"Liu Ruyan didn't expect Xia Yangyang to reply.

This girl has always been a soft persimmon with a dull voice all the time. How could she suddenly have sharp teeth and sharp mouth today.

Liu Ruyan said with a smile: "you child, how can you talk like this? Ah Chen is certainly a family with us."

Xia Liangdong hastened to finish: "OK, all right, sit down and have a meal, Yang Yang, you also come to sit down."

Gu Qichen just looked at Xia Yangyang from beginning to end, just like a bystander.

On the right side of Gu Qichen is the throne, sitting Xia Liangdong.

On the left, Xia Weiwei is not polite to sit down.

Xia Liangdong yelled: "Weiwei, how can you be so ignorant, let your sister sit here."

Xia Weiwei said boldly: "this is my position originally, I have been used to sitting here."

Xia Yangyang did not say a word, directly sat down in the farthest position from Gu Qichen.

She did not go to see Qi Chen.

Because Xia Yangyang didn't want to understand.

He left in such a rage yesterday, how can he suddenly appear today.

What is he doing here?

Liu Ruyan changed the topic: "eat quickly. The food will be cold. Ah Chen, I made this sunflower meat chop specially for you. I talked with your sister once before, and he said that this is your favorite dish."

Gu Qichen's voice was quiet: "thank you, Aunt Liu."

When Liu Ruyan heard this, her face changed.

His name is Xia Liangdong's father, but he still calls himself Aunt Liu.

Because Xia Yangyang would never call himself his mother, he followed.

Xia Yangyang just ate with his head down, no matter what else.

After a meal, Gu Qichen has been talking to Xia Liangdong about stocks, financing and land price.

There is Xia Weiwei, all the time in the butt, clearly said that the bull's head is not the horse's mouth.

Liu Ruyan made a dish, shrimp with pepper and salt.

This kind of shrimp skin is hard and has thorns, which is hard to peel, but it is Xia Weiwei's favorite.

The shrimps in the middle stabbed my hand and shed blood.

Xia Weiwei put her finger in front of Gu Qichen: "brother in law, you see, my finger is pricked."

Gu Qichen said faintly: "take the band aid to paste."

Xia Weiwei is suddenly showing a smile: "this little injury is nothing, thank you brother-in-law care."

Then Gu Qichen began to peel shrimp.

While talking to Xia Liangdong, he seems to be careless in every move.

Xia Weiwei only thought that Gu Qichen's posture of shelling shrimps was so beautiful. His fingers were slender like jade flute. His movements were not urgent and slow, showing a kind of indescribable laziness. The peeled shrimps were crystal clear in the brand-new bone dish, but Gu Qichen's fingertips were not greasy.

What makes Xia Weiwei more happy is that as soon as she said that she had poked her hand, Gu Qichen began to peel shrimp, right

The heart inexplicably produced a kind of expectation.

And the expectation is getting stronger.

After a while, Gu Qichen stopped and wiped his hands with a wet towel.

Then it is very natural to pick up the bone dish and pass it to Xia Weiwei.

It was for her.

Xia Weiwei was very happy.

Can't wait to reach out to pick up.

"Thank you, sister..."

Brother in law two words have not finished, Gu Qichen on the light said: "help me to your sister."

Xia Weiwei's face was blue and purple in an instant, which was extremely hard to see.

But Gu Qichen responded with a polite smile: "thank you."

Xia Weiwei bit her teeth and squeezed out a smile: "OK, brother-in-law."

Then he got up and took a plate of shrimps to xiayangyang.

Although he tried to restrain himself, he still put it in front of Xia Yangyang, and his voice couldn't help but feel strange: "sister, brother-in-law is so considerate, you can be really happy."

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