gu Qichen, he just turned to the message Gu Qichen sent her.

[New York, three days]

Xia Yangyang felt a great loss, and Gu Qichen went on a business trip again.

Xia Yangyang went back to the Fengting villa directly. The villa was very big and felt empty inside.

The next day.

Gu Qichen's interview journals were published.

A live interview with Gu Qichen was also posted to the campus video website.

For a time, a campus website because of an interview video, traffic brush explosion, once paralyzed.

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